class Gambit::module_functor

Actual module functor type for all but TYPE=void. More…

#include <functors.hpp>

Inherits from Gambit::module_functor_common, Gambit::functor

Public Functions

module_functor(void(*)(TYPE &) inputFunction, str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type, str origin_name, Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw)
virtual voidsetPrintRequirement(bool flag)
Setter for indicating if the wrapped function’s result should to be printed.
virtual boolrequiresPrinting() const
Getter indicating if the wrapped function’s result should to be printed.
virtual voidcalculate()
Calculate method.
const TYPE &operator()(int index)
Operation (return value)
safe_ptr< TYPE >valuePtr()
Alternative to operation (returns a safe pointer to value)
virtual voidprint(Printers::BasePrinter * printer, const int pointID, int index)
Printer function.
virtual voidprint(Printers::BasePrinter * printer, const int pointID)
Printer function (no-thread-index short-circuit)

Protected Functions

virtual voidinit_memory()
Initialise the memory of this functor.

Protected Attributes

void(*)(TYPE &)myFunction
Internal storage of function pointer.
TYPE *myValue
Internal pointer to storage location of function value.
Flag to select whether or not the results of this functor should be sent to the printer object.

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::module_functor_common

module_functor_common(str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type, str origin_name, Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw)
virtual doublegetRuntimeAverage()
Getter for averaged runtime.
virtual voidreset()
Reset functor.
virtual voidnotifyOfInvalidation(const str & msg)
Tell the functor that it invalidated the current point in model space, pass a message explaining why, and throw an exception.
virtual doublegetInvalidationRate()
Getter for invalidation rate.
virtual voidsetFadeRate(double new_rate)
Setter for the fade rate.
virtual voidsetTimingPrintRequirement(bool flag)
Setter for indicating if the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed.
virtual boolrequiresTimingPrinting() const
Getter indicating if the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed.
boolgetActiveModelFlag(str model)
Indicate whether or not a known model is activated or not.
safe_ptr< str >getChosenReqFromGroup(str group)
Return a safe pointer to a string indicating which backend requirement has been activated for a given backend group.
virtual voiditerate(long long iteration)
Execute a single iteration in the loop managed by this functor.
virtual voidinit_myCurrentIteration_if_NULL()
Initialise the array holding the current iteration(s) of this functor.
virtual voidsetIteration(long long iteration)
Setter for setting the iteration number in the loop in which this functor runs.
virtual omp_safe_ptr< long long >iterationPtr()
Return a safe pointer to the iteration number in the loop in which this functor runs.
virtual voidsetCanBeLoopManager(bool canManage)
Setter for specifying whether this is permitted to be a manager functor, which runs other functors nested in a loop.
virtual boolcanBeLoopManager()
Getter for revealing whether this is permitted to be a manager functor.
virtual voidsetLoopManagerCapType(str cap, str t)
Setter for specifying the capability required of a manager functor, if it is to run this functor nested in a loop.
virtual boolneedsLoopManager()
Getter for revealing whether this functor needs a loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerCapability()
Getter for revealing the required capability of the wrapped function’s loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerType()
Getter for revealing the required type of the wrapped function’s loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerName()
Getter for revealing the name of the wrapped function’s assigned loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerOrigin()
Getter for revealing the module of the wrapped function’s assigned loop manager.
virtual voidbreakLoopFromManagedFunctor()
Tell the manager of the loop in which this functor runs that it is time to break the loop.
virtual safe_ptr< bool >loopIsDone()
Return a safe pointer to the flag indicating that a loop managed by this functor should break now.
virtual voidresetLoop()
Provide a way to reset the flag indicating that a loop managed by this functor should break.
virtual voidbreakLoop()
Tell the functor that the loop it manages should break now.
virtual std::set< sspair >dependencies()
Getter for listing currently activated dependencies.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendclassloading()
Getter for listing backends that require class loading.
virtual std::set< str >backendgroups()
Getter for listing backend requirement groups.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendreqs()
Getter for listing all backend requirements.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendreqs(str group)
Getter for listing backend requirements from a specific group.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendspermitted(sspair quant)
Getter for listing permitted backends.
virtual std::set< str >backendreq_tags(sspair quant)
Getter for listing tags associated with backend requirements.
virtual std::set< sspair >forcematchingbackend(str tag)
Getter for listing backend requirements that must be resolved from the same backend.
virtual std::set< sspair >backend_conditional_dependencies(str req, str type, str be, str ver)
Getter for listing backend-specific conditional dependencies (4-string version)
virtual std::set< sspair >backend_conditional_dependencies(str req, str type, str be)
Getter for backend-specific conditional dependencies (3-string version)
virtual std::set< sspair >backend_conditional_dependencies(functor * be_functor)
Getter for backend-specific conditional dependencies (backend functor pointer version)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_dependencies(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional dependencies (matches also on parents and friends)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_dependencies_exact(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional dependencies (matches on the exact model)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_backend_reqs(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional backend requirements (matches also on parents and friends)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_backend_reqs_exact(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional backend requirements (matches on the exact model)
voidsetDependency(str dep, str dep_type, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver, str purpose ="")
Add and activate unconditional dependencies.
voidsetConditionalDependency(str dep, str dep_type)
Add conditional dependency-type pairs in advance of later conditions.
voidsetBackendConditionalDependency(str req, str be, str ver, str dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Add a backend conditional dependency for multiple backend versions.
voidsetBackendConditionalDependencySingular(str req, str be, str ver, str dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Add a backend conditional dependency for a single backend version.
voidsetModelConditionalDependency(str model, str dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Add a model conditional dependency for multiple models.
voidsetModelConditionalDependencySingular(str model, str dep, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *) resolver)
Add a model conditional dependency for a single model.
voidmakeBackendRuleForModel(str model, str tag)
Add a rule for activating backend requirements according to the model being scanned.
voidsetBackendReq(str group, str req, str tags, str type, void(*)(functor *) resolver)
voidsetModelConditionalBackendReq(str model, str req, str type)
Add a model conditional backend requirement for multiple models.
voidsetModelConditionalBackendReqSingular(str model, str req, str type)
Add a model conditional backend requirement for a single model.
voidmakeBackendOptionRule(str be_and_ver, str tag)
Add a rule for dictating which backends can be used to fulfill which backend requirements.
voidsetPermittedBackend(str req, str be, str ver)
Add a single permitted backend version.
voidmakeBackendMatchingRule(str tag)
Add one or more rules for forcing backends reqs with the same tags to always be resolved from the same backend.
voidsetRequiredClassloader(str be, str ver, str safe_ver)
Add a rule indicating that classes from a given backend must be available.
virtual voidnotifyOfBackends(std::map< str, std::set< str > > be_ver_map)
Indicate to the functor which backends are actually loaded and working.
virtual voidsetNestedList(std::vector< functor * > & newNestedList)
Set the ordered list of pointers to other functors that should run nested in a loop managed by this one.
virtual voidresolveDependency(functor * dep_functor)
Resolve a dependency using a pointer to another functor object.
virtual voidresolveLoopManager(functor * dep_functor)
Set this functor’s loop manager (if it has one)
virtual voidresolveBackendReq(functor * be_functor)
Resolve a backend requirement using a pointer to another functor object.
virtual voidnotifyOfModel(str model)
Notify the functor that a certain model is being scanned, so that it can activate its dependencies and backend reqs accordingly.
virtual voidnotifyOfDependee(functor * dependent_functor)
Notify the functor that another functor depends on it.
virtual invalid_point_exception *retrieve_invalid_point_exception()
Retrieve the previously saved exception generated when this functor invalidated the current point in model space.

Protected Functions inherited from Gambit::module_functor_common

virtual voidreset(int thread_num)
Reset functor for one thread only.
virtual voidacknowledgeInvalidation(invalid_point_exception & e, functor * f =NULL)
Acknowledge that this functor invalidated the current point in model space.
virtual voidstartTiming(int thread_num)
Do pre-calculate timing things.
virtual voidfinishTiming(int thread_num)
Do post-calculate timing things.
Construct the list of known models only if it doesn’t yet exist.
sspairretrieve_conditional_dep_type_pair(str dep)
Retrieve full conditional dependency-type pair from conditional dependency only.
Check if an appropriate LogTag for this functor is missing from the logging system.

Protected Attributes inherited from Gambit::module_functor_common

Flag to select whether or not the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed;.
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > *start
Beginning and end timing points.
std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock > *end
A flag indicating whether or not this functor has invalidated the current point.
An exception raised because this functor has invalidated the current point.
Averaged runtime in ns.
Fade rate for average runtime.
Probability that functors invalidates point in model parameter space.
bool *needs_recalculating
Needs recalculating or not?
bool *already_printed
Has result already been sent to the printer?
bool *already_printed_timing
Has timing data already been sent to the printer?
Flag indicating whether this function can manage a loop over other functions.
Flag indicating whether this function is ready to finish its loop (only relevant if iCanManageLoops = true)
Flag indicating whether this function can run nested in a loop over functions.
Capability of a function that mangages a loop that this function can run inside of.
Capability of a function that mangages a loop that this function can run inside of.
functor *myLoopManager
Pointer to the functor that mangages the loop that this function runs inside of.
std::vector< functor * >myNestedFunctorList
Vector of functors that have been set up to run nested within this one.
long long *myCurrentIteration
Pointer to counters for iterations of nested functor loop.
const intgloblMaxThreads
Maximum number of OpenMP threads this MPI process is permitted to launch in total.
std::set< str >myGroups
Internal list of backend groups that this functor’s requirements fall into.
std::map< str, str >chosenReqsFromGroups
Map from groups to backend reqs, indicating which backend req has been activated for which backend group.
std::set< sspair >myBackendReqs
Set of all backend requirement-type string pairs.
std::set< sspair >myResolvableBackendReqs
Set of all backend requirement-type string pairs currently available for resolution.
std::map< str, std::set< sspair > >myGroupedBackendReqs
Set of backend requirement-type string pairs for specific backend groups.
std::set< sspair >myDependencies
Vector of dependency-type string pairs.
std::map< str, str >myConditionalDependencies
Map of conditional dependencies to their types.
std::map< std::vector< str >, std::set< sspair > >myBackendConditionalDependencies
Map from (vector with 4 strings: backend req, type, backend, version) to (set of {conditional dependency-type} pairs)
std::map< str, std::set< sspair > >myModelConditionalDependencies
Map from models to (set of {conditional dependency-type} pairs)
std::map< str, std::set< sspair > >myModelConditionalBackendReqs
Map from models to (set of {conditional backend requirement-type} pairs)
std::map< str, bool >activeModelFlags
Map from known models to flags indicating if they are activated or not (known = allowed, in allowed groups or conditions for conditional dependencies)
std::map< sspair, void(*)(functor *, module_functor_common *)>dependency_map
std::map< sspair, functor * >dependency_functor_map
std::map< str, str >backendreq_types
Map from backend requirements to their required types.
std::map< sspair, str >backendreq_groups
Map from backend requirements to their designated groups.
std::map< sspair, std::set< str > >backendreq_tagmap
Map from backend requirements to their rule tags.
std::map< sspair, void(*)(functor *)>backendreq_map
std::map< sspair, std::set< sspair > >permitted_map
Map from (backend requirement-type pairs) to (set of permitted {backend-version} pairs)
std::map< str, std::set< sspair > >myForcedMatches
Map from tags to sets of matching (backend requirement-type pairs) that are forced to use the same backend.
std::map< str, std::set< str > >required_classloading_backends
Map from required classloading backends to their versions.
std::vector< str >missing_backends
Vector of required backends currently missing.
Internal timespec object.
Integer LogTag, for tagging log messages.

Friends inherited from Gambit::module_functor_common

voidFunctorHelp::entering_multithreaded_region(module_functor_common & )
Connectors to external helper functions (to decouple signal handling from this class)
voidFunctorHelp::leaving_multithreaded_region(module_functor_common & )

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::functor

virtual doublegetRuntimeAverage()
virtual doublegetInvalidationRate()
virtual voidsetFadeRate(double )
virtual voidnotifyOfInvalidation(const str & )
virtual voidreset()
functor(str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type, str origin_name, Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw)
virtual voidreset_and_calculate()
Reset-then-recalculate method.
voidsetStatus(FunctorStatus stat)
Setter for status.
virtual voidsetInUse(bool )
Set the inUse flag (must be overridden in derived class to have any effect).
voidsetPurpose(str purpose)
Setter for purpose (relevant only for next-to-output functors)
voidsetVertexID(int ID)
Setter for vertex ID (used in printer system)
voidsetTimingVertexID(int ID)
Set ID for timing ‘vertex’ (used in printer system)
strname() const
Getter for the wrapped function’s name.
strcapability() const
Getter for the wrapped function’s reported capability.
strtype() const
Getter for the wrapped function’s reported return type.
strorigin() const
Getter for the wrapped function’s origin (module or backend name)
virtual strversion() const
Getter for the version of the wrapped function’s origin (module or backend)
virtual strsafe_version() const
Getter for the ‘safe’ incarnation of the version of the wrapped function’s origin (module or backend)
FunctorStatusstatus() const
Getter for the functors current status.
boolisAvailable() const
Checks whether the functor is available (or even already activated)
boolisActive() const
Checks whether the functor is active.
boolisDisabled() const
Checks whether the functor is disabled (discriminant is negative)
boolisEnabled() const
Checks whether the functor is enabled (discriminant is non negative)
sspairquantity() const
Getter for the overall quantity provided by the wrapped function (capability-type pair)
strpurpose() const
Getter for purpose (relevant for output nodes, aka helper structures for the dep. resolution)
strcitationKey() const
Getter for the citation key.
intvertexID() const
Getter for vertex ID.
inttimingVertexID() const
Getter for timing vertex ID.
strlabel() const
Getter for string label.
strtimingLabel() const
Getter for the printer timing label.
virtual boolrequiresTimingPrinting() const
Getter indicating if the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed.
virtual voidsetTimingPrintRequirement(bool flag)
Setter for indicating if the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed.
virtual voidsetNestedList(std::vector< functor * > & )
Set the ordered list of pointers to other functors that should run nested in a loop managed by this one.
virtual voidsetIteration(long long )
Set the iteration number in a loop in which this functor runs.
virtual boolcanBeLoopManager()
Getter for revealing whether this is permitted to be a manager functor.
virtual boolneedsLoopManager()
Getter for revealing whether this functor needs a loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerCapability()
Getter for revealing the required capability of the wrapped function’s loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerType()
Getter for revealing the required type of the wrapped function’s loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerName()
Getter for revealing the name of the wrapped function’s assigned loop manager.
virtual strloopManagerOrigin()
Getter for revealing the module of the wrapped function’s assigned loop manager.
virtual voidbreakLoop()
Tell the functor that the loop it manages should break now.
virtual std::set< sspair >dependencies()
Getter for listing currently activated dependencies.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendclassloading()
Getter for listing backends that require class loading.
virtual std::set< str >backendgroups()
Getter for listing backend requirement groups.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendreqs()
Getter for listing all backend requirements.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendreqs(str )
Getter for listing backend requirements from a specific group.
virtual std::set< sspair >backendspermitted(sspair )
Getter for listing permitted backends.
virtual std::set< str >backendreq_tags(sspair )
Getter for listing tags associated with backend requirements.
virtual std::set< sspair >forcematchingbackend(str )
Getter for listing backend requirements that must be resolved from the same backend.
virtual std::set< sspair >backend_conditional_dependencies(str , str , str , str )
Getter for listing backend-specific conditional dependencies (4-string version)
virtual std::set< sspair >backend_conditional_dependencies(str req, str type, str be)
Getter for backend-specific conditional dependencies (3-string version)
virtual std::set< sspair >backend_conditional_dependencies(functor * be_functor)
Getter for backend-specific conditional dependencies (backend functor pointer version)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_dependencies(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional dependencies (matches also on parents and friends)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_dependencies_exact(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional dependencies (matches on the exact model)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_backend_reqs(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional backend requirements (matches also on parents and friends)
virtual std::set< sspair >model_conditional_backend_reqs_exact(str model)
Getter for listing model-specific conditional backend requirements (matches on the exact model)
virtual voidresolveDependency(functor * )
Resolve a dependency using a pointer to another functor object.
virtual voidresolveLoopManager(functor * )
Set this functor’s loop manager (if it has one)
virtual voidresolveBackendReq(functor * )
Resolve a backend requirement using a pointer to another functor object.
virtual voidnotifyOfModel(str )
Notify the functor that a certain model is being scanned, so that it can activate itself accordingly.
virtual voidnotifyOfDependee(functor * )
Notify the functor that it is being used to fill a dependency of another functor.
virtual voidnotifyOfBackends(std::map< str, std::set< str > > )
Indicate to the functor which backends are actually loaded and working.
virtual invalid_point_exception *retrieve_invalid_point_exception()
Retrieve the previously saved exception generated when this functor invalidated the current point in model space.
voidnotifyOfIniOptions(const Options & opt)
template <typename TYPE >
setOption(const str & key, const TYPE val)
Set an option for the functor directly (for use in standalone executables).
safe_ptr< Options >getOptions()
Return a safe pointer to the options that this functor is supposed to run with (e.g. from the ini file).
voidnotifyOfSubCaps(const str & subcap_string)
Notify the functor about a string in YAML that contains the sub-capability information (for use in standalones)
voidnotifyOfSubCaps(const Options & subcaps)
Notify the functor about an instance of the options class that contains sub-capability information.
template <typename TYPE >
setSubCap(const str & key, const TYPE val)
Set a sub-capability (subcap)for the functor directly (for use in standalone executables).
safe_ptr< Options >getSubCaps()
Return a safe pointer to the subcaps that this functor realises it is supposed to facilitate downstream calculation of.
safe_ptr< std::set< sspair > >getDependees()
Return a safe pointer to the vector of all capability,type pairs of functors arranged downstream of this one in the dependency tree.
const std::set< str > &getAllowedModels()
Getter for listing allowed models.
const std::set< str > &getConditionalModels()
Getter for listing conditional models.
const std::map< str, std::set< str > > &getModelGroups()
Getter for map of model groups and the set of models in each group.
Test whether the functor is allowed to be used with all models.
boolmodelAllowed(str model)
Test whether the functor is always allowed (either explicitly or implicitly) to be used with a given model.
boolmodelExplicitlyAllowed(str model)
Test whether the functor is explictly always allowed to be used with a given model.
voidsetAllowedModel(str model)
Add a model to the internal list of models for which this functor is allowed to be used.
boolmodelComboAllowed(std::set< str > combo)
Test whether the functor is allowed (either explicitly or implicitly) to be used with a given combination of models.
boolmodelComboExplicitlyAllowed(std::set< str > combo)
Test whether the functor has been explictly allowed to be used with a given combination of models.
voidsetModelGroup(str group, str contents)
Add a model group definition to the internal list of model groups.
voidsetAllowedModelGroupCombo(str groups)
Add a combination of model groups to the internal list of combinations for which this functor is allowed to be used.
voidaddMatchedObservable(const DRes::Observable * obs)
Add an observable to the set of those that this functor matches.
const std::set< const DRes::Observable * > &getMatchedObservables()
Retrieve the set of observables that this functor matches.
voidaddMatchedModuleRule(const DRes::ModuleRule * r)
Add a module rule to the set of those against which this functor has been tested and found to match.
voidaddMatchedBackendRule(const DRes::BackendRule * r)
Add a backend rule to the set of those against which this functor has been tested and found to match.
const std::set< const DRes::ModuleRule * > &getMatchedModuleRules()
Retrieve the set of module rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match.
const std::set< const DRes::BackendRule * > &getMatchedBackendRules()
Retrieve the set of backend rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match.
template <class RuleT >
const std::set< RuleT * > &
Retrieve matched rules by type.
const std::set< const DRes::ModuleRule * > &getMatchedRules()

Protected Functions inherited from Gambit::functor

virtual voidreset(int )
Reset functor for one thread only.
voidfailBigTime(str method)
Attempt to retrieve a dependency or model parameter that has not been resolved.
boolallowed_parent_or_friend_exists(str model)
Test if there is a model in the functor’s allowedModels list as which this model can be interpreted.
boolin_allowed_combo(str model)
Check that a model is actually part of a combination that is allowed to be used with this functor.
boolcontains_anything_interpretable_as_member_of(std::set< str > combo, str group)
Test whether any of the entries in a given model group is a valid interpretation of any members in a given combination.
boolhas_common_elements(std::set< str > combo, str group)
Work out whether a given combination of models and a model group have any elements in common.
strfind_friend_or_parent_model_in_map(str model, std::map< str, std::set< sspair > > karta)
Try to find a parent or friend model in some user-supplied map from models to sspair vectors.

Protected Attributes inherited from Gambit::functor

Internal storage of the function name.
Internal storage of exactly what the function calculates.
Internal storage of the type of what the function calculates.
Internal storage of the name of the module or backend to which the function belongs.
Purpose of the function (relevant for output and next-to-output functors)
Citation key: BibTex key of the reference.
const Models::ModelFunctorClaw *myClaw
Bound model functor claw, for checking relationships between models.
const strmyLabel
String label, used to label functor results for printer system.
const strmyTimingLabel
String label, used to label functor timing data for printer system.
Internal storage of the vertex ID number used by the printer system to identify functors.
ID assigned by printers to the timing data output stream.
Debug flag.
Internal storage of function options, as a YAML node.
Internal storage of function sub-capabilities, as a YAML node.
std::set< sspair >myDependees
List of all capability,type pairs of functors downstream of this one in the dependency tree.
std::set< str >allowedModels
List of allowed models.
std::set< str >conditionalModels
List of conditional models.
std::set< std::set< str > >allowedGroupCombos
List of allowed model group combinations.
std::map< str, std::set< str > >modelGroups
Map from model group names to group contents.
std::set< const DRes::Observable * >matched_observables
The set of observables that this functor matches.
std::set< const DRes::ModuleRule * >matched_module_rules
Set of module rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match.
std::set< const DRes::BackendRule * >matched_backend_rules
Set of backend rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match.

Detailed Description

template <typename TYPE >
class Gambit::module_functor;

Actual module functor type for all but TYPE=void.

Public Functions Documentation

function module_functor

    void(*)(TYPE &) inputFunction,
    str func_name,
    str func_capability,
    str result_type,
    str origin_name,
    Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw


Class methods for actual module functors for TYPE != void.

function ~module_functor

virtual ~module_functor()


function setPrintRequirement

virtual void setPrintRequirement(
    bool flag

Setter for indicating if the wrapped function’s result should to be printed.

Reimplements: Gambit::functor::setPrintRequirement

Setter for indicating if the wrapped function’s result should be printed.

function requiresPrinting

virtual bool requiresPrinting() const

Getter indicating if the wrapped function’s result should to be printed.

Reimplements: Gambit::functor::requiresPrinting

Getter indicating if the wrapped function’s result should be printed.

function calculate

virtual void calculate()

Calculate method.

Reimplements: Gambit::functor::calculate

Calculate method (no loop-manager stuff here because only void specialisation can manage loops)

function operator()

const TYPE & operator()(
    int index

Operation (return value)

function valuePtr

safe_ptr< TYPE > valuePtr()

Alternative to operation (returns a safe pointer to value)

function print

virtual void print(
    Printers::BasePrinter * printer,
    const int pointID,
    int index

Printer function.

Reimplements: Gambit::functor::print

function print

virtual void print(
    Printers::BasePrinter * printer,
    const int pointID

Printer function (no-thread-index short-circuit)

Reimplements: Gambit::functor::print

Protected Functions Documentation

function init_memory

virtual void init_memory()

Initialise the memory of this functor.

Reimplements: Gambit::module_functor_common::init_memory

Protected Attributes Documentation

variable myFunction

void(*)(TYPE &) myFunction;

Internal storage of function pointer.

variable myValue

TYPE * myValue;

Internal pointer to storage location of function value.

variable myPrintFlag

bool myPrintFlag;

Flag to select whether or not the results of this functor should be sent to the printer object.

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:30 +0000