file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Source code
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Cutflow.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/mt2_bisect.h"
using namespace std;
The ATLAS 2 lepton direct stop analysis (139 fb^-1) - `heavy stop'.
Based on:
- ATLAS analysis arXiv:2102.01444, and the GAMBIT implenmen
- The code in Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb.cpp (by Yang Zhang)
Author: Anders Kvellestad
Known issues:
- 3-body and 4-body SRs not yet implemented
- Use the event-based ETmiss significance rather than the object-based one.
namespace Gambit
namespace ColliderBit
// This analysis class is a base class for two SR-specific analysis classes
// defined further down:
// - ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_inclusive_139invfb
// - ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_exclusive_139invfb
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb : public Analysis
// Numbers passing cuts
std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
{"SR2bSF110", EventCounter("SR2bSF110")},
{"SR2bSF120", EventCounter("SR2bSF120")},
{"SR2bSF140", EventCounter("SR2bSF140")},
{"SR2bSF160", EventCounter("SR2bSF160")},
{"SR2bSF180", EventCounter("SR2bSF180")},
{"SR2bSF220", EventCounter("SR2bSF220")},
{"SR2bDF110", EventCounter("SR2bDF110")},
{"SR2bDF120", EventCounter("SR2bDF120")},
{"SR2bDF140", EventCounter("SR2bDF140")},
{"SR2bDF160", EventCounter("SR2bDF160")},
{"SR2bDF180", EventCounter("SR2bDF180")},
{"SR2bDF220", EventCounter("SR2bDF220")},
{"SR2bInc110", EventCounter("SR2bInc110")},
{"SR2bInc120", EventCounter("SR2bInc120")},
{"SR2bInc140", EventCounter("SR2bInc140")},
{"SR2bInc160", EventCounter("SR2bInc160")},
{"SR2bInc180", EventCounter("SR2bInc180")},
{"SR2bInc200", EventCounter("SR2bInc200")},
{"SR2bInc220", EventCounter("SR2bInc220")},
Cutflows _cutflows;
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";
// Book cutflows
_cutflows.addCutflow("SR2b",{"no cut",
"2 leptons",
"2 signal leptons",
"pT(l1) > 25, pT(l2) > 20",
"OS leptons",
"mll > 20",
"SF w/ |mll - mZ| > 20 or DF",
"n_bjets >= 1",
"Delta phi_boost < 1.5",
"ETmiss significance > 12",
"mT2 >= 110"});
void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event)
const double w = event->weight();
_cutflows.fillnext(w); // no cut
// Collect baseline objects
// Missing energy
double met = event->met();
HEPUtils::P4 pmiss = event->missingmom();
// Baseline lepton objects
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineElectrons, baselineMuons;
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons())
if (electron->pT() > 4.5 && electron->abseta() < 2.47) baselineElectrons.push_back(electron);
// Apply electron efficiency
// Apply loose electron selection
// Create a list of baseline electrons with pT > 100 (used for overlap removal)
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> baselineElectronsPTgt100;
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : baselineElectrons)
if (electron->pT() > 100.)
// AK: Ask Yang about this flat 89% effiency -- is it a replacement for ID efficiency?
// const std::vector<double> a = {0,10.};
// const std::vector<double> b = {0,10000.};
// const vector<double> cMu={0.89};
// HEPUtils::BinnedFn2D<double> _eff2dMu(a,b,cMu);
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons())
// bool hasTrig=has_tag(_eff2dMu, muon->abseta(), muon->pT());
// if (muon->pT() > 4. && muon->abseta() < 2.4 && hasTrig) baselineMuons.push_back(muon);
if (muon->pT() > 4. && muon->abseta() < 2.4) baselineMuons.push_back(muon);
// Apply muon efficiency
// AK: Is "Medium" identification included in applyMuonEffR2 efficiency?
// TG: No, and it is also missing from the ATLAS efficiencies, but it's generally over 99% effieciency
// Jets
// - Including a 90% efficiency for jets w/ pT < 120 and |eta| < 2.5,
// to emualte the requirement that many tracks are consistent with
// primary vertex (see paper)
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineJets;
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
if (jet->pT() > 20. && jet->abseta() < 2.8)
if (jet->pT() < 120 && jet->abseta() < 2.5)
if (random_bool(0.90)) baselineJets.push_back(jet);
// Get map<Jet*,bool> with generated btags for this analysis.
// B-tag efficiencies:
// - for correctly tagging a b-jet: 77%
// - for misstagging a c-jet: 1/4.9 = 20.4%
// - for misstagging a gluon or light-quark jet: 1/110 = 0.9%
std::map<const Jet*,bool> analysisBtags = generateBTagsMap(baselineJets, 0.77, 0.204, 0.009);
// AK: This is missing a 1/15 = 6.7% chance for misstagging a tau jet as a b-jet
// Split baseline jets into exlusive categories: b-jets and non-bjets (based on our generated tags)
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineBJets;
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> baselineNonBJets;
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* j : baselineJets)
if (
// Overlap removal
// 1) Remove muons with 0.01 of an electron, mimics shared tracks
removeOverlap(baselineMuons, baselineElectrons, 0.01);
// 2) Remove non-b-jets within DeltaR = 0.2 of electron
removeOverlap(baselineNonBJets, baselineElectrons, 0.2);
// 3) Also remove b-jets within DeltaR = 0.2 of electron *if* electron has pT > 100
removeOverlap(baselineBJets, baselineElectronsPTgt100, 0.2);
// 4) If any lepton has Delta R < min(0.4, 0.04 + 10/pT(l)) with a jet, remove the lepton.
auto lambda = [](double lepton_pT) { return std::min(0.4, 0.04 + 10./(lepton_pT) ); };
removeOverlap(baselineElectrons, baselineNonBJets, lambda);
removeOverlap(baselineElectrons, baselineBJets, lambda);
removeOverlap(baselineMuons, baselineNonBJets, lambda);
removeOverlap(baselineMuons, baselineBJets, lambda);
int n_baseline_leptons = baselineElectrons.size();
n_baseline_leptons += baselineMuons.size();
// Scalar sum of the transverse momenta from all the reconstructed hard objects
// Needed for calculating ETmiss significance later
double HT = 0.0;
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* j : baselineJets) HT += j->pT();
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* p : event->photons()) HT += p->pT();
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* e : baselineElectrons) HT += e->pT();
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* mu : baselineMuons) HT += mu->pT();
// Signal objects
// b jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalBJets = baselineBJets;
// non-b jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalNonBJets = baselineNonBJets;
// all jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalJets = signalBJets;
signalJets.insert(signalJets.end(), signalNonBJets.begin(), signalNonBJets.end());
// electrons
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalElectrons = baselineElectrons;
// muons
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalMuons = baselineMuons;
// all leptons
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalLeptons;
signalLeptons = signalElectrons;
signalLeptons.insert(signalLeptons.end(), signalMuons.begin(), signalMuons.end());
// Sort in order of decreasing pT
// Event selection
// Implements the selection via a bunch of bools instead of early return
// statements, to make it easy to implement cut-flows for SR2b*, SR3b* and
// SR4* all at once
// ----- Two-body SRs (SR2b) -----
bool SR2b_2leptons = false;
bool SR2b_2signalleptons= false;
bool SR2b_pTl1_pTl2 = false;
bool SR2b_trigger = false;
bool SR2b_OS = false;
bool SR2b_mll = false;
bool SR2b_SF = false;
bool SR2b_SF_mll_req = false;
bool SR2b_DF = false;
bool SR2b_nbjets = false;
bool SR2b_dphiboost = false;
bool SR2b_ETmiss_sig = false;
bool SR2b_mT2 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_110 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_120 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_140 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_160 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_180 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_200 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_gt_220 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_110_120 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_120_140 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_140_160 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_160_180 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_180_220 = false;
bool SR2b_mT2_220_inf = false;
// Need a block to break out from when a cut fails
// Require exactly 2 leptons
if (n_baseline_leptons == 2) { SR2b_2leptons = true; }
// Require exactly 2 signal leptons
if (signalLeptons.size() == 2) { SR2b_2signalleptons = true; }
else break;
// Require pT > 25 GeV and pT > 20 GeV for the two leptons
const Particle* lep1 =;
const Particle* lep2 =;
if (lep1->pT() > 25 && lep2->pT() > 20) { SR2b_pTl1_pTl2 = true; }
else break;
// ATLAS cutflow has trigger entry -- don't know exactly what it refers to
SR2b_trigger = true;
// Require opposite-sign leptons
if (lep1->pid() * lep2->pid() < 0) { SR2b_OS = true; }
else break;
// Require mll > 20 GeV
double mll = (lep1->mom() + lep2->mom()).m();
if (mll > 20.) { SR2b_mll = true; }
else break;
// Require same-flavour leptons w/ |mll - mZ| > 20
// or different-flavour leptons
if (lep1->abspid() == lep2->abspid())
SR2b_SF = true;
SR2b_DF = true;
if (SR2b_SF)
if (mll < 71.2 || mll > 111.2) { SR2b_SF_mll_req = true; }
else break;
// Require at least 1 b-jet
if (signalBJets.size() >= 1) { SR2b_nbjets = true; }
else break;
// Require Delta phi_boost < 1.5
HEPUtils::P4 pbll = lep1->mom() + lep2->mom() + pmiss;
double dPhi_pmiss_pbll = fabs(pbll.deltaPhi(pmiss));
if (dPhi_pmiss_pbll < 1.5) { SR2b_dphiboost = true; }
else break;
// Require ETmiss significance > 12
double met_sig = met / sqrt(HT);
if (met_sig > 12.) { SR2b_ETmiss_sig = true; }
else break;
// Require mT2 > 110 GeV
double mT2 = 0;
double pa_a[3] = { 0, lep1->mom().px(), lep1->mom().py() };
double pb_a[3] = { 0, lep2->mom().px(), lep2->mom().py() };
double pmiss_a[3] = { 0, pmiss.px(), };
double mn_a = 0.;
mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_a;
mT2 = mt2_event_a.get_mt2();
if (mT2 > 110) {SR2b_mT2 = true; }
else break;
// Find mT2 bin(s)
// First the inclusive bins
if (mT2 > 110) SR2b_mT2_gt_110 = true;
if (mT2 > 120) SR2b_mT2_gt_120 = true;
if (mT2 > 140) SR2b_mT2_gt_140 = true;
if (mT2 > 160) SR2b_mT2_gt_160 = true;
if (mT2 > 180) SR2b_mT2_gt_180 = true;
if (mT2 > 200) SR2b_mT2_gt_200 = true;
if (mT2 > 220) SR2b_mT2_gt_220 = true;
// Then the exclusive bins
if (mT2 > 110 && mT2 < 120) SR2b_mT2_110_120 = true;
else if (mT2 > 120 && mT2 < 140) SR2b_mT2_120_140 = true;
else if (mT2 > 140 && mT2 < 160) SR2b_mT2_140_160 = true;
else if (mT2 > 160 && mT2 < 180) SR2b_mT2_160_180 = true;
else if (mT2 > 180 && mT2 < 220) SR2b_mT2_180_220 = true;
else if (mT2 > 220) SR2b_mT2_220_inf = true;
// We're done here
// Fill cutflow
if (SR2b_2leptons) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "2 leptons"
if (SR2b_2signalleptons) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "2 signal leptons"
if (SR2b_pTl1_pTl2) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "pT(l1) > 25, pT(l2) > 20"
if (SR2b_trigger) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "trigger"
if (SR2b_OS) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "OS leptons"
if (SR2b_mll) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "mll > 20"
if (SR2b_SF_mll_req || SR2b_DF) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "SF w/ |mll - mZ| > 20 or DF"
if (SR2b_nbjets) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "n_bjets >= 1"
if (SR2b_dphiboost) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "Delta phi_boost < 1.5"
if (SR2b_ETmiss_sig) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "ETmiss significance > 12"
if (SR2b_mT2) _cutflows["SR2b"].fillnext(w); // "mT2 >= 110"
// Fill SR counters
if (SR2b_2leptons && SR2b_2signalleptons && SR2b_pTl1_pTl2 && SR2b_trigger && SR2b_OS && SR2b_mll && (SR2b_SF_mll_req || SR2b_DF)
&& SR2b_nbjets && SR2b_dphiboost && SR2b_ETmiss_sig && SR2b_mT2)
// Inclusive bins
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_110)"SR2bInc110").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_120)"SR2bInc120").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_140)"SR2bInc140").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_160)"SR2bInc160").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_180)"SR2bInc180").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_200)"SR2bInc200").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_gt_220)"SR2bInc220").add_event(event);
// Exclusive SF bins
if (SR2b_SF_mll_req)
if (SR2b_mT2_110_120)"SR2bSF110").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_120_140)"SR2bSF120").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_140_160)"SR2bSF140").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_160_180)"SR2bSF160").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_180_220)"SR2bSF180").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_220_inf)"SR2bSF220").add_event(event);
// Exclusive DF bins
if (SR2b_DF)
if (SR2b_mT2_110_120)"SR2bDF110").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_120_140)"SR2bDF120").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_140_160)"SR2bDF140").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_160_180)"SR2bDF160").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_180_220)"SR2bDF180").add_event(event);
if (SR2b_mT2_220_inf)"SR2bDF220").add_event(event);
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis* other)
const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb* specificOther
= dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb*>(other);
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }
virtual void collect_results()
// Two-body SRs (SR2b*)
// - SF + DF, inclusive mT2 binning
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc110"), 99., { 102., 12.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc120"), 63., { 62.2, 6.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc140"), 31., { 32.1, 3.2}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc160"), 17., { 22.0, 2.1}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc180"), 13., { 15.7, 1.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc200"), 10., { 11.3, 1.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc220"), 8., { 8.0, 1.4}));
// - SF, exclusive mT2 binning
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF110"), 17., { 18.8, 3.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF120"), 19., { 14.4, 2.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF140"), 9., { 5.1, 0.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF160"), 3., { 3.7, 0.6}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF180"), 4., { 4.4, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF220"), 5., { 5., 1.}));
// - DF, exclusive mT2 binning
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF110"), 19., { 22., 4.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF120"), 13., { 16.3, 3.2}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF140"), 5., { 5.1, 0.8}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF160"), 1., { 2.83, 0.45}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF180"), 1., { 3.25, 0.45}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF220"), 3., { 3.11, 0.67}));
// Cutflow printout
_cutflows["SR2b"].normalize(37499., 0);
cout << "\nCUTFLOWS:\n" << _cutflows << endl;
cout << "\nSRCOUNTS:\n";
// for (double x : _srnums) cout << x << " ";
for (auto& pair : _counters) cout << pair.second.weight_sum() << " ";
cout << "\n" << endl;
void analysis_specific_reset()
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
// Derived analysis class using the SR2b inclusive SRs
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_inclusive_139invfb : public Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb
virtual void collect_results()
// Two-body SRs (SR2b*)
// - SF + DF, inclusive mT2 binning
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc110"), 99., { 102., 12.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc120"), 63., { 62.2, 6.3}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc140"), 31., { 32.1, 3.2}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc160"), 17., { 22.0, 2.1}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc180"), 13., { 15.7, 1.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc200"), 10., { 11.3, 1.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bInc220"), 8., { 8.0, 1.4}));
// Cutflow printout
_cutflows["SR2b"].normalize(37499., 0);
cout << "\nCUTFLOWS:\n" << _cutflows << endl;
cout << "\nSRCOUNTS:\n";
// for (double x : _srnums) cout << x << " ";
for (auto& pair : _counters) cout << pair.second.weight_sum() << " ";
cout << "\n" << endl;
// Derived analysis class using the SR2b exclusive SRs
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_exclusive_139invfb : public Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2LEPStop_139invfb
virtual void collect_results()
// Two-body SRs (SR2b*)
// - SF, exclusive mT2 binning
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF110"), 17., { 18.8, 3.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF120"), 19., { 14.4, 2.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF140"), 9., { 5.1, 0.9}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF160"), 3., { 3.7, 0.6}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF180"), 4., { 4.4, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bSF220"), 5., { 5., 1.}));
// - DF, exclusive mT2 binning
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF110"), 19., { 22., 4.}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF120"), 13., { 16.3, 3.2}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF140"), 5., { 5.1, 0.8}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF160"), 1., { 2.83, 0.45}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF180"), 1., { 3.25, 0.45}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR2bDF220"), 3., { 3.11, 0.67}));
// Cutflow printout
_cutflows["SR2b"].normalize(37499., 0);
cout << "\nCUTFLOWS:\n" << _cutflows << endl;
cout << "\nSRCOUNTS:\n";
// for (double x : _srnums) cout << x << " ";
for (auto& pair : _counters) cout << pair.second.weight_sum() << " ";
cout << "\n" << endl;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000