struct Gambit::SpecBit::MSSM_strs

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#include <MSSMSpec_head.hpp>

Public Functions


Public Attributes

const std::vector< str >pole_mass_strs
“Metadata” vectors
const std::vector< str >pole_mass_pred
const std::vector< str >pole_mass_strs_1
pole mass strings with 1 index
const std::vector< str >pole_mass_strs_1_6
pole mass strings with 1 index and six entries
const std::vector< str >pole_mass_strs_1_4
pole mass strings with 1 index and four entries
const std::vector< str >pole_mass_strs_1_3
pole mass strings with 1 index and three entries
const std::vector< str >pole_mass_strs_1_2
pole mass strings with 1 index and two entries
const std::vector< str >pole_mixing_strs_2_6x6
Pole_Mixing tagged entries.
const std::vector< str >pole_mixing_strs_2_4x4
2 index, 4x4 entries
const std::vector< str >pole_mixing_strs_2_3x3
2 index, 3x3 entries
const std::vector< str >pole_mixing_strs_2_2x2
2 index, 2x2 entries
const std::vector< str >mass2_strs
mass2 tagged entries
const std::vector< str >mass2_strs_2_3x3
const std::vector< str >mass1_strs
mass1 tagged entries
const std::vector< str >mass1_strs_2_3x3
const std::vector< str >dimensionless_strs
dimensionless tagged entries
const std::vector< str >dimensionless_strs_2_3x3
const strBMu
Const strings for use in MSSMspec class.
const strmHd2
const strmHu2
const strmq2
dimension 2, 2 indices
const strml2
const strmd2
const strmu2
const strme2
const strM1
dimension 1, no index
const strM2
const strM3
const strMu
const strvu
const strvd
const strTYd
dimension 1, 2 indices
const strTYe
const strTYu
const strad
const strae
const strau
const strg1
dimension 0, no index
const strg2
const strg3
const strtanbeta
dimension 0, no index, special map
const strsinW2
const strmA2
dimension 1, no index, special map
const strYd
dimension 0, 2 indices
const strYu
const strYe
const strgluino
const strA0
const strHplus
const strHminus
const strGoldstone0
const strGoldstoneplus
const strGoldstoneminus
const strWplus
const strWminus
const strZ0
const strsu
dimension 1, 1 index , special for setters
const strsd
const strse
const strsnu
const strchiplus
const strchi0
const strh0
const strsubar
const strsdbar
const strseplus
const strsnubar
const strchiminus

Detailed Description

struct Gambit::SpecBit::MSSM_strs;

This struct contains all the strings we will use for the MSSM in the maps. this allows us to implement the maps in a safer way if we choose , while still giving the option of flexibility.

Public Functions Documentation

function MSSM_strs


Public Attributes Documentation

variable pole_mass_strs

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_strs = initVector( gluino, A0, Hplus,
       					     Hminus, Goldstone0,
       					     Wplus, Wminus, Z0 );

“Metadata” vectors

Pole_Mass tagged entries

variable pole_mass_pred

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_pred = initVector( gluino, A0, Hplus,
       					     Hminus, Goldstone0,
       					     Wplus, Wminus );

variable pole_mass_strs_1

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_strs_1 = initVector( su, sd, se, 
                                                      subar, sdbar, seplus,
       					       chiplus, chiminus, chi0, h0, 
       					       snu, snubar );

pole mass strings with 1 index

variable pole_mass_strs_1_6

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_strs_1_6 = initVector( su, sd, se,
       						  subar, sdbar, seplus );

pole mass strings with 1 index and six entries

variable pole_mass_strs_1_4

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_strs_1_4 = initVector( chi0 );

pole mass strings with 1 index and four entries

variable pole_mass_strs_1_3

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_strs_1_3 = initVector( snu, snubar );

pole mass strings with 1 index and three entries

variable pole_mass_strs_1_2

static const std::vector< str > pole_mass_strs_1_2 = initVector( chiplus, chiminus, h0 );

pole mass strings with 1 index and two entries

variable pole_mixing_strs_2_6x6

static const std::vector< str > pole_mixing_strs_2_6x6 = initVector( sd, su, se );

Pole_Mixing tagged entries.

2 index, 6x6 entries

variable pole_mixing_strs_2_4x4

static const std::vector< str > pole_mixing_strs_2_4x4 = initVector( chi0 );

2 index, 4x4 entries

variable pole_mixing_strs_2_3x3

static const std::vector< str > pole_mixing_strs_2_3x3 = initVector( snu );

2 index, 3x3 entries

variable pole_mixing_strs_2_2x2

static const std::vector< str > pole_mixing_strs_2_2x2 = initVector( h0, A0, Hplus, chiminus, chiplus );

2 index, 2x2 entries

variable mass2_strs

static const std::vector< str > mass2_strs = initVector( BMu, mHd2, mHu2, mA2 );

mass2 tagged entries

variable mass2_strs_2_3x3

static const std::vector< str > mass2_strs_2_3x3 = initVector( mq2, ml2, md2, mu2, me2 );

variable mass1_strs

static const std::vector< str > mass1_strs = initVector( M1, M2, M3, Mu, vu, vd );

mass1 tagged entries

variable mass1_strs_2_3x3

static const std::vector< str > mass1_strs_2_3x3 = initVector( TYd, TYe, TYu, ad, ae, au );

variable dimensionless_strs

static const std::vector< str > dimensionless_strs = initVector( g1, g2, g3, tanbeta, sinW2 );

dimensionless tagged entries

variable dimensionless_strs_2_3x3

static const std::vector< str > dimensionless_strs_2_3x3 = initVector( Yd, Yu, Ye );

variable BMu

static const str BMu = "BMu";

Const strings for use in MSSMspec class.

some strings are used in multiple masses comments indicate first map they appear dimension 2, no index

some strings are used in multiple mass comments indicate first map they appear dimension 2, no index

variable mHd2

static const str mHd2 = "mHd2";

variable mHu2

static const str mHu2 = "mHu2";

variable mq2

static const str mq2 =  "mq2";

dimension 2, 2 indices

variable ml2

static const str ml2 =  "ml2";

variable md2

static const str md2 =  "md2";

variable mu2

static const str mu2 =  "mu2";

variable me2

static const str me2 =  "me2";

variable M1

static const str M1 =  "M1";

dimension 1, no index

variable M2

static const str M2 =  "M2";

variable M3

static const str M3 =  "M3";

variable Mu

static const str Mu =  "Mu";

variable vu

static const str vu =  "vu";

variable vd

static const str vd =  "vd";

variable TYd

static const str TYd =  "TYd";

dimension 1, 2 indices

variable TYe

static const str TYe =  "TYe";

variable TYu

static const str TYu =  "TYu";

variable ad

static const str ad =  "ad";

variable ae

static const str ae =  "ae";

variable au

static const str au =  "au";

variable g1

static const str g1 =  "g1";

dimension 0, no index

variable g2

static const str g2 =  "g2";

variable g3

static const str g3 =  "g3";

variable tanbeta

static const str tanbeta = "tanbeta";

dimension 0, no index, special map

dimension 0, no index, special map

variable sinW2

static const str sinW2 = "sinW2";

variable mA2

static const str mA2 = "mA2";

dimension 1, no index, special map

dimension 1, no index, special map

variable Yd

static const str Yd =  "Yd";

dimension 0, 2 indices

variable Yu

static const str Yu =  "Yu";

variable Ye

static const str Ye =  "Ye";

variable gluino

static const str gluino = "~g";

Pole mass dimension 1, no index , special for setters

variable A0

static const str A0 = "A0";

variable Hplus

static const str Hplus = "H+";

variable Hminus

static const str Hminus ="H-";

variable Goldstone0

static const str Goldstone0 ="Goldstone0";

variable Goldstoneplus

static const str Goldstoneplus ="Goldstone+";

variable Goldstoneminus

static const str Goldstoneminus ="Goldstone-";

variable Wplus

static const str Wplus = "W+";

variable Wminus

static const str Wminus = "W-";

variable Z0

static const str Z0 = "Z0";

variable su

static const str su =   "~u";

dimension 1, 1 index , special for setters

variable sd

static const str sd =   "~d";

variable se

static const str se =   "~e-";

variable snu

static const str snu =   "~nu";

variable chiplus

static const str chiplus =   "~chi+";

variable chi0

static const str chi0 =   "~chi0";

variable h0

static const str h0 =   "h0";

variable subar

static const str subar =   "~ubar";

variable sdbar

static const str sdbar =   "~dbar";

variable seplus

static const str seplus =   "~e+";

variable snubar

static const str snubar =   "~nubar";

variable chiminus

static const str chiminus =   "~chi-";

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:33 +0000