class Gambit::safe_variable_ptr

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#include <util_types.hpp>

Public Functions

safe_variable_ptr &operator=(const safe_variable_ptr & ) =delete
Remove the default copy constructor and assignment operator.
safe_variable_ptr(const safe_variable_ptr & ) =delete
safe_variable_ptr(TYPE * in_ptr =NULL)
voidset(TYPE * in_ptr)
Set pointer.
TYPE *get()
Get pointer.
TYPE &operator*()
Dereference pointer.
TYPE &operator[](int index)
Dereference pointer as if it is an array.
TYPE *operator->()
Access member functions.

Protected Functions

Failure message invoked when the user tries to dereference a null safe_variable_ptr.

Protected Attributes

TYPE *ptr
The actual underlying pointer.

Detailed Description

template <typename TYPE >
class Gambit::safe_variable_ptr;

A safe variable pointer that throws an informative error if you try to dereference it when nullified, but unlike safe_ptr it can be used to overwrite the thing it points to. However, it is not possible to change the address of this pointer without using the ‘set’ function (in which case you presumably know what you’re doing).

Public Functions Documentation

function operator=

safe_variable_ptr & operator=(
    const safe_variable_ptr & 
) =delete

Remove the default copy constructor and assignment operator.

function safe_variable_ptr

    const safe_variable_ptr & 
) =delete

function safe_variable_ptr

inline safe_variable_ptr(
    TYPE * in_ptr =NULL


function set

inline void set(
    TYPE * in_ptr

Set pointer.

function get

inline TYPE * get()

Get pointer.

function operator*

inline TYPE & operator*()

Dereference pointer.

function operator[]

inline TYPE & operator[](
    int index

Dereference pointer as if it is an array.

function operator->

inline TYPE * operator->()

Access member functions.

Protected Functions Documentation

function dieGracefully

static inline void dieGracefully()

Failure message invoked when the user tries to dereference a null safe_variable_ptr.

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable ptr

TYPE * ptr;

The actual underlying pointer.

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:31 +0000