class Gambit::SubSpectrum

Virtual base class for interacting with spectrum generator output.

#include <subspectrum.hpp>

Inherited by Gambit::Spec< MSSMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< DMEFTSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< DMsimpVectorMedDiracDMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< DMsimpVectorMedScalarDMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< DiracSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< MajoranaSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< ScalarSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< ScalarSingletDM_Z3SimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< SubGeVDMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< VectorSingletDM_Z2SimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< Derived >, Gambit::Spec< SMSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< MDMSpec< MI > >, Gambit::Spec< MSSMSpec< MI > >, Gambit::Spec< QedQcdWrapper >, Gambit::Spec< SMHiggsSimpleSpec >, Gambit::Spec< ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec< MI > >, Gambit::Spec< ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec< MI > >, Gambit::Spec< DerivedSpec >

Public Functions

virtual std::stringgetName() const =0
Main public interface functions.
virtual std::unique_ptr< SubSpectrum >clone() const =0
Clone the SubSpectrum object.
virtual voidwriteSLHAfile(int slha_version, const str & filename) const
Dump out spectrum information to an SLHA file (if possible)
virtual SLHAstructgetSLHAea(int slha_version) const
Get spectrum information in SLHAea format (if possible)
virtual voidadd_to_SLHAea(int , SLHAstruct & ) const
Add spectrum information to an SLHAea object (if possible)
virtual intget_numbers_stable_particles() const
virtual doublehard_upper() const
virtual doublesoft_upper() const
virtual doublesoft_lower() const
virtual doublehard_lower() const
virtual voidRunToScaleOverride(double )
Run spectrum to new scale.
virtual doubleGetScale() const
Returns the renormalisation scale of parameters.
virtual voidSetScale(double )
voidRunToScale(double scale, const int behave =0)
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const str & name, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
Parameter override functions.
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const str & name, const int i, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const str & name, const int i, const int j, const bool allow_new =false)
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector< str > & params, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
Vector override functions.
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector< str > & params, const std::vector< int > indices, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector< str > & params, const int i, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const str & par, const std::vector< int > indices, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const int pdg_code, const int context, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
PDB getter/checker overloads.
doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const int pdg_code, const int context, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & mass, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
safeget functions, by Abram
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & mass, const int i, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & mass, const int i, const int j, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const int pdg_code, const int context, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const int PDGcode, const int context, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
PDB overloads for setters.
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
PDB overloads of set_override functions.
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags , const str & , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
Getters/Setters etc.
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags , const str & , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const =0
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const =0
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags , const double , const str & , const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) =0
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags , const double , const str & , const int , const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) =0
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags , const double , const str & , const int , const int ) =0
virtual const std::map< int, int > &PDG_translator() const
TODO: extra PDB overloads to handle all the one and two index cases (well all the ones that are feasible…)

Protected Attributes

std::map< Par::Tags, OverrideMaps >override_maps
Map of override maps.

Public Functions Documentation

function SubSpectrum

inline SubSpectrum()


function ~SubSpectrum

inline virtual ~SubSpectrum()

function getName

virtual std::string getName() const =0

Main public interface functions.

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName, Gambit::Spec::getName

Get name

function clone

virtual std::unique_ptr< SubSpectrum > clone() const =0

Clone the SubSpectrum object.

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone, Gambit::Spec::clone

function writeSLHAfile

virtual void writeSLHAfile(
    int slha_version,
    const str & filename
) const

Dump out spectrum information to an SLHA file (if possible)

SubSpectrum member function definitions.

Dump out spectrum information to an SLHA file (if possible)

function getSLHAea

virtual SLHAstruct getSLHAea(
    int slha_version
) const

Get spectrum information in SLHAea format (if possible)

function add_to_SLHAea

inline virtual void add_to_SLHAea(
    int ,
    SLHAstruct & 
) const

Add spectrum information to an SLHAea object (if possible)

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::MSSMSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::MSSMSimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::Models::DMEFTSimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::Models::DMsimpVectorMedDiracDMSimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::Models::DMsimpVectorMedMajoranaDMSimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::Models::DMsimpVectorMedScalarDMSimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::Models::DMsimpVectorMedVectorDMSimpleSpec::add_to_SLHAea, Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::add_to_SLHAea

function get_numbers_stable_particles

inline virtual int get_numbers_stable_particles() const

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::MSSMSpec::get_numbers_stable_particles, Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::get_numbers_stable_particles

There may be more than one new stable particle this method will tell you how many. If more than zero you probbaly need to know what model you are working on, so we don’t give all stable particles

function hard_upper

inline virtual double hard_upper() const

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::hard_upper

Limits to RGE running; warning/error raised if running beyond these is attempted. If these aren’t overridden in the derived class then effectively no limit on running will exist. These are public so that module writers can use them to check what the limits are.

function soft_upper

inline virtual double soft_upper() const

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::soft_upper

function soft_lower

inline virtual double soft_lower() const

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::soft_lower

function hard_lower

inline virtual double hard_lower() const

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::hard_lower

function RunToScaleOverride

inline virtual void RunToScaleOverride(

Run spectrum to new scale.

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::MDMSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SpecBit::MSSMSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::RunToScaleOverride, Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::RunToScaleOverride

Functions to be overridden in classes derived from Spec (i.e. the final wrappers)

function GetScale

inline virtual double GetScale() const

Returns the renormalisation scale of parameters.

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SMSimpleSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::MDMSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::MSSMSpec::GetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::GetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec::GetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec::GetScale

function SetScale

inline virtual void SetScale(

Reimplemented by: Gambit::SpecBit::MDMSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::MSSMSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::QedQcdWrapper::SetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z2Spec::SetScale, Gambit::SpecBit::ScalarSingletDM_Z3Spec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale, Gambit::SLHASimpleSpec::SetScale

Manually set the renormalisation scale of parameters somewhat dangerous to allow this but may be needed

function RunToScale

void RunToScale(
    double scale,
    const int behave =0

Run spectrum to a new scale This function is a wrapper for RunToScaleOverride which automatically checks limits and raises warnings.

function set_override

void set_override(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const double value,
    const str & name,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

Parameter override functions.

function set_override

void set_override(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const double value,
    const str & name,
    const int i,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

function set_override

void set_override(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const double value,
    const str & name,
    const int i,
    const int j,
    const bool allow_new =false

function set_override_vector

void set_override_vector(
    const Par::Tags tag,
    const double value,
    const std::vector< str > & params,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

Vector override functions.

function set_override_vector

void set_override_vector(
    const Par::Tags tag,
    const double value,
    const std::vector< str > & params,
    const std::vector< int > indices,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

function set_override_vector

void set_override_vector(
    const Par::Tags tag,
    const double value,
    const std::vector< str > & params,
    const int i,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

function set_override_vector

void set_override_vector(
    const Par::Tags tag,
    const double value,
    const str & par,
    const std::vector< int > indices,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

function has

bool has(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const int pdg_code,
    const int context,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

PDB getter/checker overloads.

function get

double get(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const int pdg_code,
    const int context,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function has

bool has(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function get

double get(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function has

bool has(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< str, int > shortpr,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function get

double get(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< str, int > shortpr,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function safeget

double safeget(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const str & mass,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

safeget functions, by Abram

function safeget

double safeget(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const str & mass,
    const int i,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function safeget

double safeget(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const str & mass,
    const int i,
    const int j,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides
) const

function safeget

double safeget(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const int pdg_code,
    const int context,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function safeget

double safeget(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function safeget

double safeget(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const std::pair< str, int > shortpr,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const

function set_override

void set_override(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const double value,
    const int PDGcode,
    const int context,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

PDB overloads for setters.

function set_override

void set_override(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const double value,
    const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

function set_override

void set_override(
    const Par::Tags partype,
    const double value,
    const std::pair< str, int > shortpr,
    const bool allow_new =false,
    const bool decouple =false

PDB overloads of set_override functions.

function has

virtual bool has(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const str & ,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const =0

Getters/Setters etc.

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has

function get

virtual double get(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const str & ,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get

function has

virtual bool has(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const str & ,
    const int ,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has

function get

virtual double get(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const str & ,
    const int ,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) const =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get

function has

virtual bool has(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const str & ,
    const int ,
    const int ,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides
) const =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has, Gambit::Spec::has

function get

virtual double get(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const str & ,
    const int ,
    const int ,
    const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides
) const =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get, Gambit::Spec::get

function set

virtual void set(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const double ,
    const str & ,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set

function set

virtual void set(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const double ,
    const str & ,
    const int ,
    const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)
) =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set

function set

virtual void set(
    const Par::Tags ,
    const double ,
    const str & ,
    const int ,
    const int 
) =0

Reimplemented by: Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set, Gambit::Spec::set

function PDG_translator

inline virtual const std::map< int, int > & PDG_translator() const

TODO: extra PDB overloads to handle all the one and two index cases (well all the ones that are feasible…)

Reimplemented by: Gambit::MSSMSimpleSpec::PDG_translator

PDG code translation map, for special cases where an SLHA file has been read in and the PDG codes changed.

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable override_maps

std::map< Par::Tags, OverrideMaps > override_maps;

Map of override maps.

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:31 +0000