class Gambit::Scanner::Plugins::pluginInfo

Container for all the plugin info from the inifile and Scannerbit.

#include <plugin_loader.hpp>

Public Functions

voidiniFile(const Options & options_in)
Enter plugin inifile.
voidprinter_prior(printer_interface & printerIn, Priors::BasePrior & prior_in)
boolkeep_running() const
voidset_running(bool b)
boolfunc_calculating() const
voidset_calculating(bool b)
boolearly_shutdown_in_progress() const
boolresume_mode() const
template <typename… T>
resume(const std::string & name, T &… data)
resume function
Dump contents for resume.
voiddump(const std::string & name)
Dump contents for one plugin.
voidsave_alt_min_LogL_state() const
Save persistence file to record that the alternative min_LogL value is in use for this scan.
voidclear_alt_min_LogL_state() const
Delete the persistence file if it exists (e.g. when starting a new run)
boolcheck_alt_min_LogL_state() const
Check persistence file to see if we should be using the alternative min_LogL value.
const Plugin_Loader &operator()()
Retrieve plugin data.
Plugin_Interface_Detailsoperator()(const std::string & type, const std::string & tag)
Get plugin data for single plugin.

Public Functions Documentation

function pluginInfo


function iniFile

void iniFile(
    const Options & options_in

Enter plugin inifile.

function printer_prior

void printer_prior(
    printer_interface & printerIn,
    Priors::BasePrior & prior_in

function keep_running

inline bool keep_running() const

function set_running

inline void set_running(
    bool b

function func_calculating

inline bool func_calculating() const

function set_calculating

inline void set_calculating(
    bool b

function set_early_shutdown_in_progress

inline void set_early_shutdown_in_progress()

function early_shutdown_in_progress

inline bool early_shutdown_in_progress() const

function resume_mode

inline bool resume_mode() const

function temp_file_path

inline std::string temp_file_path()

function getRank

inline int getRank()

function resume

template <typename... T>
inline void resume(
    const std::string & name,
    T &... data

resume function

function dump

void dump()

Dump contents for resume.

function dump

void dump(
    const std::string & name

Dump contents for one plugin.

function save_alt_min_LogL_state

void save_alt_min_LogL_state() const

Save persistence file to record that the alternative min_LogL value is in use for this scan.

function clear_alt_min_LogL_state

void clear_alt_min_LogL_state() const

Delete the persistence file if it exists (e.g. when starting a new run)

function check_alt_min_LogL_state

bool check_alt_min_LogL_state() const

Check persistence file to see if we should be using the alternative min_LogL value.

function operator()

inline const Plugin_Loader & operator()()

Retrieve plugin data.

function operator()

Plugin_Interface_Details operator()(
    const std::string & type,
    const std::string & tag

Get plugin data for single plugin.

function ~pluginInfo


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000