class Gambit::Models::ModelFunctorClaw

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#include <models.hpp>

Public Functions

primodel_vecgetPrimaryModelFunctorsToActivate(std::set< str > selectedmodels, const primodel_vec & primaryModelFunctors)
primary_model_functor *getPrimaryModelFunctor(const std::string modelname, const primodel_vec & primaryModelFunctors) const
Searches primary model functor list for specified model.
voidcheckPrimaryModelFunctorUsage(const activemodel_map & activeModelFunctors) const
voiddeclare_model(const str & model, const str & parent)
Add a new model to the model database.
voidadd_friend(const str & model, const str & newfriend)
Add a friend, and all its friends and ancestors, to a model’s list of friends.
boolmodel_exists(const str & model) const
Indicate whether a model is recognised by GAMBIT or not.
strlist_models() const
List all the models recognised by GAMBIT.
voidverify_model(const str & model) const
Verify that a string matches a model recognised by GAMBIT, crash otherwise.
const std::set< str > &get_allmodels() const
Return set of all models recognised by GAMBIT.
std::set< str >get_activemodels() const
Return the set of active models;.
std::vector< str >get_lineage(const str & model) const
Retrieve the lineage for a given model.
std::set< str >get_friends(const str & model) const
Retrieve the friends for a given model.
std::set< str >get_best_friends(const str & model) const
Retrieve the best friends for a given model.
std::vector< str >get_descendants(const str & model) const
Retrieve the descendants for a given model.
strget_parent(const str & model) const
Retrieve the parent model for a given model.
booldescended_from(const str & model1, const str & model2) const
Check if model 1 is descended from model 2.
boolancestor_of(const str & model1, const str & model2) const
Check if model 1 is an ancestor of model 2.
booldownstream_of(const str & model1, const str & model2) const
Check if model 1 exists somewhere downstream of (and can be therefore be interpreted as a) model 2.
boolupstream_of(const str & model1, const str & model2) const
Check if model 1 exists somewhere upstream of model 2, allowing model 2 to be interpreted as model 1.

Detailed Description

class Gambit::Models::ModelFunctorClaw;

Models object that performs initialisation and checking operations on a primary_model_functor list.

Public Functions Documentation

function getPrimaryModelFunctorsToActivate

primodel_vec getPrimaryModelFunctorsToActivate(
    std::set< str > selectedmodels,
    const primodel_vec & primaryModelFunctors

Model activation function

Returns a vector of primary_model_functors to be activated, according to the model(s) being scanned

ModelFunctorClaw function definitions Models object the performs initialisation and checking operations on a primary_model_functor list. Model activation function Returns a vector of primary_model_functors to be activated, according to the model(s) being scanned

function getPrimaryModelFunctor

primary_model_functor * getPrimaryModelFunctor(
    const std::string modelname,
    const primodel_vec & primaryModelFunctors
) const

Searches primary model functor list for specified model.

Searches primary model functor list for specificed model.

function checkPrimaryModelFunctorUsage

void checkPrimaryModelFunctorUsage(
    const activemodel_map & activeModelFunctors
) const

Active model functor “usefulness” checker

Checks that all the active primary model functors are actually used for something in the dependency tree. If not throws an error to warn the user.

function declare_model

void declare_model(
    const str & model,
    const str & parent

Add a new model to the model database.

function add_friend

void add_friend(
    const str & model,
    const str & newfriend

Add a friend, and all its friends and ancestors, to a model’s list of friends.

function model_exists

bool model_exists(
    const str & model
) const

Indicate whether a model is recognised by GAMBIT or not.

function list_models

str list_models() const

List all the models recognised by GAMBIT.

function verify_model

void verify_model(
    const str & model
) const

Verify that a string matches a model recognised by GAMBIT, crash otherwise.

function get_allmodels

const std::set< str > & get_allmodels() const

Return set of all models recognised by GAMBIT.

function get_activemodels

std::set< str > get_activemodels() const

Return the set of active models;.

Retrieve the internally stored vector of activated models.

function get_lineage

std::vector< str > get_lineage(
    const str & model
) const

Retrieve the lineage for a given model.

function get_friends

std::set< str > get_friends(
    const str & model
) const

Retrieve the friends for a given model.

function get_best_friends

std::set< str > get_best_friends(
    const str & model
) const

Retrieve the best friends for a given model.

function get_descendants

std::vector< str > get_descendants(
    const str & model
) const

Retrieve the descendants for a given model.

function get_parent

str get_parent(
    const str & model
) const

Retrieve the parent model for a given model.

Retrieve the parents for a given model.

function descended_from

bool descended_from(
    const str & model1,
    const str & model2
) const

Check if model 1 is descended from model 2.

function ancestor_of

bool ancestor_of(
    const str & model1,
    const str & model2
) const

Check if model 1 is an ancestor of model 2.

function downstream_of

bool downstream_of(
    const str & model1,
    const str & model2
) const

Check if model 1 exists somewhere downstream of (and can be therefore be interpreted as a) model 2.

function upstream_of

bool upstream_of(
    const str & model1,
    const str & model2
) const

Check if model 1 exists somewhere upstream of model 2, allowing model 2 to be interpreted as model 1.

function ModelFunctorClaw

inline ModelFunctorClaw()


function ~ModelFunctorClaw

inline ~ModelFunctorClaw()


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000