class Gambit::MultiNest::LogLikeWrapper
Class to connect multinest log-likelihood function and ScannerBit likelihood function.
#include <multinest.hpp>
Public Functions
Name | |
LogLikeWrapper(scanPtr loglike, printer_interface & printer) Constructor. | |
double | LogLike(double * Cube, int ndim, int ) Main interface function from MultiNest to ScannerBit-supplied loglikelihood function. |
void | dumper(int nSamples, int nlive, int nPar, double * physLive, double * posterior, double * , double , double , double ) Main interface to MultiNest dumper routine. |
Public Functions Documentation
function LogLikeWrapper
scanPtr loglike,
printer_interface & printer
LogLikeWrapper Constructor.
function LogLike
double LogLike(
double * Cube,
int ndim,
Main interface function from MultiNest to ScannerBit-supplied loglikelihood function.
Main interface function from MultiNest to ScannerBit-supplied loglikelihood function This is the function that will be passed to Multinest as the loglike callback routine
Input arguments ndim = dimensionality (total number of free parameters) of the problem npars = total number of free plus derived parameters context = void pointer, any additional information
Input/Output arguments Cube[npars] = on entry has the ndim parameters in unit-hypercube on exit, the physical parameters plus copy any derived parameters you want to store with the free parameters
Output arguments lnew = loglikelihood
function dumper
void dumper(
int nSamples,
int nlive,
int nPar,
double * physLive,
double * posterior,
double * ,
double ,
double ,
Main interface to MultiNest dumper routine.
Main interface to MultiNest dumper routine The dumper routine will be called every updInt*10 iterations MultiNest does not need to the user to do anything. User can use the arguments in whichever way he/she wants
nSamples = total number of samples in posterior distribution nlive = total number of live points nPar = total number of parameters (free + derived) physLive[1][nlive * (nPar + 1)] = 2D array containing the last set of live points (physical parameters plus derived parameters) along with their loglikelihood values TODO: Multinest uses the likelihood of the lowest live point as the “threshold” for iterating, i.e. it throws out the live point if it finds a better one. So we can use this number to update the GAMBIT ‘cutoff’ threshold when evaluating the likelihood function. posterior[1][nSamples * (nPar + 2)] = posterior distribution containing nSamples points. Each sample has nPar parameters (physical + derived) along with the their loglike value & posterior probability paramConstr[0][0] to paramConstr[0][nPar - 1] = mean values of the parameters paramConstr[0][nPar] to paramConstr[0][2nPar - 1] = standard deviation of the parameters paramConstr[0][nPar2] to paramConstr[0][3nPar - 1] = best-fit (maxlike) parameters paramConstr[0][nPar4] to paramConstr[0][4nPar - 1] = MAP (maximum-a-posteriori) parameters paramConstr[1][4nPar] = ???? maxLogLike = maximum loglikelihood value logZ = log evidence value logZerr = error on log evidence value context = void pointer, any additional information
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000