struct Gambit::DarkBit::TH_Channel

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#include <ProcessCatalog.hpp>

Public Functions

TH_Channel(std::vector< str > finalStateIDs, daFunk::Funk genRate)
voidprintChannel() const
Print information about this channel.
boolchannelContains(str p) const
Indicate whether or not the final states of this channel contain a specific particle.
boolisChannel(str p0, str p1, str p2 ="", str p3 ="") const
Indicate whether or not this channel is the one defined by some specific final states. Particle name version.
boolisChannel(std::vector< str > particles) const
Indicate whether or not this channel is the one defined by some specific final states. Particle vector version.

Public Attributes

std::vector< std::string >finalStateIDs
Final state identifiers.
unsigned intnFinalStates
Number of final state particles in this channel.
Energy dependence of final state particles. Includes v_rel (“v”) as last argument in case of annihilation.

Detailed Description

struct Gambit::DarkBit::TH_Channel;

All data on a single annihilation or decay channel, e.g. chi –> gamma gamma, chi chi –> mu+ mu-

Public Functions Documentation

function TH_Channel

    std::vector< str > finalStateIDs,
    daFunk::Funk genRate


function printChannel

void printChannel() const

Print information about this channel.

function channelContains

bool channelContains(
    str p
) const

Indicate whether or not the final states of this channel contain a specific particle.

function isChannel

bool isChannel(
    str p0,
    str p1,
    str p2 ="",
    str p3 =""
) const

Indicate whether or not this channel is the one defined by some specific final states. Particle name version.

function isChannel

bool isChannel(
    std::vector< str > particles
) const

Indicate whether or not this channel is the one defined by some specific final states. Particle vector version.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable finalStateIDs

std::vector< std::string > finalStateIDs;

Final state identifiers.

variable nFinalStates

unsigned int nFinalStates;

Number of final state particles in this channel.

variable genRate

daFunk::Funk genRate = daFunk::zero("dummyArgument");

Energy dependence of final state particles. Includes v_rel (“v”) as last argument in case of annihilation.

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000