class Gambit::Models::partmap
[No description available]
Public Functions
Name | |
std::pair< str, int > | get_antiparticle(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const |
std::pair< str, int > | get_antiparticle(str name, int index) const |
std::pair< int, int > | get_antiparticle(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const |
std::pair< int, int > | get_antiparticle(int pdgcode, int context) const |
bool | has_antiparticle(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const |
bool | has_antiparticle(str name, int index) const |
bool | has_antiparticle(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const |
bool | has_antiparticle(int pdgcode, int context) const |
bool | has_spinx2(str long_name) const Check if a particle has a spin (x2) entry, using the long name. |
bool | has_spinx2(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Check if a particle has a spin (x2) entry, using the PDG code and context integer. |
bool | has_spinx2(int pdg_code, int context) const |
bool | has_spinx2(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const Check if a particle has a spin (x2) entry, using the short name and index. |
bool | has_spinx2(str name, int index) const |
int | get_spinx2(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const |
int | get_spinx2(int pdg_code, int context) const |
int | get_spinx2(str long_name) const |
int | get_spinx2(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const |
int | get_spinx2(str name, int index) const |
bool | has_chargex3(str long_name) const Check if a particle has a charge (x3) entry, using the long name. |
bool | has_chargex3(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Check if a particle has a charge (x3) entry, using the PDG code and context integer. |
bool | has_chargex3(int pdg_code, int context) const |
bool | has_chargex3(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const Check if a particle has a charge (x3) entry, using the short name and index. |
bool | has_chargex3(str name, int index) const |
int | get_chargex3(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const |
int | get_chargex3(int pdg_code, int context) const |
int | get_chargex3(str long_name) const |
int | get_chargex3(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const |
int | get_chargex3(str name, int index) const |
bool | has_color(str long_name) const Check if a particle has a color entry, using the long name. |
bool | has_color(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Check if a particle has a color entry, using the PDG code and context integer. |
bool | has_color(int pdg_code, int context) const |
bool | has_color(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const Check if a particle has a color entry, using the short name and index. |
bool | has_color(str name, int index) const |
int | get_color(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const |
int | get_color(int pdg_code, int context) const |
int | get_color(str long_name) const |
int | get_color(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const |
int | get_color(str name, int index) const |
partmap() Constructor. | |
void | add(str long_name, std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color) Add a new particle to the database. |
void | add_SM(str long_name, std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color) Add a new Standard Model particle to the database. |
void | add_generic(str long_name, std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color) Add a new generic particle class to the database. |
void | add_with_short_pair(str long_name, std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, std::pair< str, int > shortpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color) Add a new particle to the database with a short name and an index. |
void | add_SM_with_short_pair(str long_name, std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, std::pair< str, int > shortpr, int spinx2, int chargex3, int color) Add a new Standard Model particle to the database with a short name and an index. |
std::pair< int, int > | pdg_pair(str long_name) const Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the long name. |
std::pair< int, int > | pdg_pair(str short_name, int i) const Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the short name and index. |
std::pair< int, int > | pdg_pair(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the short name and index pair. |
str | long_name(str short_name, int i) const Retrieve the long name, from the short name and index. |
str | long_name(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Retrieve the long name, from the PDG code and context integer. |
str | long_name(int pdg_code, int context) const Retrieve the long name, from the PDG code and context integer. |
std::pair< str, int > | short_name_pair(str long_name) const Retrieve the short name and index, from the long name. |
std::pair< str, int > | short_name_pair(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Retrieve the short name and index, from the PDG code and context integer. |
std::pair< str, int > | short_name_pair(int pdg_code, int context) const Retrieve the short name and index, from the PDG code and context integer. |
const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & | get_SM_particles() const Get a vector PDG codes and context integers of Standard Model particles in the database. |
const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & | get_generic_particles() const Get a vector PDG codes and context integers of generic particle classes in the database. |
bool | has_particle(str long_name) const Check if a particle is in the database, using the long name. |
bool | has_particle(str short_name, int i) const Check if a particle is in the database, using the short name and index. |
bool | has_particle(std::pair< str, int > shortpr) const |
bool | has_particle(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Check if a particle is in the database, using the PDG code and context integer. |
str | get_antiparticle(str lname) const Get the matching anti-particle long name for a particle in the database, using the long name. |
bool | has_antiparticle(str long_name) const Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the long name. |
bool | has_short_name(str long_name) const Check if a particle has a short name, using the long name. |
bool | has_short_name(std::pair< int, int > pdgpr) const Check if a particle has a short name, using the PDG code and context integer. |
void | check_contents() const For debugging: use to check the contents of the particle database. |
Public Functions Documentation
function get_antiparticle
std::pair< str, int > get_antiparticle(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Get the matching anti-particle short name and index for a particle in the database, using the short name and index
function get_antiparticle
std::pair< str, int > get_antiparticle(
str name,
int index
) const
function get_antiparticle
std::pair< int, int > get_antiparticle(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Get the matching anti-particle PDG code and index for a particle in the database, using the PDG code and index
Antiparticles are identified by having the opposite sign PDG code to a particle
Else assume particle is its own antiparticle (if this may not be true, use has_anti_particle to check explicitly for match)
function get_antiparticle
std::pair< int, int > get_antiparticle(
int pdgcode,
int context
) const
function has_antiparticle
bool has_antiparticle(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the short name and index
function has_antiparticle
bool has_antiparticle(
str name,
int index
) const
function has_antiparticle
bool has_antiparticle(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the PDG code and context integer
Antiparticles are identified by having the opposite sign PDG code to a particle
function has_antiparticle
bool has_antiparticle(
int pdgcode,
int context
) const
function has_spinx2
bool has_spinx2(
str long_name
) const
Check if a particle has a spin (x2) entry, using the long name.
Check if a particle has the spin (x2), using the long name
function has_spinx2
bool has_spinx2(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Check if a particle has a spin (x2) entry, using the PDG code and context integer.
Check if a particle has the spin (x2), using the PDG code and context integer
function has_spinx2
bool has_spinx2(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
function has_spinx2
bool has_spinx2(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Check if a particle has a spin (x2) entry, using the short name and index.
Check if a particle has the spin (x2), using short name and index
function has_spinx2
bool has_spinx2(
str name,
int index
) const
function get_spinx2
int get_spinx2(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Get spin (x2) of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
Get spin of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
function get_spinx2
int get_spinx2(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
function get_spinx2
int get_spinx2(
str long_name
) const
Get spin (x2) of a given particle, using the long name
Get spin of a given particle, using the long name
function get_spinx2
int get_spinx2(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Get spin (x2) of a given particle, using the short name and index
Get spin of a given particle, using short name and index
function get_spinx2
int get_spinx2(
str name,
int index
) const
function has_chargex3
bool has_chargex3(
str long_name
) const
Check if a particle has a charge (x3) entry, using the long name.
Check if a particle has the charge (x3), using the long name
function has_chargex3
bool has_chargex3(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Check if a particle has a charge (x3) entry, using the PDG code and context integer.
Check if a particle has the charge (x3), using the PDG code and context integer
function has_chargex3
bool has_chargex3(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
function has_chargex3
bool has_chargex3(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Check if a particle has a charge (x3) entry, using the short name and index.
Check if a particle has the charge (x3), using short name and index
function has_chargex3
bool has_chargex3(
str name,
int index
) const
function get_chargex3
int get_chargex3(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Get charge (x3) of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
Get charge of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
function get_chargex3
int get_chargex3(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
function get_chargex3
int get_chargex3(
str long_name
) const
Get charge (x3) of a given particle, using the long name
Get charge of a given particle, using the long name
function get_chargex3
int get_chargex3(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Get charge (x3) of a given particle, using the short name and index
Get charge of a given particle, using short name and index
function get_chargex3
int get_chargex3(
str name,
int index
) const
function has_color
bool has_color(
str long_name
) const
Check if a particle has a color entry, using the long name.
Check if a particle has color information, using the long name
function has_color
bool has_color(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Check if a particle has a color entry, using the PDG code and context integer.
Check if a particle has color information, using the PDG code and context integer
function has_color
bool has_color(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
function has_color
bool has_color(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Check if a particle has a color entry, using the short name and index.
Check if a particle has color information, using short name and index
function has_color
bool has_color(
str name,
int index
) const
function get_color
int get_color(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Get color of a given particle, using the PDG code and context integer
function get_color
int get_color(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
function get_color
int get_color(
str long_name
) const
Get color of a given particle, using the long name
function get_color
int get_color(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Get color of a given particle, using the short name and index
Get color of a given particle, using short name and index
function get_color
int get_color(
str name,
int index
) const
function partmap
function add
void add(
str long_name,
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
int spinx2,
int chargex3,
int color
Add a new particle to the database.
function add_SM
void add_SM(
str long_name,
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
int spinx2,
int chargex3,
int color
Add a new Standard Model particle to the database.
function add_generic
void add_generic(
str long_name,
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
int spinx2,
int chargex3,
int color
Add a new generic particle class to the database.
function add_with_short_pair
void add_with_short_pair(
str long_name,
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
std::pair< str, int > shortpr,
int spinx2,
int chargex3,
int color
Add a new particle to the database with a short name and an index.
function add_SM_with_short_pair
void add_SM_with_short_pair(
str long_name,
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr,
std::pair< str, int > shortpr,
int spinx2,
int chargex3,
int color
Add a new Standard Model particle to the database with a short name and an index.
function pdg_pair
std::pair< int, int > pdg_pair(
str long_name
) const
Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the long name.
function pdg_pair
std::pair< int, int > pdg_pair(
str short_name,
int i
) const
Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the short name and index.
function pdg_pair
std::pair< int, int > pdg_pair(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
Retrieve the PDG code and context integer, from the short name and index pair.
function long_name
str long_name(
str short_name,
int i
) const
Retrieve the long name, from the short name and index.
function long_name
str long_name(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Retrieve the long name, from the PDG code and context integer.
function long_name
str long_name(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
Retrieve the long name, from the PDG code and context integer.
function short_name_pair
std::pair< str, int > short_name_pair(
str long_name
) const
Retrieve the short name and index, from the long name.
function short_name_pair
std::pair< str, int > short_name_pair(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Retrieve the short name and index, from the PDG code and context integer.
function short_name_pair
std::pair< str, int > short_name_pair(
int pdg_code,
int context
) const
Retrieve the short name and index, from the PDG code and context integer.
function get_SM_particles
const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & get_SM_particles() const
Get a vector PDG codes and context integers of Standard Model particles in the database.
Get a vector of PDG codes and context integers of Standard Model particles in the database.
function get_generic_particles
const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & get_generic_particles() const
Get a vector PDG codes and context integers of generic particle classes in the database.
Get a vector of PDG codes and context integers of generic particle classes in the database.
function has_particle
bool has_particle(
str long_name
) const
Check if a particle is in the database, using the long name.
function has_particle
bool has_particle(
str short_name,
int i
) const
Check if a particle is in the database, using the short name and index.
function has_particle
bool has_particle(
std::pair< str, int > shortpr
) const
function has_particle
bool has_particle(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Check if a particle is in the database, using the PDG code and context integer.
function get_antiparticle
str get_antiparticle(
str lname
) const
Get the matching anti-particle long name for a particle in the database, using the long name.
function has_antiparticle
bool has_antiparticle(
str long_name
) const
Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the long name.
Check if a particle has a matching anti-particle in the database, using the long name Note: will throw an error if the particle itself is not in the database!
function has_short_name
bool has_short_name(
str long_name
) const
Check if a particle has a short name, using the long name.
function has_short_name
bool has_short_name(
std::pair< int, int > pdgpr
) const
Check if a particle has a short name, using the PDG code and context integer.
function check_contents
void check_contents() const
For debugging: use to check the contents of the particle database.
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:39 +0000