class Gambit::Scanner::Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function< ret(args…)>

Objective functor made up of multiple plugins. More…

#include <plugin_factory.hpp>

Inherits from Gambit::Scanner::Function_Base< ret(args…)>, boost::enable_shared_from_this< Function_Base< ret(args…)> >

Public Functions

Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function(const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & params, const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & names)
retmain(const args &… in)

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::Scanner::Function_Base< ret(args…)>

Function_Base(double offset =0.)
virtual doublepurposeModifier(double ret_val)
retoperator()(const args &… params)
voidsetPurpose(const std::string p)
voidsetPrinter(printer * p)
voidsetPrior(Priors::BasePrior * p)
printer &getPrinter()
printer &getPrinter() const
Priors::BasePrior &getPrior()
std::vector< std::string >getParameters()
std::vector< std::string >getShownParameters()
std::stringgetPurpose() const
intgetRank() const
voidsetRank(int r)
doublegetPurposeOffset() const
voidsetPurposeOffset(double os)
unsigned long long intgetPtID() const
voidsetPtID(unsigned long long int pID)
unsigned long long intgetNextPtID() const
Tell ScannerBit that we are aborting the scan and it should tell the scanner plugin to stop, and return control to the calling code.
Check whether likelihood container is supposed to control early shutdown of scan.
Checks if some process has triggered the ‘switch_to_alternate_min_LogL’ function.

Friends inherited from Gambit::Scanner::Function_Base< ret(args…)>

classFunction_Deleter< ret(args…)>
classscan_ptr< ret(args…)>

Detailed Description

template <typename ret ,
typename... args>
class Gambit::Scanner::Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function< ret(args...)>;

Objective functor made up of multiple plugins.

Public Functions Documentation

function Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function

inline Multi_Scanner_Plugin_Function(
    const std::map< std::string, std::vector< std::string > > & params,
    const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > & names

function main

inline ret main(
    const args &... in

Updated on 2023-06-26 at 21:36:52 +0000