struct Gambit::SpectrumContents::SM

[No description available]

Inherits from Gambit::SubSpectrumContents

Public Functions

Only have to define the constructor.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::SubSpectrumContents

std::stringgetName() const
std::vector< SpectrumParameter >all_parameters() const
Function to retreive all parameters.
std::vector< SpectrumParameter >all_parameters_with_tag(Par::Tags tag) const
Function to retreive all parameters matching a certain tag.
std::vector< SpectrumParameter >all_parameters_with_tag_and_shape(Par::Tags tag, std::vector< int > & shape) const
Function to retrieve all parameters matching a certain tag and shape.
std::vector< SpectrumParameter >all_BSM_parameters() const
Function to retrieve all parameters whose blockName is not SMINPUTS, YUKAWA, CKMBLOCK, or empty.
voidverify_contents(const SubSpectrum & spec) const
Function to verify that a SubSpectrum wrapper contains everything that this class says it should.

Protected Functions inherited from Gambit::SubSpectrumContents

voidaddParameter(const Par::Tags tag, const std::string & name, const std::vector< int > & shape =initVector(1), const std::string & blockname ="", const int index =0)
Add a parameter to the Contents object.
voidsetName(const std::string & name)
Set the name of this Contents object (i.e. the name of the model to which this spectrum data applies)

Public Functions Documentation

function SM


Only have to define the constructor.

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:32 +0000