class Gambit::Printers::HDF5MasterBuffer
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#include <hdf5printer_v2.hpp>
Public Functions
Name | |
HDF5MasterBuffer(const std::string & filename, const std::string & groupname, const std::string & metadata_groupname, const bool sync, const std::size_t buffer_length) Constructor. | |
~HDF5MasterBuffer() Destructor. | |
void | flush() Empty all buffers to disk. |
void | print_metadata(std::map< std::string, std::string > , bool ) Print metadata directly to disk. |
void | reset() Clear all data in buffers and on disk for this printer. |
void | resynchronise() Make sure all buffers know about all points in all buffers. |
bool | all_buffers_empty() Report whether all the buffers are empty. |
bool | is_synchronised() Report what sort of buffers we are managing. |
std::string | buffer_status() Report status of non-empty buffers (as a string message) |
std::string | get_file() Report what output file we are targeting. |
std::string | get_group() Report which group in the output file we are targeting. |
std::string | get_metadata_group() Report the name of the metadata group on this file. |
std::size_t | get_buffer_length() Report length of buffer for HDF5 output. |
std::size_t | get_Npoints() Report number of points currently in the buffer. |
void | extend_all_datasets_to(const std::size_t length) Extend all datasets to the specified size;. |
std::map< ulong, ulong > | get_highest_PPIDs(const int mpisize) Search the existing output and find the highest used pointIDs for each rank. |
void | lock_and_open_file(const char access_type =‘w’) Open (and lock) output HDF5 file and obtain HDF5 handles. |
void | close_and_unlock_file() Close (and unlock) output HDF5 file and release HDF5 handles. |
hid_t | get_location_id() Retrieve the location_id specifying where output should be created in the HDF5 file. |
hid_t | get_metadata_id() Retrieve the metadata_id where the metadata should be created in the HDF5 file. |
std::size_t | get_next_free_position() Get next available position in the synchronised output datasets. |
std::size_t | get_next_metadata_position() Get the next position for metadata entries. |
std::size_t | get_Nbuffers() Report number of buffers that we are managing. |
double | get_sizeMB() Report upper limit estimate of size of all buffer data in MB. |
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > | get_all_dset_names_on_disk() Get names and types of all datasets in the group that we are pointed at. |
const std::map< std::string, HDF5BufferBase * > & | get_all_buffers() Retrieve a map containing pointers to all buffers managed by this object. |
const std::set< PPIDpair > & | get_all_points() Retrieve set containing all points currently known to be in these buffers. |
void | untrack_points(const std::set< PPIDpair > & removed_points) Remove points from buffer tracking. |
template <class T > void | schedule_print(T const & value, const std::string & label, const unsigned int mpirank, const unsigned long pointID) Queue up data to be written to disk when buffers are full. |
Detailed Description
class Gambit::Printers::HDF5MasterBuffer;
Class to manage all buffers for a given printer object Also handles the file locking/access to the output file
Public Functions Documentation
function HDF5MasterBuffer
const std::string & filename,
const std::string & groupname,
const std::string & metadata_groupname,
const bool sync,
const std::size_t buffer_length
Member functions of HDF5MasterBuffer.
function ~HDF5MasterBuffer
function flush
void flush()
Empty all buffers to disk.
Empty all buffers to disk (or as much of them as is currently possible in RA case)
While we are here, check that buffered_points and buffered_points_set are the same size
function print_metadata
void print_metadata(
std::map< std::string, std::string > ,
Print metadata directly to disk.
Print metadata directly to file.
function reset
void reset()
Clear all data in buffers and on disk for this printer.
function resynchronise
void resynchronise()
Make sure all buffers know about all points in all buffers.
Make sure all buffers know about all points in all buffers Should not generally be necessary if points are added in the “normal” way. Only needed in special circumstances (e.g. when receiving points from another process).
function all_buffers_empty
bool all_buffers_empty()
Report whether all the buffers are empty.
function is_synchronised
bool is_synchronised()
Report what sort of buffers we are managing.
function buffer_status
std::string buffer_status()
Report status of non-empty buffers (as a string message)
Report status of non-empty buffers.
function get_file
std::string get_file()
Report what output file we are targeting.
function get_group
std::string get_group()
Report which group in the output file we are targeting.
function get_metadata_group
std::string get_metadata_group()
Report the name of the metadata group on this file.
function get_buffer_length
std::size_t get_buffer_length()
Report length of buffer for HDF5 output.
function get_Npoints
std::size_t get_Npoints()
Report number of points currently in the buffer.
function extend_all_datasets_to
void extend_all_datasets_to(
const std::size_t length
Extend all datasets to the specified size;.
function get_highest_PPIDs
std::map< ulong, ulong > get_highest_PPIDs(
const int mpisize
Search the existing output and find the highest used pointIDs for each rank.
function lock_and_open_file
void lock_and_open_file(
const char access_type ='w'
Open (and lock) output HDF5 file and obtain HDF5 handles.
function close_and_unlock_file
void close_and_unlock_file()
Close (and unlock) output HDF5 file and release HDF5 handles.
function get_location_id
hid_t get_location_id()
Retrieve the location_id specifying where output should be created in the HDF5 file.
function get_metadata_id
hid_t get_metadata_id()
Retrieve the metadata_id where the metadata should be created in the HDF5 file.
function get_next_free_position
std::size_t get_next_free_position()
Get next available position in the synchronised output datasets.
Determine the next free index in the output datasets.
function get_next_metadata_position
std::size_t get_next_metadata_position()
Get the next position for metadata entries.
Determine the next position for metadata entries.
function get_Nbuffers
std::size_t get_Nbuffers()
Report number of buffers that we are managing.
function get_sizeMB
double get_sizeMB()
Report upper limit estimate of size of all buffer data in MB.
function get_all_dset_names_on_disk
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > get_all_dset_names_on_disk()
Get names and types of all datasets in the group that we are pointed at.
Get names of all datasets in the group that we are pointed at.
function get_all_buffers
const std::map< std::string, HDF5BufferBase * > & get_all_buffers()
Retrieve a map containing pointers to all buffers managed by this object.
function get_all_points
const std::set< PPIDpair > & get_all_points()
Retrieve set containing all points currently known to be in these buffers.
function untrack_points
void untrack_points(
const std::set< PPIDpair > & removed_points
Remove points from buffer tracking.
function schedule_print
template <class T >
inline void schedule_print(
T const & value,
const std::string & label,
const unsigned int mpirank,
const unsigned long pointID
Queue up data to be written to disk when buffers are full.
Check if the point is known to be in the buffers already
While we are here, check that buffered_points and buffered_points_set are the same size
This is a new point! See if buffers are full and need to be flushed
Sync buffers exceeded the allowed size somehow
RA buffers may not have been able to fully flush, so check their length and report if it is getting big.
Attempt to flush again every 1000 points beyond buffer limits
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000