class Gambit::Models::DMEFTSimpleSpec

[No description available]

Inherits from Gambit::Spec< DMEFTSimpleSpec >, Gambit::SubSpectrum

Public Functions

DMEFTSimpleSpec(const DMEFTModel & p)
Constructors & destructors.
virtual voidadd_to_SLHAea(int , SLHAea::Coll & slha) const
Add SLHAea object using the SimpleSpec_to_SLHAea routine.
doubleget_Lambda() const
Wrapper functions to parameter object.
doubleget_C51() const
doubleget_C52() const
doubleget_C61() const
doubleget_C62() const
doubleget_C63() const
doubleget_C64() const
doubleget_C71() const
doubleget_C72() const
doubleget_C73() const
doubleget_C74() const
doubleget_C75() const
doubleget_C76() const
doubleget_C77() const
doubleget_C78() const
doubleget_C79() const
doubleget_C710() const
doubleget_vev() const
doubleget_g1() const
doubleget_g2() const
doubleget_g3() const
doubleget_sinW2() const
doubleget_Yd(int i, int j) const
doubleget_Yu(int i, int j) const
doubleget_Ye(int i, int j) const
doubleget_chiPoleMass() const
doubleget_h0_1PoleMass() const
doubleget_mtrun() const
voidset_Lambda(double in)
voidset_C51(double in)
voidset_C52(double in)
voidset_C61(double in)
voidset_C62(double in)
voidset_C63(double in)
voidset_C64(double in)
voidset_C71(double in)
voidset_C72(double in)
voidset_C73(double in)
voidset_C74(double in)
voidset_C75(double in)
voidset_C76(double in)
voidset_C77(double in)
voidset_C78(double in)
voidset_C79(double in)
voidset_C710(double in)
voidset_vev(double in)
voidset_g1(double in)
voidset_g2(double in)
voidset_g3(double in)
voidset_sinW2(double in)
voidset_Yd(double in, int i, int j)
voidset_Yu(double in, int i, int j)
voidset_Ye(double in, int i, int j)
voidset_chiPoleMass(double in)
voidset_h0_1PoleMass(double in)
voidset_mtrun(double in)
Map fillers.

Public Attributes

const SpectrumContents::DMEFTcontents
Construct the SubSpectrumContents.

Additional inherited members

Public Types inherited from Gambit::Spec< DMEFTSimpleSpec >

typedef DerivedSpecD
typedef SpecTraits< D >::ContentsContents
typedef SpecTraits< D >::ModelModel
typedef SpecTraits< D >::InputInput
typedef MapTypes< D, MapTag::Get >MTget
typedef MapTypes< D, MapTag::Set >MTset
typedef std::map< Par::Tags, MapCollection< MTget > >GetterMaps
typedef std::map< Par::Tags, MapCollection< MTset > >SetterMaps

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::Spec< DMEFTSimpleSpec >

Model &get_Model()
Input &get_Input()
const Model &get_Model() const
const Input &get_Input() const
Model &model()
Get model object on which to call function pointers.
const Model &model() const
Return it as const if we are a const object.
Input &input()
Get struct containing any extra data input on SubSpectrum object creation.
const Input &input() const
Return it as const if we are a const object.
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool =SafeBool(true)) const
Spec member function definitions.
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool =SafeBool(true)) const
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags partype, const double set_value, const str & name, const SafeBool =SafeBool(true))
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const int i, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool =SafeBool(true)) const
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const int i, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool =SafeBool(true)) const
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags partype, const double set_value, const str & name, const int i, const SafeBool =SafeBool(true))
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const int i, const int j, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & name, const int i, const int j, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags partype, const double set_value, const str & name, const int i, const int j)
virtual std::stringgetName() const
Main public interface functions.
Virtual destructor.
virtual std::unique_ptr< SubSpectrum >clone() const

Public Attributes inherited from Gambit::Spec< DMEFTSimpleSpec >

const GetterMapsgetter_maps
Initialise maps (uses filler overrides from DerivedSpec if defined)
const SetterMapssetter_maps

Friends inherited from Gambit::Spec< DMEFTSimpleSpec >


Public Functions inherited from Gambit::SubSpectrum

virtual std::stringgetName() const =0
Main public interface functions.
virtual std::unique_ptr< SubSpectrum >clone() const =0
Clone the SubSpectrum object.
virtual voidwriteSLHAfile(int slha_version, const str & filename) const
Dump out spectrum information to an SLHA file (if possible)
virtual SLHAstructgetSLHAea(int slha_version) const
Get spectrum information in SLHAea format (if possible)
virtual intget_numbers_stable_particles() const
virtual doublehard_upper() const
virtual doublesoft_upper() const
virtual doublesoft_lower() const
virtual doublehard_lower() const
virtual voidRunToScaleOverride(double )
Run spectrum to new scale.
virtual doubleGetScale() const
Returns the renormalisation scale of parameters.
virtual voidSetScale(double )
voidRunToScale(double scale, const int behave =0)
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const str & name, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
Parameter override functions.
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const str & name, const int i, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const str & name, const int i, const int j, const bool allow_new =false)
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector< str > & params, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
Vector override functions.
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector< str > & params, const std::vector< int > indices, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const std::vector< str > & params, const int i, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override_vector(const Par::Tags tag, const double value, const str & par, const std::vector< int > indices, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const int pdg_code, const int context, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
PDB getter/checker overloads.
doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const int pdg_code, const int context, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
boolhas(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doubleget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & mass, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
safeget functions, by Abram
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & mass, const int i, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const str & mass, const int i, const int j, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const int pdg_code, const int context, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
doublesafeget(const Par::Tags partype, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const int PDGcode, const int context, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
PDB overloads for setters.
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const std::pair< int, int > pdgpr, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
voidset_override(const Par::Tags partype, const double value, const std::pair< str, int > shortpr, const bool allow_new =false, const bool decouple =false)
PDB overloads of set_override functions.
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags , const str & , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
Getters/Setters etc.
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags , const str & , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides, const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) const =0
virtual boolhas(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const =0
virtual doubleget(const Par::Tags , const str & , const int , const int , const SpecOverrideOptions =use_overrides) const =0
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags , const double , const str & , const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) =0
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags , const double , const str & , const int , const SafeBool check_antiparticle =SafeBool(true)) =0
virtual voidset(const Par::Tags , const double , const str & , const int , const int ) =0
virtual const std::map< int, int > &PDG_translator() const
TODO: extra PDB overloads to handle all the one and two index cases (well all the ones that are feasible…)

Protected Attributes inherited from Gambit::SubSpectrum

std::map< Par::Tags, OverrideMaps >override_maps
Map of override maps.

Public Functions Documentation

function DMEFTSimpleSpec

inline DMEFTSimpleSpec(
    const DMEFTModel & p

Constructors & destructors.

function add_to_SLHAea

inline virtual void add_to_SLHAea(
    int ,
    SLHAea::Coll & slha
) const

Add SLHAea object using the SimpleSpec_to_SLHAea routine.

Reimplements: Gambit::SubSpectrum::add_to_SLHAea

function get_Lambda

inline double get_Lambda() const

Wrapper functions to parameter object.

function get_C51

inline double get_C51() const

function get_C52

inline double get_C52() const

function get_C61

inline double get_C61() const

function get_C62

inline double get_C62() const

function get_C63

inline double get_C63() const

function get_C64

inline double get_C64() const

function get_C71

inline double get_C71() const

function get_C72

inline double get_C72() const

function get_C73

inline double get_C73() const

function get_C74

inline double get_C74() const

function get_C75

inline double get_C75() const

function get_C76

inline double get_C76() const

function get_C77

inline double get_C77() const

function get_C78

inline double get_C78() const

function get_C79

inline double get_C79() const

function get_C710

inline double get_C710() const

function get_vev

inline double get_vev() const

function get_g1

inline double get_g1() const

function get_g2

inline double get_g2() const

function get_g3

inline double get_g3() const

function get_sinW2

inline double get_sinW2() const

function get_Yd

inline double get_Yd(
    int i,
    int j
) const

function get_Yu

inline double get_Yu(
    int i,
    int j
) const

function get_Ye

inline double get_Ye(
    int i,
    int j
) const

function get_chiPoleMass

inline double get_chiPoleMass() const

function get_h0_1PoleMass

inline double get_h0_1PoleMass() const

function get_mtrun

inline double get_mtrun() const

function set_Lambda

inline void set_Lambda(
    double in

function set_C51

inline void set_C51(
    double in

function set_C52

inline void set_C52(
    double in

function set_C61

inline void set_C61(
    double in

function set_C62

inline void set_C62(
    double in

function set_C63

inline void set_C63(
    double in

function set_C64

inline void set_C64(
    double in

function set_C71

inline void set_C71(
    double in

function set_C72

inline void set_C72(
    double in

function set_C73

inline void set_C73(
    double in

function set_C74

inline void set_C74(
    double in

function set_C75

inline void set_C75(
    double in

function set_C76

inline void set_C76(
    double in

function set_C77

inline void set_C77(
    double in

function set_C78

inline void set_C78(
    double in

function set_C79

inline void set_C79(
    double in

function set_C710

inline void set_C710(
    double in

function set_vev

inline void set_vev(
    double in

function set_g1

inline void set_g1(
    double in

function set_g2

inline void set_g2(
    double in

function set_g3

inline void set_g3(
    double in

function set_sinW2

inline void set_sinW2(
    double in

function set_Yd

inline void set_Yd(
    double in,
    int i,
    int j

function set_Yu

inline void set_Yu(
    double in,
    int i,
    int j

function set_Ye

inline void set_Ye(
    double in,
    int i,
    int j

function set_chiPoleMass

inline void set_chiPoleMass(
    double in

function set_h0_1PoleMass

inline void set_h0_1PoleMass(
    double in

function set_mtrun

inline void set_mtrun(
    double in

function index_offset

static inline int index_offset()

function fill_getter_maps

static inline GetterMaps fill_getter_maps()

Map fillers.

function fill_setter_maps

static inline SetterMaps fill_setter_maps()

Public Attributes Documentation

variable contents

const SpectrumContents::DMEFT contents;

Construct the SubSpectrumContents.

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:31 +0000