file analyses/Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2bMET_36invfb.cpp

[No description available]


TODO: see if we can use this one:


A useful MT2 class for this module.

Source code

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <iomanip>

#include "gambit/ColliderBit/analyses/Analysis.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/ATLASEfficiencies.hpp"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/mt2_bisect.h"
#include "gambit/ColliderBit/lester_mt2_bisect.h"

using namespace std;

// Based on arXiv:1708.09266
// Code by Martin White, January 2018
// Based on ATLAS public code snippet

// Known issues: No lepton isolation cuts applied
// The b tagging working point keeps changing in the ATLAS code snippet, but this is not referred to in the paper
// Have gone with the code snippet version (60% working point for the signal B jets)

namespace Gambit
  namespace ColliderBit

    /// A useful MT2 class for this module
    class MT2

        double MT2tauB;
        double aMT2_BM;

    class Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2bMET_36invfb : public Analysis

        // Variables that hold the number of events passing signal region cuts

        std::map<string, EventCounter> _counters = {
          {"0L_SRA350", EventCounter("0L_SRA350")},
          {"0L_SRA450", EventCounter("0L_SRA450")},
          {"0L_SRA550", EventCounter("0L_SRA550")},
          {"0L_SRB", EventCounter("0L_SRB")},
          {"0L_SRC", EventCounter("0L_SRC")},
          // MJW removes these regions for the Feb 2018 MareNostrum scans, since the aMT2 variable is not well-described.
          // {"1L_SRA600", EventCounter("1L_SRA600")},
          // {"1L_SRA750", EventCounter("1L_SRA750")},
          // {"1L_SRA300_2j", EventCounter("1L_SRA300_2j")},
          // {"1L_SRB", EventCounter("1L_SRB")},

        vector<int> cutFlowVector;
        vector<string> cutFlowVector_str;
        int NCUTS;


        // Required detector sim
        static constexpr const char* detector = "ATLAS";

        static bool sortByPT(const HEPUtils::Jet* jet1, const HEPUtils::Jet* jet2) { return (jet1->pT() > jet2->pT()); }




          for(int i=0;i<NCUTS;i++)


        // The following section copied from Analysis_ATLAS_1LEPStop_20invfb.cpp
        void JetLeptonOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, double DeltaRMax)
          //Routine to do jet-lepton check
          //Discards jets if they are within DeltaRMax of a lepton

          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> Survivors;

          for(unsigned int itjet = 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++)
            bool overlap = false;
            for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++)
              double dR;


              if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
            if(overlap) continue;


        void LeptonJetOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec)
          //Routine to do lepton-jet check
          //Discards leptons if they are within dR of a jet as defined in analysis paper

          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> Survivors;

          for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++)
            bool overlap = false;
            for(unsigned int itjet= 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++)
              double dR;
              double DeltaRMax = std::max(0.1,std::min(0.4, 0.04 + 10 / lepmom.pT()));

              if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
            if(overlap) continue;


        void SpecialLeptonJetOverlapRemoval(vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> &lepvec, vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> &jetvec)
          //Routine to do lepton-jet check
          //Discards leptons if they are within dR of a jet as defined in analysis paper

          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> Survivors;

          for(unsigned int itlep = 0; itlep < lepvec.size(); itlep++)
            bool overlap = false;
            for(unsigned int itjet= 0; itjet < jetvec.size(); itjet++)
              double dR;
              double DeltaRMax = std::min(0.4, 0.04 + 10/lepvec[itlep]->pT());

              if(fabs(dR) <= DeltaRMax) overlap=true;
            if(overlap) continue;


        MT2 MT2helper(vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> jets, vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*>  electrons,  vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> muons, HEPUtils::P4 metVec)

          MT2 results;

          bool passmu = false;

          bool passel = false;

          int nJet = jets.size();
          if(nJet < 2)return results;

          //ATLAS use the two jets with highest MV1 weights
          //DELPHES does not have a continuous b weight

          //We have all b jets tagged (with 100% efficiency), so can use the two highest pT b jets
          //This corresponds to using the 2 b jets that are first in the collection

          const HEPUtils::Jet* trueBjet1 = NULL; //need to assign this
          const HEPUtils::Jet* trueBjet2 = NULL; //nee to assign this

          int nTrueBJets=0;
          for(const HEPUtils::Jet* tmpJet: jets)

          for(const HEPUtils::Jet* tmpJet: jets)
            if(tmpJet->btag() && tmpJet!=trueBjet1)

          if(nTrueBJets<2)return results;

          HEPUtils::P4 jet1B, jet2B;
          jet1B.setXYZE(trueBjet1->mom().px(), trueBjet1->mom().py(), trueBjet1->mom().pz(), trueBjet1->E());
          jet2B.setXYZE(trueBjet2->mom().px(), trueBjet2->mom().py(), trueBjet2->mom().pz(), trueBjet2->E());

          HEPUtils::P4 leptontmp;
          // double leptonmass = 0;
            // leptonmass = 0.510998910; //MeV
            leptontmp = electrons[0]->mom();
          else if(passmu)
            // leptonmass =  105.658367; // MeV
            leptontmp = muons[0]->mom();

          HEPUtils::P4 lepton;

          HEPUtils::P4 lepton_plus_jet1B;
          HEPUtils::P4 lepton_plus_jet2B;

          lepton_plus_jet1B = lepton+jet1B;
          lepton_plus_jet2B = lepton+jet2B;

          double pa_a[3] = { 0, lepton_plus_jet1B.px(), };
          double pb_a[3] = { 80, jet2B.px(), };
          double pmiss_a[3] = { 0, metVec.px(), };
          double mn_a = 0.;

          mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_a;


          double mt2a = mt2_event_a.get_mt2();

          double pa_b[3] = { 0, lepton_plus_jet2B.px(), };
          double pb_b[3] = { 80, jet1B.px(), };
          double pmiss_b[3] = { 0, metVec.px(), };
          double mn_b = 0.;

          mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_b;

          double mt2b = mt2_event_b.get_mt2();

          double aMT2_BM = min(mt2a,mt2b);

          if (nJet > 3)
            const HEPUtils::Jet* jet3=0;
            for(const HEPUtils::Jet* current: jets)
              if (current == trueBjet1)continue;
              if (current == trueBjet2)continue;
              jet3 = current;

            HEPUtils::P4 jet3B;
            jet3B.setXYZE(jet3->mom().px(), jet3->mom().py(), jet3->mom().pz(), jet3->mom().E());

            double pa_tau[3] = { 0, jet3B.px(), };
            double pb_tau[3] = { 0, lepton.px(), };
            double pmiss_tau[3] = { 0, metVec.px(), };
            double mn_tau = 0.;

            mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_tau;


            //ComputeMT2 stuff3(jet3B,lepton,MET,0.,0.);
            //double MT2tauB = stuff3.ComputeNumeric();
            double MT2tauB = mt2_event_tau.get_mt2();//calcMT2(0,jet3B.Pt(),jet3B.Eta(),jet3B.Phi(),jet3B.E(),0,lepton.Pt(),lepton.Eta(),lepton.Phi(),lepton.E(),MET.Px(),MET.Py(),0);
          return results;

        void run(const HEPUtils::Event* event)

          // Get the missing energy and momentum in the event
          HEPUtils::P4 metVec = event->missingmom();
          double met = event->met();

          // Now define vectors of baseline objects, including:
          // - retrieval of electron, muon and jets from the event
          // - application of basic pT and eta cuts
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> electrons;
          for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : event->electrons())
            if (electron->pT() > 10.
                && fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.47)

          // Apply electron efficiency

          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> muons;
          for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : event->muons())
            if (muon->pT() > 10.
                && fabs(muon->eta()) < 2.7)

          // Apply muon efficiency

          //vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> candJets;
          //for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets()) {
          //if (jet->pT() > 20.
          //    && fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.8)
          //  candJets.push_back(jet);

          // Jets
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> bJets;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> nonBJets;

          // Get b jets
          /// @note We assume that b jets have previously been 100% tagged

          const std::vector<double>  a = {0,10.};
          const std::vector<double>  b = {0,10000.};
          const std::vector<double> c = {0.77}; // set b-tag efficiency to 77%
          HEPUtils::BinnedFn2D<double> _eff2d(a,b,c);
          for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : event->jets("antikt_R04"))
            bool hasTag=has_tag(_eff2d, fabs(jet->eta()), jet->pT());
            if (jet->pT() > 20. && fabs(jet->eta()) < 4.8)
              if(jet->btag() && hasTag && fabs(jet->eta()) < 2.5 && jet->pT() > 20.)

          // Overlap removal

          // Fill a jet-pointer-to-bool map to make it easy to check
          // if a given jet is treated as a b-jet in this analysis
          map<const HEPUtils::Jet*,bool> analysisBtags;
          for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : bJets)
            analysisBtags[jet] = true;
          for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : nonBJets)
            analysisBtags[jet] = false;

          // Signal object containers
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalJets20;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalJets35;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalElectrons;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalMuons;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Particle*> signalLeptons;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalBJets20;
          vector<const HEPUtils::Jet*> signalBJets35;

          // Now apply signal jet cuts
          for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : bJets)
            if(jet->pT() > 20. && fabs(jet->eta())<2.8)

            if(jet->pT() > 35. && fabs(jet->eta())<2.8)


          for (const HEPUtils::Jet* jet : nonBJets)
            if(jet->pT() > 20. && fabs(jet->eta())<2.8)

            if(jet->pT() > 35. && fabs(jet->eta())<2.8)


          // Now order the jet collections by pT

          std::sort(signalJets35.begin(), signalJets35.end(), sortByPT);
          std::sort(signalBJets35.begin(), signalBJets35.end(), sortByPT);
          std::sort(signalJets20.begin(), signalJets20.end(), sortByPT);
          std::sort(signalBJets20.begin(), signalBJets20.end(), sortByPT);

          for (const HEPUtils::Particle* electron : electrons)
            if(electron->pT() > 20. && fabs(electron->eta()) < 2.47)

          for (const HEPUtils::Particle* muon : muons)
            if(muon->pT() > 20. && fabs(muon->eta()) < 2.5)

          HEPUtils::P4 metVecCorr = metVec;

          for(const HEPUtils::Particle* lep : signalLeptons)

          // double metCorr = metVecCorr.pT();

          //Common Selection
          int nJets20  = signalJets20.size();
          int nBjets20 = signalBJets20.size();
          int nJets35  = signalJets35.size();
          int nBjets35 = signalBJets35.size();

          bool zeroLep = (signalLeptons.size()==0);
          bool oneLep  = (signalLeptons.size()==1);
          // bool twoLep  = ((signalElectrons.size()==2 && muons.size()==0) || (signalMuons.size()==2 && electrons.size()==0)); //DF

          double meff2j = met;
          double meff = met;
          double ht=0;

          for(int jet=0;jet<nJets35;jet++)
            if(jet<2) meff2j += signalJets35[jet]->pT();
            meff += signalJets35[jet]->pT();
            ht +=  signalJets35[jet]->pT();

          double dphib1 = -99.;
          double dphib2 = -99.;


          double dphiMin4=9999.;

          for(int j=0; j<nJets35; j++)
            double dPhij=fabs(signalJets35[j]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec));
            if(j<=3)dphiMin4= min(dphiMin4, dPhij);

          double mjj_35 = 0;
          double mCT = 0;
          double mblmin = 0;
          bool  bjetsLeading = false;

            mjj_35 = (signalJets35[0]->mom() + signalJets35[1]->mom()).m();   // = mbb for leading-bjets events

            double jet1_ET = sqrt(signalJets35[0]->mom().pT()*signalJets35[0]->mom().pT()+signalJets35[0]->mom().m()*signalJets35[0]->mom().m());
            double jet2_ET = sqrt(signalJets35[1]->mom().pT()*signalJets35[1]->mom().pT()+signalJets35[1]->mom().m()*signalJets35[1]->mom().m());

            double modPTdiff_squared=(signalJets35[0]->mom().px()-signalJets35[1]->mom().px())*(signalJets35[0]->mom().px()-signalJets35[1]->mom().px())
              +            (signalJets35[0]->mom().py()-signalJets35[1]->mom().py())*(signalJets35[0]->mom().py()-signalJets35[1]->mom().py());

            double mct_squared = pow(jet1_ET+jet2_ET,2)-modPTdiff_squared;
            mCT = sqrt(mct_squared);

              if(nBjets35>1) mblmin = std::min( (signalLeptons[0]->mom() + signalBJets35[0]->mom()).m(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom() + signalBJets35[1]->mom()).m());
              else if(nBjets35>0) mblmin = (signalLeptons[0]->mom() + signalBJets35[0]->mom()).m();

            // Check if the two leading jets in signalJets35 have been b-tagged
            bjetsLeading = ([0]) &&[1]) );

          double mt = 0.;
          if(oneLep)mt =  sqrt(2.*signalLeptons[0]->pT()*met*(1. - cos(signalLeptons[0]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec))));

          // Calculate minimum mT with any of the leading four jets and the met

          double mtmin = 9999.;

          for(unsigned int jet=0;jet<signalJets35.size();jet++)
            double mt_tmp = sqrt(2.*signalJets35[jet]->pT()*met*(1. - cos(signalJets35[jet]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec))));
            if(mt_tmp<mtmin && jet<=3)mtmin=mt_tmp;

          double mtminb = 9999.;

          for(unsigned int jet=0;jet<signalBJets35.size();jet++)
            double mt_tmp = sqrt(2.*signalBJets35[jet]->pT()*met*(1. - cos(signalBJets35[jet]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec))));
            if(mt_tmp<mtminb && jet<=1)mtminb=mt_tmp;

          double amt2 = 0; //need to identify the two bjets here
          // double mbb  = 0;

          /*int bj1=-1; int bj2=-1;
          for(unsigned int ij=0; ij < signalJets35.size() ; ij++)
            if([ij]) )

          // Scrap the ATLAS identification of b jets and simply use the signal b jets instead

          //cout << "nBjets35 " << nBjets35 << " bj2 " << bj2 << endl;

            // mbb = (signalBJets35[0]->mom() + signalBJets35[1]->mom()).m();
            int bj1=0;
            int bj2=1;
              float mbl1 = (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalBJets35[bj1]->mom()).m();
              float mbl2 = (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalBJets35[bj2]->mom()).m();

              if(mbl1 >= 170. && mbl2 < 170.)
                // The ATLAS code snippet looks obviously wrong here (doesn't match the paper)
                // Have corrected it
                // Question: Is the first entry correct?
                double pa_a[3] = { (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalBJets35[bj2]->mom()).m(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalBJets35[bj2]->mom()).px(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).py() };
                double pb_a[3] = { signalJets35[bj1]->mom().m(), signalJets35[bj1]->mom().px(), signalJets35[bj1]->mom().py() };
                double pmiss_a[3] = { 0, metVec.px(), };
                double mn_a = 0.;

                mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_a;


                // double amt2 = mt2_event_a.get_mt2();

                // Now try new Lester method

                // double amt2_new = asymm_mt2_lester_bisect::get_mT2((signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).m(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).px(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).py(), signalJets35[bj1]->mom().m(), signalJets35[bj1]->mom().px(), signalJets35[bj1]->mom().py(), metVec.px(),, 0., 0.);

                //cout << "MT2 original " << amt2 << " amt2_new " << amt2_new << endl;

                //amt2 = calcMT2(signalLeptons[0]+myjets[bj1], myjets[bj1], metVec);

              else if(mbl1 < 170. && mbl2 >= 170.)

                double pa_a[3] = { (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj1]->mom()).m(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj1]->mom()).px(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj1]->mom()).py() };
                double pb_a[3] = {signalJets35[bj2]->mom().m() , signalJets35[bj2]->mom().px(), signalJets35[bj2]->mom().py() };
                double pmiss_a[3] = { 0, metVec.px(), };
                double mn_a = 0.;

                mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_a;


                // double amt2 = mt2_event_a.get_mt2();

              //amt2 = calcMT2(myjets[bj1], signalLeptons[0]+myjets[bj1], metVec);
              else if(mbl1 < 170. && mbl2 < 170.)

                double pa_a[3] = {(signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj1]->mom()).m() , (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj1]->mom()).px(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj1]->mom()).py() };
                double pb_a[3] = {signalJets35[bj2]->mom().m() , signalJets35[bj2]->mom().px(), signalJets35[bj2]->mom().py() };
                double pa_b[3] = {(signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).m() , (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).px(), (signalLeptons[0]->mom()+signalJets35[bj2]->mom()).py() };
                double pb_b[3] = {signalJets35[bj1]->mom().m() , signalJets35[bj1]->mom().px(), signalJets35[bj1]->mom().py() };
                double pmiss_a[3] = { 0, metVec.px(), };
                double mn_a = 0.;

                mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_a;
                mt2_bisect::mt2 mt2_event_b;


                double amt2_a = mt2_event_a.get_mt2();
                double amt2_b = mt2_event_b.get_mt2();
                amt2 = std::min(amt2_a, amt2_b);

          // Define variables using 20 GeV jets

          double ht4=0;
          double meff4j = met;
          for(size_t jet=0;jet<signalJets20.size();jet++)
            ht4 += signalJets20[jet]->pT();
            meff4j += signalJets20[jet]->pT();

          bool bjetsSublead = (nJets20>=3 && ![0])
                                          && ([2])
                                               || (nJets20>=4 &&[3]) ) ) );
          // NOTE:
          //   Table 1 in the paper suggests that we should also allow for a b-tagged signalJets20[4]
          //   in the definition of bjetsSublead above, but the ATLAS code snippet at
          // only check the jets up to signalJets20[3].
          //   We follow the ATLAS code snippet here.

          double  dphiMin1  = 0;
          if(nJets20>0)dphiMin1 = fabs(signalJets20[0]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec));

          double dphiMin2 = 9999.;
          for(int jet=0;jet < nJets20;jet++)
            double dphi_tmp = fabs(signalJets20[jet]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec));
            if(dphi_tmp < dphiMin2)dphiMin2=dphi_tmp;

          double mjj_20 = 0.;
          double asym = 0.;
          if(nJets20 > 1)
            mjj_20 = (signalJets20[0]->mom() + signalJets20[1]->mom()).m();
            asym = (signalJets20[0]->pT()-signalJets20[1]->pT()) / (signalJets20[0]->pT()+signalJets20[1]->pT());

          double mbb_35 = 0.;

          // Increment cutFlowVector elements
          cutFlowVector_str[0]  = "No cuts ";
          cutFlowVector_str[1]  = "b0L-SRA: MET > 250 GeV";
          cutFlowVector_str[2]  = "b0L-SRA: dPhiMin4 > 0.4";
          cutFlowVector_str[3]  = "b0L-SRA: MET/meff > 0.25 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[4]  = "b0L-SRA: 2-4 jets (pT > 25 GeV)";
          cutFlowVector_str[5]  = "b0L-SRA: pT j0 > 130 GeV";
          cutFlowVector_str[6]  = "b0L-SRA: pT j1 > 50 GeV";
          cutFlowVector_str[7]  = "b0L-SRA: pT j3 < 50 GeV";
          cutFlowVector_str[8]  = "b0L-SRA: 0 leptons";
          cutFlowVector_str[9]  = "b0L-SRA: 2 b jets ";
          cutFlowVector_str[10] = "b0L-SRA: 2 leading b jets ";
          cutFlowVector_str[11] = "b0L-SRA: mbb > 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[12] = "b0L-SRA: mCT > 350 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[13] = "b0L-SRA: mCT > 450 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[14] = "b0L-SRA: mCT > 550 GeV ";

          cutFlowVector_str[15] = "b0L-SRB: pT j1 > 50 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[16] = "b0L-SRB: 0 leptons ";
          cutFlowVector_str[17] = "b0L-SRB: 2 bjets ";
          cutFlowVector_str[18] = "b0L-SRB: dphi(b1,met) < 2.0 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[19] = "b0L-SRB: dphi(b2,met) < 2.5 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[20] = "b0L-SRB: mTmin(j1-4,met)>250 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[21] = "b0L-SRC: Zero leptons ";
          cutFlowVector_str[22] = "b0L-SRC: 2-5 jets (pT > 20 GeV) ";
          cutFlowVector_str[23] = "b0L-SRC: Leading light jet ";
          cutFlowVector_str[24] = "b0L-SRC: dPhi(j1,met) > 2.5";
          cutFlowVector_str[25] = "b0L-SRC: dPhi(j2,met) > 0.2";
          cutFlowVector_str[26] = "b0L-SRC: Subleading jet b-tagged ";
          cutFlowVector_str[27] = "b0L-SRC: 2 b jets ";
          cutFlowVector_str[28] = "b0L-SRC: HT4 < 70 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[29] = "b0L-SRC: met > 500 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[30] = "b0L-SRC: pT(j1) > 500 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[31] = "b0L-SRC: meff > 1300 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[32] = "b0L-SRC: A > 0.8 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[33] = "b0L-SRC: mjj > 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[34] = "b1L-SRA: 1 lepton ";
          cutFlowVector_str[35] = "b1L-SRA: pT(l1) > 27 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[36] = "b1L-SRA: >= 2 jets (pT > 35 GeV) ";
          cutFlowVector_str[37] = "b1L-SRA: dphi j min > 0.4 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[38] = "b1L-SRA: 2 b jets ";
          cutFlowVector_str[39] = "b1L-SRA: met > 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[40] = "b1L-SRA: met/sqrt(HT) ";
          cutFlowVector_str[41] = "b1L-SRA: mT > 140 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[42] = "b1L-SRA: mblmin < 170 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[43] = "b1L-SRA: amT2 > 250 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[44] = "b1L-SRA: mbb > 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[45] = "b1L-SRA: meff > 450 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[46] = "b1L-SRA: meff > 600 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[47] = "b1L-SRA: meff > 750 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[48] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: met/sqrt(HT) ";
          cutFlowVector_str[49] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: mT  > 140 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[50] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: mblmin < 170 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[51] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: amt2 > 250 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[52] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: mbb > 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[53] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: meff > 300 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[54] = "b1L-SRA300-2j: < 3 jets (pT > 35 GeV) ";
          cutFlowVector_str[55] = "b1L-SRB: mT > 120 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[56] = "b1L-SRB: mblmin < 170 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[57] = "b1L-SRB: amt2 > 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[58] = "b1L-SRB: mbb < 200 GeV ";
          cutFlowVector_str[59] = "b1L-SRB: dphi(b1,met) > 2.0 ";
          cutFlowVector_str[60] = "b1L-SRB: mTmin(b1-2,met) > 200 GeV ";

          // Apply cuts to each signal region

          for(int j=0;j<NCUTS;j++)
               (j==0) ||

               (j==1 && met > 250.) ||

               (j==2 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4) ||

               (j==3 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25) ||

               (j==4 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4) ||

               (j==5 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130.) ||

               (j==6 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50.) ||

               (j==7 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.)) ||

               (j==8 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep) ||

               (j==9 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2) ||

               (j==10 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading) ||

               (j==11 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200.) ||

               (j==12 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200. && mCT > 350.) ||

               (j==13 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200. && mCT > 450.) ||

               (j==14 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200. && mCT > 550.) ||

               // b0L-SRB

               (j==15 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50.) ||

               (j==16 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && zeroLep) ||

               (j==17 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && zeroLep && nBjets35==2) ||

               (j==18 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && dphib1 < 2.0) ||

               (j==19 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && dphib1 < 2.0 && dphib2 < 2.5) ||

               (j==20 && met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && dphib1 < 2.0 && dphib2 < 2.5 && mtmin > 250.) ||

               // b0L-SRC

               (j==21 && zeroLep) ||

               (j==22 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5) ||

               (j==23 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && ![0])) ||

               (j==24 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && ![0]) && dphiMin1 > 2.5) ||

               (j==25 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && ![0]) && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2) ||

               (j==26 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2) ||

               (j==27 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2) ||

               (j==28 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70.) ||

               (j==29 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70. && met > 500.) ||

               (j==30 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70. && met > 500. && signalJets20[0]->pT() > 500.) ||

               (j==31 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70. && met > 500. && signalJets20[0]->pT() > 500. && meff4j > 1300.) ||

               (j==32 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70. && met > 500. && signalJets20[0]->pT() > 500. && meff4j > 1300. && asym > 0.8) ||

               (j==33 && zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70. && met > 500. && signalJets20[0]->pT() > 500. && meff4j > 1300. && asym > 0.8 && mjj_20 > 200.) ||

               // b1L-SRA

               (j==34 && oneLep) ||

               (j==35 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27.) ||

               (j==36 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2) ||

               (j==37 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4) ||

               (j==38 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2) ||

               (j==39 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200.) ||

               (j==40 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8) ||

               (j==41 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140.) ||

               (j==42 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170) ||

               (j==43 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250) ||

               (j==44 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250 && mbb_35 > 200.) ||

               (j==45 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250 && mbb_35 > 200. && meff > 450.) ||

               (j==46 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250 && mbb_35 > 200. && meff > 600.) ||

               (j==47 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250 && mbb_35 > 200. && meff > 750.) ||

               // b1L-SRA300-2j

               (j==48 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8) ||

               (j==49 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140.) ||

               (j==50 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170.) ||

               (j==51 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 250.) ||

               (j==52 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 250. && mbb_35 > 200.) ||
               (j==53 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 250. && mbb_35 > 200. && meff>300.) ||

               (j==54 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 250. && mbb_35 > 200. && meff>300. && nJets35==2) ||

               // b1L-SRB

               (j==55 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120.) ||

               (j==56 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120. && mblmin < 170.) ||

               (j==57 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 200.) ||

               (j==58 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 200. && mbb_35 < 200.) ||
               (j==59 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 200. && mbb_35 < 200. && fabs(signalBJets35[0]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec)) > 2.0) ||

               (j==60 && oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 200. && mbb_35 < 200. && fabs(signalBJets35[0]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec)) > 2.0 && mtminb > 200.)


          // Now increment signal region variables

          if(met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200. && mCT > 550.)"0L_SRA550").add_event(event);

          if(met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200. && mCT > 450.)"0L_SRA450").add_event(event);

          if(met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && met/meff2j>0.25 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 &&  signalJets35[0]->pT() > 130. && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && (nJets35<4 || signalJets35[3]->pT() < 50.) && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && bjetsLeading && mjj_35 > 200. && mCT > 350.)"0L_SRA350").add_event(event);

          if(met > 250. && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nJets35>=2 && nJets35<=4 && signalJets35[1]->pT() > 50. && zeroLep && nBjets35==2 && dphib1 < 2.0 && dphib2 < 2.5 && mtmin > 250.)"0L_SRB").add_event(event);

          if(zeroLep && nJets20>=2 && nJets20<=5 && bjetsSublead && dphiMin1 > 2.5 && dphiMin2 > 0.2 && nBjets20==2 && ht4 < 70. && met > 500. && signalJets20[0]->pT() > 500. && meff4j > 1300. && asym > 0.8 && mjj_20 > 200.)"0L_SRC").add_event(event);

          // Removed due to issue with aMT2 variable

          // if(oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250 && mbb_35 > 200. && meff > 600.)"1L_SRA600").add_event(event);

          // if(oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170 && amt2 > 250 && mbb_35 > 200. && meff > 750.)"1L_SRA750").add_event(event);

          // if(oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 140. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 250. && mbb_35 > 200. && meff>300. && nJets35==2)"1L_SRA300_2j").add_event(event);

          // if(oneLep && signalLeptons[0]->pT() > 27. &&  nJets35>=2 && dphiMin4 > 0.4 && nBjets35==2 && met > 200. && met/sqrt(ht) > 8 && mt > 120. && mblmin < 170. && amt2 > 200. && mbb_35 < 200. && fabs(signalBJets35[0]->mom().deltaPhi(metVec)) > 2.0 && mtminb > 200.)"1L_SRB").add_event(event);



        /// Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
        void combine(const Analysis* other)
          const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2bMET_36invfb* specificOther
            = dynamic_cast<const Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_2bMET_36invfb*>(other);

          for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second += specificOther->; }

          if (NCUTS != specificOther->NCUTS) NCUTS = specificOther->NCUTS;
          for (int j=0; j<NCUTS; j++)
            cutFlowVector[j] += specificOther->cutFlowVector[j];
            cutFlowVector_str[j] = specificOther->cutFlowVector_str[j];


        void collect_results()

          // double scale_by=1.;

          // cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;
          // cout << "CUT FLOW: ATLAS multi lepton paper "<<endl;
          // cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;

          // cout << left << setw(45) << "CUT" << right << setw(20) << "RAW" << setw(20) << "SCALED" << setw(20) << "%" << setw(20) << "clean adj RAW"<< setw(20) << "clean adj %" << std::endl;
          // for (int j=0; j<NCUTS; j++) {
          //   cout << left << setw(45) << right << cutFlowVector_str[j].c_str() << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j] << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << setw(20) << 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0] << "%" << setw(20) << cutFlowVector[j]*scale_by << setw(20) << 100.*cutFlowVector[j]/cutFlowVector[0]<< "%" << std::endl;
          // }
          // cout << "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<endl;

          // add_result(SignalRegionData("SR label", n_obs, {n_sig_MC, n_sig_MC_sys}, {n_bkg, n_bkg_err}));

          add_result(SignalRegionData("0L_SRA350"), 81., { 70., 13.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("0L_SRA450"), 24., { 22., 5.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("0L_SRA550"), 10., { 7.2, 1.5}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("0L_SRB"), 45., { 37., 7.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("0L_SRC"), 7., { 5.5, 1.5}));

          // MJW removes these regions for the Feb 2018 MareNostrum scans, since the aMT2 variable is not well-described.

          add_result(SignalRegionData("1L_SRA600"), 21., { 24., 6.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("1L_SR750"), 13., { 15., 4.}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("1L_SR300-2j"), 12., { 6.7, 2.3}));
          add_result(SignalRegionData("1L_SRB"), 69., { 53., 12.}));


        void analysis_specific_reset()
          for (auto& pair : _counters) { pair.second.reset(); }
          std::fill(cutFlowVector.begin(), cutFlowVector.end(), 0);




Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:35 +0000