struct Gambit::ColliderBit::Cutflows
A container for several Cutflow objects, with some convenient batch access.
#include <Cutflow.hpp>
Public Functions
Name | |
Cutflows() Do-nothing default constructor. | |
Cutflows(const vector< Cutflow > & cutflows) Populating constructor. | |
void | addCutflow(const Cutflow & cf) Append a provided Cutflow to the list. |
void | addCutflow(const string & cfname, const vector< string > & cutnames) Append a newly constructed Cutflow to the list. |
Cutflow & | operator[](size_t i) Access the i’thCutflow. |
const Cutflow & | operator[](size_t i) const Access the i’thCutflow (const) |
Cutflow & | operator[](const string & name) Access the Cutflow whose name is name. |
const Cutflow & | operator[](const string & name) const Access the i’thCutflow (const) |
void | fillinit(double weight =1.) Fill the pre-cuts state counter for all contained {Cutflow}s. |
bool | fill(size_t icut, bool cutresult =true, double weight =1.) Fill the {icut}’th post-cut counter, starting at icut=1 for first cut, with the same result for all {Cutflow}s. |
bool | fill(size_t icut, double weight) Fill the {icut}’th post-cut counter, starting at icut=1 for first cut, with the same result for all {Cutflow}s (cutresult=true overload) |
bool | fill(size_t icut, const vector< bool > & cutresults, double weight =1.) Fill cut-state counters from an n-element results vector, starting at icut. |
bool | fillall(const vector< bool > & cutresults, double weight =1.) Fill all cut-state counters from an Ncut-element results vector, starting at icut=1. |
bool | fillnext(bool cutresult, double weight =1.) Fill the next post-cut counter. |
bool | fillnext(double weight =1.) Fill the next post-cut counter, assuming a true result. |
bool | fillnext(const vector< bool > & cutresults, double weight =1.) Fill the next cut-state counters from an n-element results vector. |
void | scale(double factor) Scale the contained {Cutflow}s by the given factor. |
void | normalize(double norm, size_t icut =0) |
string | str() const Create a string representation. |
void | print(std::ostream & os) const Print string representation to a stream. |
Public Attributes
Name | |
vector< Cutflow > | cfs |
Public Functions Documentation
function Cutflows
inline Cutflows()
Do-nothing default constructor.
function Cutflows
inline Cutflows(
const vector< Cutflow > & cutflows
Populating constructor.
function addCutflow
inline void addCutflow(
const Cutflow & cf
Append a provided Cutflow to the list.
function addCutflow
inline void addCutflow(
const string & cfname,
const vector< string > & cutnames
Append a newly constructed Cutflow to the list.
function operator[]
inline Cutflow & operator[](
size_t i
Access the i’thCutflow.
function operator[]
inline const Cutflow & operator[](
size_t i
) const
Access the i’thCutflow (const)
function operator[]
inline Cutflow & operator[](
const string & name
Access the Cutflow whose name is name.
function operator[]
inline const Cutflow & operator[](
const string & name
) const
Access the i’thCutflow (const)
function fillinit
inline void fillinit(
double weight =1.
Fill the pre-cuts state counter for all contained {Cutflow}s.
function fill
inline bool fill(
size_t icut,
bool cutresult =true,
double weight =1.
Fill the {icut}’th post-cut counter, starting at icut=1 for first cut, with the same result for all {Cutflow}s.
function fill
inline bool fill(
size_t icut,
double weight
Fill the {icut}’th post-cut counter, starting at icut=1 for first cut, with the same result for all {Cutflow}s (cutresult=true overload)
Note: Returns the cut result to allow ‘side-effect’ cut-flow filling in an if-statement
This version exists to allow calling fill(i, weight) without the weight getting cast to a bool, or having to explicitly add a ’true’ middle arg.
function fill
inline bool fill(
size_t icut,
const vector< bool > & cutresults,
double weight =1.
Fill cut-state counters from an n-element results vector, starting at icut.
Note: Returns the overall cut result to allow ‘side-effect’ cut-flow filling in an if-statement
function fillall
inline bool fillall(
const vector< bool > & cutresults,
double weight =1.
Fill all cut-state counters from an Ncut-element results vector, starting at icut=1.
function fillnext
inline bool fillnext(
bool cutresult,
double weight =1.
Fill the next post-cut counter.
Note: Returns the cut result to allow ‘side-effect’ cut-flow filling in an if-statement
function fillnext
inline bool fillnext(
double weight =1.
Fill the next post-cut counter, assuming a true result.
Note: Returns the cut result to allow ‘side-effect’ cut-flow filling in an if-statement
function fillnext
inline bool fillnext(
const vector< bool > & cutresults,
double weight =1.
Fill the next cut-state counters from an n-element results vector.
Note: Returns the cut result to allow ‘side-effect’ cut-flow filling in an if-statement
function scale
inline void scale(
double factor
Scale the contained {Cutflow}s by the given factor.
function normalize
inline void normalize(
double norm,
size_t icut =0
Todo: Provide a version that takes a vector of norms?
Scale the cutflow weights so that all the weight counts after cut icut are norm
function str
inline string str() const
Create a string representation.
function print
inline void print(
std::ostream & os
) const
Print string representation to a stream.
Public Attributes Documentation
variable cfs
vector< Cutflow > cfs;
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000