file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_Z_139invfb.cpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:



Source code

///  \author Tomas Gonzalo
///  \date 2019 June
///  \author Anders Kvellestad
///  \date 2021 Sep
///  *********************************************

// Based on confnote
// Updated to paper version (3-lepton and 1-lepton SRs):
// -
// -
// Luminosity: 139 fb^-1

#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>

#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Cutflow.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/mt2_bisect.h"

// #define CHECK_CUTFLOW

using namespace std;

namespace Gambit
  namespace ColliderBit

    class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_Z_139invfb : public Analysis


      // Counters for the number of accepted events for each signal region
      std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
        {"SRZ1A", EventCounter("SRZ1A")},
        {"SRZ1B", EventCounter("SRZ1B")},
        {"SRZ2A", EventCounter("SRZ2A")},
        {"SRZ2B", EventCounter("SRZ2B")},
        // {"SRh1A", EventCounter("SRh1A")},
        // {"SRh1B", EventCounter("SRh1B")},

       vector<Cutflow> _cutflow;

       //vector<int> _test;
       //int _test2;


      struct ptComparison
        bool operator() (const HEPUtils::Particle* i,const HEPUtils::Particle* j) {return (i->pT()>j->pT());}
      } comparePt;

      struct ptJetComparison
        bool operator() (const HEPUtils::Jet* i,const HEPUtils::Jet* j) {return (i->pT()>j->pT());}
      } compareJetPt;


      // Required detector sim
      static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";



        str cutflow_name = "ATLAS 2 opposite sign leptons at the Z peak 13 TeV";
        vector<str> SRZ1A = {"Trigger", "Third leading lepton pT > 20 GeV", "|mll - mZ| < 15 GeV", "nb-tagged (pT > 30 GeV) >= 1", "njets (pT > 30 GeV) >= 4", "MET > 250 GeV", "mT23l > 100 GeV"};
        vector<str> SRZ1B = {"Trigger", "Third leading lepton pT > 20 GeV", "|mll - mZ| < 15 GeV", "nb-tagged (pT > 30 GeV) >= 1", "njets (pT > 30 GeV) >= 5", "MET > 150 GeV", "pTll > 150 GeV", "Leading b-tagged jet pT > 100 GeV"};
        vector<str> SRZ2A = {"Trigger", "Third leading lepton pT < 20 GeV", "|mll - mZ| < 15 GeV", "Leading jet pT > 150 GeV", "MET > 200 GeV", "pTll < 50 GeV"};
        vector<str> SRZ2B = {"Trigger", "Third leading lepton pT < 60 GeV", "|mll - mZ| < 15 GeV", "nb-tagged (pT > 30 GeV) >= 1", "MET > 350 GeV", "pTll > 150 GeV"};
        // vector<str> SRh1A = {"Trigger", "nb-tagged (pT > 30 GeV) >= 4", "nh-cand >= 1", "mT > 150 GeV", "njets (pT > 60 GeV) >= 4", "S > 12"};
        // vector<str> SRh1B = {"Trigger", "nb-tagged (pT > 30 GeV) >= 4", "nh-cand >= 1", "mT > 150 GeV", "njets (pT > 60 GeV) >= 6", "S > 7"};
        _cutflow = { Cutflow(cutflow_name, SRZ1A),
                     Cutflow(cutflow_name, SRZ1B),
                     Cutflow(cutflow_name, SRZ2A),
                     Cutflow(cutflow_name, SRZ2B),
                     // Cutflow(cutflow_name, SRh1A),
                     // Cutflow(cutflow_name, SRh1B)
        //_test = {0,0,0,0,0};
        //_test2 = 0;


      void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event)

        // Baseline objects
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineElectrons;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineMuons;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineJets;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineBJets;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineNonBJets;

        // Missing momentum and energy
        HEPUtils::P4 ptot = event->missingmom();
        double met = event->met();

        //if(event->electrons().size() + event->muons().size() >= 3)
        //  _test2++;

        // Initialize cutflow
        for(size_t i=0; i<_cutflow.size(); i++)

        // Electron candidates are reconstructed from isolated electromagnetic calorimeter energy deposits matched to ID tracks and are required to have |η| < 2.47, a transverse momentum pT > 4.5 GeV, and to pass the “LooseAndBLayer” requirement in arXiv: 1902.04655 [hep-ex].
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons())
          if (electron->pT()>4.5 && electron->abseta()<2.47) baselineElectrons.push_back(electron);

        // Apply electron efficiency
        // Loose electron ID selection
        ATLAS::applyElectronIDEfficiency2019(baselineElectrons, "Loose");

        // Muon candidates are reconstructed in the region |η| < 2.4 from muon spectrometer tracks matching ID tracks. Candidate muons must have pT > 4 GeV and pass the medium identification requirements defined in arXiv: 1603.05598 [hep-ex].
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons())
          if (muon->pT()>4. && muon->abseta()<2.4) baselineMuons.push_back(muon);

        // Apply muon efficiency
        // Missing: "Medium" muon ID criteria

        // Missing: transverse and longitudinal impact parameter cuts

        // Only jet candidates with pT > 20 GeV and |η| < 2.8 are considered in the analysis
        // Jets with pT < 120 GeV and |η| < 2.8 have an efficiency of 90%
        // Mising:  cut based on detector noise and non-collision backgrounds
        double jet_eff = 0.9;
        for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
          if (jet->pT()>20. && jet->abseta()<2.8)
            if( (jet->pT() >= 120. || jet->abseta() >= 2.5) || random_bool(jet_eff) ) baselineJets.push_back(jet);

        // Overlap removal

        // 1) Remove jets within DeltaR = 0.2 of electron
        // If b-tagging efficiency > 85%, do not remove jet. The lepton will be removed anyway.
        removeOverlap(baselineJets, baselineElectrons, 0.2, false, 200, 0.85);

        // 3) Remove jets within DeltaR = 0.2 of a muon
        removeOverlap(baselineJets, baselineMuons, 0.2, false, DBL_MAX, 0.85);

        // 2) Remove electrons within DeltaR = 0.4 of a jet
        removeOverlap(baselineElectrons, baselineJets, 0.4);

        // 4) Remove muons within DeltaR = 0.4 of jet
        // Use lambda function to remove overlap with DeltaRMax as min(0.4, 0.04 + pT(µ)/10 GeV)
        // Missing: Remove the jet instead if the jet has fewer than 3 associated tracks
        auto lambda = [](double muonpT) { return std::min(0.4, 0.04 + muonpT/10.); };
        removeOverlap(baselineMuons, baselineJets, lambda);

        // 5) Remove electron candidates sharing and ID track with a muon candidate
        // Missing: No track information

        // Find b-jets
        // Copied from ATLAS_13TeV_3b_24invfb
        double btag = 0.77; double cmisstag = 1/16.; double misstag = 1./113.;
        for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : baselineJets)
          // Tag
          if( jet->btag() && random_bool(btag) ) baselineBJets.push_back(jet);
          // Misstag c-jet
          else if( jet->ctag() && random_bool(cmisstag) ) baselineBJets.push_back(jet);
          // Misstag light jet
          else if( random_bool(misstag) ) baselineBJets.push_back(jet);
          // Non b-jet
          else baselineNonBJets.push_back(jet);

        // // Number of baseline leptons
        // size_t nBaselineLeptons = baselineElectrons.size() + baselineMuons.size();

        // Scalar sum of the transverse momenta from all the reconstructed hard objects
        // Needed for calculating ETmiss significance later
        //double HT = 0.0;
        //for (const HEPUtils::Jet* j : baselineJets) HT += j->pT();
        //for (const HEPUtils::Particle* p : event->photons()) HT += p->pT();
        //for (const HEPUtils::Particle* e : baselineElectrons) HT += e->pT();
        //for (const HEPUtils::Particle* mu : baselineMuons) HT += mu->pT();

        // Signal objects
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalJets = baselineJets;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalBJets = baselineBJets;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalElectrons = baselineElectrons;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalMuons;
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalLeptons;

        // Signal electrons must satisfy the “medium” identification requirement as defined in arXiv: 1902.04655 [hep-ex]
        ATLAS::applyElectronIDEfficiency2019(signalElectrons, "Medium");

        // Signal muons must have pT > 5 GeV.
        for (const HEPUtils::Particle* signalMuon : baselineMuons)
          if (signalMuon->pT() > 5.) signalMuons.push_back(signalMuon);

        // Missing: we need track information for isolation criteria for signal leptons

        // Fill signal leptons
        signalLeptons = signalElectrons;
        signalLeptons.insert(signalLeptons.end(), signalMuons.begin(), signalMuons.end());

        // Sort by pT
        sort(signalJets.begin(), signalJets.end(), compareJetPt);
        sort(signalBJets.begin(), signalBJets.end(), compareJetPt);
        sort(signalLeptons.begin(), signalLeptons.end(), comparePt);

        // Trigger requirements for SRZ are
        // - >=3 signal leptons
        // - >=1 SF-OS pair
        // - leading lepton pT > 40 GeV
        // - subleading lepton pT > 20 GeV
        // - Zlike, |mll - mZ| < 15 GeV
        bool SRZpreselection = false;

        // Trigger requirements for SRh are
        // - 1 signal lepton
        // - MET > 230 GeV
        // - lepton pT > 30 GeV
        // - h candidates >= 1
        // - n b-tagged jets (pT > 30 GeV) >= 4
        // - mT > 150 GeV
        // bool SRhpreselection = false; // currently not used

        // Count signal leptons and jets
        size_t nSignalLeptons = signalLeptons.size();
        size_t nSignalJets = signalJets.size();
        size_t nSignalBJets = signalBJets.size();

        // Get SFOS pairs
        vector<vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*>> SFOSpairs = getSFOSpairs(signalLeptons);

        // Get SFOS pairs masses and pTs
        vector<double> SFOSpair_masses;
        vector<double> SFOSpair_pTs;
        for (vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> pair : SFOSpairs)
          SFOSpair_masses.push_back( (>mom() +>mom()).m() );
          SFOSpair_pTs.push_back( (>mom() +>mom()).pT() );
        std::sort(SFOSpair_masses.begin(), SFOSpair_masses.end(), std::greater<double>());
        std::sort(SFOSpair_pTs.begin(), SFOSpair_pTs.end(), std::greater<double>());

        // Z resonance
        bool Zlike = false;
        double mZ = 91.2;
        for(double m : SFOSpair_masses)
          if (abs(m - mZ) < 15)
            Zlike = true;

        // h candidate
        vector<vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*>> BJetPairs = getBJetPairs(signalBJets);
        double h_id_eff = 0.52; // Paper claims an efficiency between 50% and 54% but, depending on the mass of stop1
        int nhcand = 0;
        for(size_t i=0; i<BJetPairs.size(); ++i)
          if(random_bool(h_id_eff)) nhcand++;
        // Transverse mass from leading lepton with pT
        // double mT = nSignalLeptons > 0 and get_mT(>mom(), ptot);  // currently not used

        // Combine all preselection cuts
        SRZpreselection = nSignalLeptons >= 3 && SFOSpairs.size() >= 1 &&>pT() > 40. &&>pT() > 20. && Zlike;
        // Currently not used
        // SRhpreselection = nSignalLeptons == 1 and met > 230. and>pT() > 30. and nhcand >= 1 and nSignalBJets >= 4 and>pT() > 30. and mT > 150.;

        // Construct the mT23l variable for the pair of SFOS with invariant mass closest to mZ and highest pT lepton not in the pair
        vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> SFOSpairClosestToMZ;
        double mll =  0;
        // Find the SFOS pair high inv mass closest to mZ
        for (vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> pair: SFOSpairs)
          if( fabs( (>mom() +>mom()).m() - mZ ) < fabs(mll - mZ) )
            mll = (>mom() +>mom()).m();
            SFOSpairClosestToMZ = pair;

        // Construct the pTll variable
        double pTll = 0.0;
        if(SFOSpairClosestToMZ.size() == 2)
          pTll = (>mom() +>mom() ).pT();

        // Find the highest pT lepton not in the pair, but make sure there are at least 3 leptons
        double mT23l = 0.0;
        if(nSignalLeptons >= 3 and SFOSpairClosestToMZ.size() == 2)
          const HEPUtils::Particle* thirdLepton;
          if( != && !=
            thirdLepton =;
          else if( != && !=
            thirdLepton =;
            thirdLepton =;

          double pa[3] = { mll, (>mom() +>mom()).px(), (>mom() +>mom()).py() };
          double pb[3] = { 0, thirdLepton->mom().px(), thirdLepton->mom().py() };
          double pmiss[3] = { met, ptot.px(), };
          double mn = 0.;

          mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_calc;
          mT23l = mt2_calc.get_mt2();

        // Construct Object-based MET significance
        // FIXME: Can only do event-based MET signficance for now
        // double met_significance = met / sqrt(HT); // currently not used

        // Signal Regions
        // 3l
        // Requirement                      SRZ1A    SRZ1B   SRZ2A   SRZ2B
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // Third leading lepton pT           >20      >20     <20     <60   // done
        // njets (pT > 30 GeV)               >=4      >=5     >=3     >=3   // done
        // nb-tagged jets (pT > 30 GeV)      >=1      >=1      -      >=1   // done
        // Leading jet pT                     -        -     >150      -    // done
        // Leading b-tagged jet pT            -      >100      -       -    // done
        // MET                              >250     >150    >200    >350   // done
        // pTll                               -      >150     <50    >150   // done
        // mT23l                            >100       -       -       -    // done

        // SRZ1A
        if (SRZpreselection &&
  >pT() > 20. &&
            nSignalJets >= 4 &&>pT() > 30. &&
            nSignalBJets >= 1 &&>pT() > 30. &&
            // -
            // -
            met > 250. &&
            // -
            mT23l > 100.

        // SRZ1B
        if (SRZpreselection &&
  >pT() > 20. &&
            nSignalJets >= 5 &&>pT() > 30. &&
            nSignalBJets >= 1 &&>pT() > 30. &&
            // -
  >pT() > 100. &&
            met > 150. &&
            pTll > 150.
            // -

        // SRZ2A
        if (SRZpreselection &&
  >pT() < 20. &&
            nSignalJets >= 3 &&>pT() > 30. &&
            // -
  >pT() > 150. &&
            // -
            met > 200. &&
            pTll < 50.
            // -

        // SRZ2B
        if (SRZpreselection &&
  >pT() < 60. &&
            nSignalJets >= 3 &&>pT() > 30. &&
            nSignalBJets >= 1 &&>pT() > 30. &&
           // -
           // -
           met > 350. &&
           pTll > 150.
           // -

        // 1l
        // Requirement                      SRh1A    SRh1B
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------
        // njets (pT > 60 GeV)               >=4      >=6   // done
        // Object-based MET significance     >12      >7    // done

        // SRh1A
        // if (SRhpreselection &&
        //     nSignalJets >= 4 &&>pT() > 60. &&
        //     met_significance > 12.
        //    )

        // SRh1B
        // if (SRhpreselection &&
        //     nSignalJets >= 6 &&>pT() > 60. &&
        //     met_significance > 7.
        //    )

        // Cutflows

        // Fill cutflow with preselection trigger as defined by ATLAS, for SRZ signal regions
        //if(nSignalLeptons >= 3) _test[0]++;
        //if(baselineElectrons.size() + baselineMuons.size() >= 3) _test[1]++;
        if(nSignalLeptons >= 3 && nSignalJets >= 3 &&>pT() > 30. && met > 50. &&>pT() > 40. &&>pT() > 20.)
          // 1
          for(int i=0; i<4; i++)

          bool SR[] ={true, true, true, true};

          // 2
          // Third leading lepton pT
          for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
            if(>pT() > 20)
              SR[i] = false;
          if(>pT() < 20)
          else SR[2] = false;
          if(>pT() < 60)
          else SR[3] = false;

          // 3
          // Z peak
          for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
             _cutflow[i].fill(3, SR[i]);
            else SR[i] = false;

          // 4
          // nbtagged jets (pT > 30 GeV)
          for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
            if(nSignalBJets >= 1 &&>pT() > 30. && i != 2)
              _cutflow[i].fill(4, SR[i]);
            else if (i != 2)
              SR[i] = false;
          // Leading jet pT > 150 GeV
          if(>pT() > 150.)
            _cutflow[2].fill(4, SR[2]);
          else SR[2] = false;

          // 5
          // n jets (pT > 30 GeV)
          if(nSignalJets >= 4 &&>pT() > 30.)
            _cutflow[0].fill(5, SR[0]);
          else SR[0] = false;
          if(nSignalJets >= 5 &&>pT() > 30.)
            _cutflow[1].fill(5, SR[1]);
          else SR[1] = false;
          // MET
          if(met > 200.)
            _cutflow[2].fill(5, SR[2]);
          else SR[2] = false;
          if(met > 350.)
            _cutflow[3].fill(5, SR[3]);
          else SR[3] = false;

          // 6
          // MET
          if(met > 250.)
            _cutflow[0].fill(6, SR[0]);
          else SR[0] = false;
          if(met > 150.)
            _cutflow[1].fill(6, SR[1]);
          else SR[1] = false;
          // pTll
          if(pTll < 50.)
            _cutflow[2].fill(6, SR[2]);
          else SR[2] = false;
          if(pTll > 150.)
            _cutflow[3].fill(6, SR[3]);
          else SR[3] = false;

          // 7
          // mT23l
          if(mT23l > 100.)
            _cutflow[0].fill(7, SR[0]);
          else SR[0] = false;
          // pTll
          if(pTll > 150.)
            _cutflow[1].fill(7, SR[1]);
          else SR[1] = false;

          // 8
          // Leading b-tagget jet pT > 100 GeV
          if(nSignalBJets >= 1 &&>pT() > 100.)
            _cutflow[1].fill(8, SR[1]);
          else SR[1] = false;

        // Fill cutflow with preselection trigger as defined by ATLAS, for SRh signal aregions
        // if (nSignalLeptons == 1 and nBaselineLeptons > 1 and nSignalJets >= 4 and>pT() > 30. and nSignalBJets >= 3 and>pT() > 30.)
        // {
        //   _cutflow[4].fill(1);
        //   _cutflow[5].fill(1);
        //   // 1
        //   if (nSignalBJets >= 4 and>pT() > 30.)
        //   {
        //     _cutflow[4].fill(2);
        //     _cutflow[5].fill(2);
        //     // 2
        //     if (nhcand >= 1)
        //     {
        //       _cutflow[4].fill(3);
        //       _cutflow[5].fill(3);
        //       // 3
        //       if (mT > 150.)
        //       {
        //         _cutflow[4].fill(4);
        //         _cutflow[5].fill(4);
        //         // 4, SRh1A
        //         if (nSignalJets >= 4 and>pT() > 60.)
        //         {
        //           _cutflow[4].fill(5);
        //           // 5
        //           if (met_significance > 12.)
        //             _cutflow[4].fill(6);
        //         }
        //         // 4, SRh1B
        //         if (nSignalJets >= 6 and>pT() > 60.)
        //         {
        //           _cutflow[5].fill(5); 
        //           // 5
        //           if (met_significance > 7.)
        //             _cutflow[5].fill(6);
        //         }
        //       }
        //     }
        //   }
        // } 

      /// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
      void combine(const Analysis* other)
        const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_Z_139invfb* specificOther
                = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2OSLEP_Z_139invfb*>(other);

        for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }

      // This function can be overridden by the derived SR-specific classes
      virtual void collect_results()

        add_result(SignalRegionData("SRZ1A"), 3., {5.7, 1.0}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("SRZ1B"), 14., {12.1, 2.0}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("SRZ2A"), 3., {5.6, 1.6}));
        add_result(SignalRegionData("SRZ2B"), 6., {5.5, 0.9}));
        // add_result(SignalRegionData("SRh1A"), 11., {17., 3.}));
        // add_result(SignalRegionData("SRh1B"), 24., {19., 5.}));

        #ifdef CHECK_CUTFLOW
          cout << _cutflow << endl;
          //cout << "n signal leptons before = " << _test2 << endl;
          //cout << "n signal leptons = " << _test[0] << endl;
          //cout << "n baseline leptons = " << _test[1] << endl;


      void analysis_specific_reset()
        for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }


    // Factory fn


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000