file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2BoostedBosons_139invfb.cpp
[No description available]
Name |
Gambit TODO: see if we can use this one: |
Gambit::ColliderBit |
Name | |
class | Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2BoostedBosons_139invfb |
Source code
/// \author Are Raklev
/// \date 2021 July
/// Based on the search presented in 2108.07586.
/// WARNING: This implementation only predicts the non-b-jet signal regions due to problems reproducing
/// the b-tagging used based on small radius track jets. Some further limitations are:
/// * Due to the lack of mis-tagging probabilities for W- and Z-jets, events will be missing from
/// signal regions not directly corresponding to the produced bosons, e.g. in chargino--neutralino
/// production with decays into W and Z, events would otherwise also be expected in the ZZ signal region
/// due to misidentification of W-jets as Z-jets jets, but this will not be the case with the current
/// inplementation. As a result the most reliable and most constraining signal region will typically be the VV
/// signal region.
/// * For b-tagging we take the conservative approach of allowing no events with b-labeled jets and use
/// the mis-tagging probabilities for the small radius track jets for non-b-labeled jets.
/// * The separation of E_T^miss and jets in the analysis is done using small radius jets. Here we use the
/// large radius jets since they are the only ones available.
/// *********************************************
//#define BENCHMARK "WW"
//#define BENCHMARK "WZ"
//#define BENCHMARK "Wh"
//#define BENCHMARK "HG"
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
//#include "gambit/ColliderBit/lester_mt2_bisect.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Gambit
namespace ColliderBit
class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2BoostedBosons_139invfb : public Analysis
// Signal region map
std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
// Exclusion regions
{"SR-4Q-WW", EventCounter("SR-4Q-WW")},
{"SR-4Q-WZ", EventCounter("SR-4Q-WZ")},
{"SR-4Q-ZZ", EventCounter("SR-4Q-ZZ")},
{"SR-4Q-VV", EventCounter("SR-4Q-VV")},
// {"SR-2B2Q-WZ", EventCounter("SR-2B2Q-WZ")},
// {"SR-2B2Q-ZZ", EventCounter("SR-2B2Q-ZZ")},
// {"SR-2B2Q-Wh", EventCounter("SR-2B2Q-Wh")},
// {"SR-2B2Q-Zh", EventCounter("SR-2B2Q-Zh")},
// {"SR-2B2Q-VZ", EventCounter("SR-2B2Q-VZ")},
// {"SR-2B2Q-Vh", EventCounter("SR-2B2Q-Vh")},
// // Discovery regions
// {"Disc-SR-2B2Q", EventCounter("Disc-SR-2B2Q")}, // Union of SR-2B2Q-VZ and SR-2B2Q-Vh
// {"Disc-SR-Incl", EventCounter("Disc-SR-Incl")}, // Union of SR-4Q-VV and Disc-SR-2B2Q
// Cut-flow variables
string benchmark = BENCHMARK;
size_t NCUTS=20;
vector<double> _cutflow_GAMBIT{vector<double>(NCUTS)};
vector<double> _cutflow_ATLAS{vector<double>(NCUTS)};
vector<string> _cuts{vector<string>(NCUTS)};
// SR yields {4Q-WW, 4Q-WZ, 4Q-ZZ, 4Q-VV, 2B2Q-WZ, 2B2Q-Wh, 2B2Q-ZZ, 2B2Q-Zh, 2B2Q-VZ, 2B2Q-Vh}
vector<double> _yield_model{vector<double>(10)};
// meff distribution
const vector<double> _meff_bins = {700., 850., 1000., 1150., 1300., 1450., 1600., 1750., 1900., 2050., 2200., 2350., 2500,};
vector<double> _meff_4QVV{vector<double>(12)};
vector<double> _meff_4QVV_model{vector<double>(12)};
// Required detector sim
static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";
// The following section copied from Analysis_ATLAS_1LEPStop_20invfb.cpp
void JetLeptonOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, double DeltaRMax)
//Routine to do jet-lepton check
//Discards jets if they are within DeltaRMax of a lepton
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> Survivors;
for(unsigned int itjet = 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++)
bool overlap = false;
for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++)
double dR;
if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
if(overlap) continue;
// Run main event analysis
void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event)
// Get the missing energy in the event
double met = event->met();
HEPUtils::P4 metVec = event->missingmom();
// Define vectors of baseline leptons
// Baseline electrons
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> electrons;
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons())
if (electron->pT() > 4.5
&& fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.47)
// Apply electron efficiency from "Loose" criteria in 1902.04655
ATLAS::applyElectronIDEfficiency2019(electrons, "Loose");
// Baseline muons
vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> muons;
for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons())
if (muon->pT() > 3.
&& fabs(muon->eta()) < 2.7)
// Apply muon efficiency
// Number of leptons
size_t nMuons = muons.size();
size_t nElectrons = electrons.size();
size_t nLeptons = nElectrons+nMuons;
// Look at jets to see if they fulfil criteria for fat jets
vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> fatJets;
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
// cout << jet->pT() << " " << jet->mass() << " Z-tag " << jet->tagged(23) << " W-tag " << jet->tagged(24) << " " << endl;
if (jet->pT() > 200. && fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.0 && jet->mass() > 40.)
// Overlap removal (remove fat jets within DR=1 of electrons)
JetLeptonOverlapRemoval(fatJets, electrons, 1.0);
size_t nfat = fatJets.size();
// Tag the large jets (only look at two hardest jets)
int nW = 0; int nZ = 0; int nH = 0; int ntest = 0;
const vector<double> bpT = {200., 300., 500., 700., 900., DBL_MAX}; // pT bin edges
const vector<double> pW = {0.469, 0.475, 0.481, 0.496, 0.522}; // W tag prob
const vector<double> pWmiss = {1/10.2574, 1/20.2997, 1/33.4745, 1/36.0622, 1/29.1341}; // W misstag prob
const vector<double> pZ = {0.469, 0.488, 0.513, 0.516, 0.525}; // Z tag prob
const vector<double> pZmiss = {1/11.5847, 1/18.5291, 1/27.7596, 1/38.4142, 1/26.0997}; // Z misstag prob
const vector<double> pH = {0.469, 0.488, 0.513, 0.516, 0.525}; // Higgs tag prob TODO: Update with correct numbers
const HEPUtils::BinnedFn1D<double> _eff1dW(bpT, pW);
const HEPUtils::BinnedFn1D<double> _eff1dWmiss(bpT, pWmiss);
const HEPUtils::BinnedFn1D<double> _eff1dZ(bpT, pZ);
const HEPUtils::BinnedFn1D<double> _eff1dZmiss(bpT, pZmiss);
const HEPUtils::BinnedFn1D<double> _eff1dH(bpT, pH);
for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : fatJets)
// Tag W
if( jet->tagged(24) && random_bool( _eff1dW.get_at( jet->pT() ) ) ) nW++;
// Tag Z
if( jet->tagged(23) && random_bool( _eff1dZ.get_at( jet->pT() ) ) ) nZ++;
// Tag SM Higgs
if( jet->tagged(25) && random_bool( _eff1dH.get_at( jet->pT() ) ) ) nH++;
// Misstag as Z or W
if( !jet->tagged(23) && !jet->tagged(24) )
if( random_bool( _eff1dZmiss.get_at( jet->pT() ) ) ) nZ++;
if( random_bool( _eff1dWmiss.get_at( jet->pT() ) ) ) nW++;
if(ntest > 1) break;
int nV = nZ + nW;
//if(nH > 0 ) cout << "nZ " << nZ << " nW " << nW << " nV " << nV << " nH " << nH << endl;
// b-jet tagging
// There is a difference here wrt the actual analysis where small
// variable-radius track jets are used, and the number of such b-jets are
// counted. This means that the rejection for b-jets in the 4Q SRs has to
// be changed. We use the conservative choice of rejecting all events with
// a b-labeled large radius jet and mis-tagging large radius non-b-jets
// according to the mis-tag probabilities of the small radius track jets.
// double btag = 0.83;
double cmisstag = 1/3.; double misstag = 1./33.;
int nb = 0;
for ( const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04") )
// Tag b-jet
if( jet->btag() ) nb++;
// Misstag c-jet
else if( !jet->btag() && jet->ctag() && random_bool(cmisstag) ) nb++;
// Misstag light jet
else if( !jet->btag() && !jet->ctag() && random_bool(misstag) ) nb++;
// Check separation of jets and ETmiss
bool delphi = true;
for ( const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : fatJets )
double phi = jet->mom().deltaPhi(metVec);
if (phi < 1.0) delphi = false;
// Effective mass (missing energy plus two leading fatjet pTs)
double meff = met;
if(fatJets.size() > 0) meff += fatJets[0]->pT();
if(fatJets.size() > 1) meff += fatJets[1]->pT();
// Count signal region events
// Preselection conditions
if(nfat > 1 && nLeptons == 0)
// First exclusion regions
if(nb == 0 && delphi)
if(met > 300. && meff > 1300. && nV == 2 && nW == 2)"SR-4Q-WW").add_event(event);
if(met > 300. && meff > 1300. && nV == 2 && nW > 0 && nZ > 0)"SR-4Q-WZ").add_event(event);
if(met > 300. && meff > 1300. && nV == 2 && nZ ==2)"SR-4Q-ZZ").add_event(event);
if(met > 300. && meff > 1300. && nV == 2)"SR-4Q-VV").add_event(event);
if(nb == 1){ }
// Then discovery regions
// Check meff distribution
if(nfat > 1 && nLeptons == 0 && nb == 0 && delphi && met > 300. && nV == 2)
size_t i = floor((meff-_meff_bins[0])/150);
if(i < _meff_4QVV.size() ) _meff_4QVV[i]++;
// Do cut-flow proper
for(size_t j=0; j<NCUTS; j++)
(j==0) ||
(j==1 && met > 200) ||
(j==2 && met > 200) ||
(j==3 && met > 200 && nLeptons == 0) ||
(j==4 && met > 200 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1) ||
(j==5 && met > 200 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0) ||
(j==6 && met > 200 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0 && delphi) ||
(j==7 && met > 200 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0 && delphi && nb < 2) ||
(j==8 && met > 300 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0 && delphi && nb < 2) ||
(j==9 && met > 300 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0 && delphi && nb < 2 && meff > 1300) ||
(j==10 && met > 300 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0 && delphi && nb < 2 && meff > 1300 && nV == 2) ||
(j==11 && met > 300 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && nb == 0 && delphi && nb < 2 && meff > 1300 && nV == 2) ||
(j==12 && met > 300 && nLeptons == 0 && nfat > 1 && delphi && nH == 1)
) _cutflow_GAMBIT[j]++;
} // End of analyze
/// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
void combine(const Analysis* other)
const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2BoostedBosons_139invfb* specificOther = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2BoostedBosons_139invfb*>(other);
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }
void collect_results()
// Now fill a results object with the results for each SR
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-4Q-WW"), 2., {1.9, 0.4}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-4Q-WZ"), 3., {3.4, 0.7}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-4Q-ZZ"), 1., {1.9, 0.5}));
add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-4Q-VV"), 3., {3.9, 0.8}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-2B2Q-WZ"), 2., {1.6, 0.4}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-2B2Q-ZZ"), 2., {1.7, 0.5}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-2B2Q-Wh"), 0., {1.9, 0.7}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-2B2Q-Zh"), 1., {1.6, 0.5}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-2B2Q-VZ"), 2., {2.2, 0.6}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("SR-2B2Q-Vh"), 1., {2.5, 0.8}));
// add_result(SignalRegionData("Disc-SR-2B2Q"), 3., {4.7, 1.0})); // Union of SR-2B2Q-VZ and SR-2B2Q-Vh
// add_result(SignalRegionData("Disc-SR-Incl"), 6., {8.6, 1.3})); // Union of SR-4Q-VV and Disc-SR-2B2Q
cout << "Cut flow for " << benchmark << endl;
double _xsec_model;
double _lumi = luminosity();
_cuts = {"Initial events", "E_T^miss > 200 GeV", "Event cleaning", "Lepton veto", "n_jets > 1", "n_bjets = 0", "min Delta phi > 1.0", "n_bjets < 2", "E_T^miss > 300 GeV", "m_eff > 1300 GeV", "n_V = 2", "MC to data efficiency weight for SR-4Q-VV", "n_H = 1" };
if(benchmark == "WZ")
_yield_model = {3.5967, 6.3812, 4.1271, 6.7624, 2.0387, 0.3481, 1.8895, 0.2818, 2.3702, 0.3812};
_meff_4QVV_model = {0.0, 0.30543, 0.62458, 1.264, 1.4178, 1.493, 1.2082, 0.9881, 0.65451, 0.35119, 0.29642, 0.0};
_cutflow_ATLAS = {348.29, 287.73, 245.63, 172.60, 68.52, 64.64, 44.91, 35.02, 31.90, 23.74, 8.00, 6.76, 7.65, 6.60, 6.35, 3.61, 2.65, 2.34, 0.39, 0.36};
_xsec_model = 2.52;
else if(benchmark == "WW")
_meff_4QVV_model = {0.15911, 1.1519, 2.1652, 2.3533, 2.302, 1.3157, 0.70599, 0.39097, 0.22347, 0.12507, 0.0, 0.0};
_cutflow_ATLAS = {619.20, 466.99, 395.78, 241.87, 85.18, 81.22, 58.13, 52.01, 42.78, 20.11, 6.21, 5.28, 2.06, 1.60, 1.57, 0.68, 0.40, 0.34, 0.02, 0.02};
_xsec_model = 4.42;
else if(benchmark == "Wh")
_yield_model = {0.3812, 0.6961, 0.4475, 0.7459, 1.1934, 5.2044, 0.8287, 3.6961, 1.2597, 5.5359};
_cutflow_ATLAS = {348.29, 244.06, 207.07, 156.57, 67.95, 62.74, 42.83, 19.83, 17.67, 12.66, 0.78, 0.73, 19.23, 16.67, 16.08, 8.80, 1.40, 1.27, 6.03, 5.54};
_xsec_model = 2.52;
else if(benchmark == "HG")
_yield_model = {0.8122, 1.5746, 1.2597, 1.8398, 1.5083, 2.0552, 1.9558, 3.0000, 2.1878, 3.2818};
_meff_4QVV_model = {0.0, 0.1461, 0.56213, 0.43614, 0.4357, 0.66339, 0.40393, 0.1648, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
_cutflow_ATLAS = {482.87, 395.66, 336.46, 259.61, 85.00, 76.52, 53.05, 22.99, 19.99, 12.20, 2.08, 1.85, 26.28, 21.97, 20.47, 8.10, 2.55, 2.21, 3.75, 3.29};
_xsec_model = 3.47;
double _scale = _xsec_model*_lumi/50000; // Weights of less than 0.01
cout << "Event scaling factor: " << _scale << endl;
// Compare final event yield per SR for model
cout << "SR\t\t" << "GAMBIT\t" << "ATLAS" << endl;
cout << "SR-4Q-WW\t" <<"SR-4Q-WW").sum()*_scale << "\t" << _yield_model[0] << endl;
cout << "SR-4Q-WZ\t" <<"SR-4Q-WZ").sum()*_scale << "\t" << _yield_model[1] << endl;
cout << "SR-4Q-ZZ\t" <<"SR-4Q-ZZ").sum()*_scale << "\t" << _yield_model[2] << endl;
cout << "SR-4Q-VV\t" <<"SR-4Q-VV").sum()*_scale << "\t" << _yield_model[3] << endl;
cout << endl;
// Compare meff spectrum
cout << "Meff SR-4Q-VV\t" << "GAMBIT\t" << "ATLAS " << endl;
for (size_t j = 0; j < _meff_4QVV.size(); j++){
cout << "[" << _meff_bins[j] << ", " << _meff_bins[j+1] << "]\t" << _meff_4QVV[j]*_scale << "\t" << _meff_4QVV_model[j] << endl;
// Compare cut-flow
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
cout << " GAMBIT\tMC error\tATLAS\t\tRatio\t\tCut" <<endl;
for (size_t i=0; i<NCUTS; i++) {
cout << i << ": " << _cutflow_GAMBIT[i]*_scale << "\t\t" << sqrt(_cutflow_GAMBIT[i])*_scale << "\t\t" << _cutflow_ATLAS[i] << "\t\t" << _cutflow_GAMBIT[i]*_scale/_cutflow_ATLAS[i] << "\t\t" << _cuts[i] <<endl;
void analysis_specific_reset()
// Clear signal regions
for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
// Factory fn
WW (WW final states)
SR-4Q-VV 5.332 5.065
[700, 850] 0.233 0.159
[850, 1e+03] 1.14 1.15
[1e+03, 1.15e+03] 1.71 2.17
[1.15e+03, 1.3e+03] 2.58 2.35
[1.3e+03, 1.45e+03] 2.22 2.3
[1.45e+03, 1.6e+03] 1.13 1.32
[1.6e+03, 1.75e+03] 0.872 0.706
[1.75e+03, 1.9e+03] 0.553 0.391
[1.9e+03, 2.05e+03] 0.258 0.223
[2.05e+03, 2.2e+03] 0.147 0.125
[2.2e+03, 2.35e+03] 0.0492 0
[2.35e+03, 2.5e+03] 0.0246 0
GAMBIT MC error ATLAS Ratio Cut
0: 614.38 2.75 619.20 0.99 Initial events
1: 477.58 2.42 466.99 1.02 E_T^miss > 200 GeV
2: 477.58 2.42 395.78 1.21 Event cleaning
3: 290.39 1.89 241.87 1.20 Lepton veto
4: 115.81 1.19 85.18 1.36 n_jets > 1
5: 75.69 0.96 81.22 0.93 n_bjets = 0
6: 63.47 0.88 58.13 1.09 min Delta phi > 1.0
7: 63.47 0.88 52.01 1.22 n_bjets < 2
8: 51.79 0.80 42.78 1.21 E_T^miss > 300 GeV
9: 24.59 0.55 20.11 1.22 m_eff > 1300 GeV
10: 5.33 0.26 6.21 0.86 n_V = 2
11: 5.33 0.26 5.28 1.01 MC to data efficiency weight
HG (ZZ final states)
Cut-flow output
SR-4Q-WW 0 0.812
SR-4Q-WZ 0.143 1.57
SR-4Q-ZZ 0.976 1.26
SR-4Q-VV 1.12 1.84
[700, 850] 0.013 0
[850, 1e+03] 0.0585 0.146
[1e+03, 1.15e+03] 0.215 0.562
[1.15e+03, 1.3e+03] 0.254 0.436
[1.3e+03, 1.45e+03] 0.319 0.436
[1.45e+03, 1.6e+03] 0.293 0.663
[1.6e+03, 1.75e+03] 0.182 0.404
[1.75e+03, 1.9e+03] 0.137 0.165
[1.9e+03, 2.05e+03] 0.0585 0
[2.05e+03, 2.2e+03] 0.052 0
[2.2e+03, 2.35e+03] 0.026 0
[2.35e+03, 2.5e+03] 0 0
GAMBIT MC error ATLAS Ratio Cut
0: 482.33 2.16 482.87 1.00 Initial events
1: 399.01 1.96 395.66 1.01 E_T^miss > 200 GeV
2: 399.01 1.96 336.46 1.19 Event cleaning
3: 321.78 1.76 259.61 1.24 Lepton veto
4: 135.22 1.14 85.00 1.59 n_jets > 1
5: 31.12 0.55 76.52 0.41 n_bjets = 0
6: 24.98 0.49 53.05 0.47 min Deltaphi > 1.0
7: 24.98 0.49 22.99 1.09 n_bjets < 2
8: 21.30 0.45 19.99 1.07 E_T^miss > 300 GeV
9: 13.70 0.36 12.20 1.12 m_eff > 1300 GeV
10: 1.66 0.13 2.08 0.80 n_V = 2
11: 1.66 0.13 1.85 0.90 MC to data efficiency weight
WZ (WZ final states)
Cut-flow output
SR-4Q-WW 0.049 3.6
SR-4Q-WZ 6.47 6.38
SR-4Q-ZZ 0.056 4.13
SR-4Q-VV 6.57 6.76
[700, 850] 0.00701 0
[850, 1e+03] 0.231 0.305
[1e+03, 1.15e+03] 0.673 0.625
[1.15e+03, 1.3e+03] 0.911 1.26
[1.3e+03, 1.45e+03] 1.43 1.42
[1.45e+03, 1.6e+03] 1.36 1.49
[1.6e+03, 1.75e+03] 1.11 1.21
[1.75e+03, 1.9e+03] 0.974 0.988
[1.9e+03, 2.05e+03] 0.595 0.655
[2.05e+03, 2.2e+03] 0.364 0.351
[2.2e+03, 2.35e+03] 0.273 0.296
[2.35e+03, 2.5e+03] 0.182 0
GAMBIT MC error ATLAS Ratio Cut
0: 350.28 1.57 348.29 1.01 Initial events
1: 297.58 1.44 287.73 1.03 E_T^miss > 200 GeV
2: 297.58 1.44 245.63 1.21 Event cleaning
3: 211.46 1.22 172.60 1.23 Lepton veto
4: 93.52 0.81 68.52 1.36 n_jets > 1
5: 51.04 0.60 64.64 0.79 n_bjets = 0
6: 42.83 0.55 44.91 0.95 min Deltaphi > 1.0
7: 42.83 0.55 35.02 1.22 n_bjets < 2
8: 37.93 0.52 31.90 1.19 E_T^miss > 300 GeV
9: 28.74 0.45 23.74 1.21 m_eff > 1300 GeV
10: 6.57 0.21 8.00 0.82 n_V = 2
11: 6.57 0.21 6.76 0.97 MC to data efficiency weight
Wh (Wbb, WWW^*, WZZ^* final states)
Cut-flow output
SR-4Q-WW 0.294 0.381
SR-4Q-WZ 0.252 0.696
SR-4Q-ZZ 0 0.448
SR-4Q-VV 0.546 0.746
GAMBIT MC error ATLAS Ratio Cut
0: 350.28 1.57 348.29 1.01 Initial events
1: 303.19 1.46 244.06 1.24 E_T^miss > 200 GeV
2: 303.19 1.46 207.07 1.46 Event cleaning
3: 205.39 1.20 156.57 1.31 Lepton veto
4: 105.13 0.86 67.95 1.55 n_jets > 1
5: 24.27 0.41 62.74 0.39 n_bjets = 0
6: 20.20 0.38 42.83 0.47 min Deltaphi > 1.0
7: 20.20 0.38 19.83 1.02 n_bjets < 2
8: 17.95 0.35 17.67 1.02 E_T^miss > 300 GeV
9: 13.04 0.30 12.66 1.03 m_eff > 1300 GeV
10: 0.55 0.06 0.78 0.70 n_V = 2
11: 0.55 0.06 0.73 0.75 MC to data efficiency weight
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000