class Gambit::PostProcessor::PPDriver

Driver class to handle the actual postprocessing tasks.

#include <postprocessor.hpp>

Public Functions

PPDriver member function definitions.
PPDriver(Printers::BaseBaseReader * const r, Printers::BaseBasePrinter * const p, Scanner::like_ptr const l, const PPOptions & o)
Real constructor.
intrun_main_loop(const ChunkSet & done_chunks)
The main run loop.
boolget_ModelParameters(std::unordered_map< std::string, double > & outputMap)
intrun_main_loop(const Chunk & mychunks)
The main run loop.
Check postprocessor settings for consistency and general validity.
PPDriver(Printers::BaseBaseReader * const r, Printers::BaseBasePrinter * const p, Scanner::like_ptr const l, const PPOptions & o)
boolget_ModelParameters(std::unordered_map< std::string, double > & outputMap)
Compute start/end indices for a given rank process, given previous “done_chunk” data.
voidset_done_chunks(const ChunkSet & done_chunks)
unsigned long longnext_point_index()
Return index of next point to be distributed for processing (mainly to track progress)
unsigned long longget_total_length()
Return total length of input dataset (mainly to track progress)

Public Attributes

const intREDIST_REQ

Public Functions Documentation

function PPDriver


PPDriver member function definitions.

Default constructor

function PPDriver

    Printers::BaseBaseReader * const r,
    Printers::BaseBasePrinter * const p,
    Scanner::like_ptr const l,
    const PPOptions & o

Real constructor.

function run_main_loop

int run_main_loop(
    const ChunkSet & done_chunks

The main run loop.

Retrieve the old parameter values from previous output

function get_ModelParameters

bool get_ModelParameters(
    std::unordered_map< std::string, double > & outputMap

Debugging; show what was actually retrieved from the output file

Debugging; show what was actually retrieved from the output file

function run_main_loop

int run_main_loop(
    const Chunk & mychunks

The main run loop.

Retrieve the old parameter values from previous output

function check_settings

void check_settings()

Check postprocessor settings for consistency and general validity.

Check if any of the output names selected in the renaming scheme are already claimed by functor output etc. Also check if the requested input label actually exists in the input dataset And check if the selected output name clashes with another input name that isn’t selected for renaming

Check if any of the output names selected in the renaming scheme are already claimed by functor output etc. Also check if the requested input label actually exists in the input dataset And check if the selected output name clashes with another input name that isn’t selected for renaming

function check_for_redistribution_request

bool check_for_redistribution_request()

function send_redistribution_request

void send_redistribution_request()

function clear_redistribution_requests

void clear_redistribution_requests()

function PPDriver


Default constructor

function PPDriver

    Printers::BaseBaseReader * const r,
    Printers::BaseBasePrinter * const p,
    Scanner::like_ptr const l,
    const PPOptions & o

function check_settings

void check_settings()

Check if any of the output names selected in the renaming scheme are already claimed by functor output etc. Also check if the requested input label actually exists in the input dataset And check if the selected output name clashes with another input name that isn’t selected for renaming

Check if any of the output names selected in the renaming scheme are already claimed by functor output etc. Also check if the requested input label actually exists in the input dataset And check if the selected output name clashes with another input name that isn’t selected for renaming

function get_ModelParameters

bool get_ModelParameters(
    std::unordered_map< std::string, double > & outputMap

Debugging; show what was actually retrieved from the output file

Debugging; show what was actually retrieved from the output file

function get_new_chunk

Chunk get_new_chunk()

Compute start/end indices for a given rank process, given previous “done_chunk” data.

function set_done_chunks

void set_done_chunks(
    const ChunkSet & done_chunks

function next_point_index

unsigned long long next_point_index()

Return index of next point to be distributed for processing (mainly to track progress)

function get_total_length

unsigned long long get_total_length()

Return total length of input dataset (mainly to track progress)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable REDIST_REQ

static const int REDIST_REQ = 0;

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000