class Gambit::jswarm_1_0_0::particle_swarm
A swarm of particles and methods to evolve them.
#include <jswarm.hpp>
Public Functions
Name | |
particle_swarm() Constructor. | |
void | init() Initialise the swarm. |
void | run() Release the swarm. |
Public Attributes
Name | |
std::vector< double > | upperbounds |
std::vector< double > | lowerbounds |
Scanner::like_ptr | likelihood_function Pointer to objective function. |
Scanner::printer_interface * | printer Pointer to GAMBIT printer. |
std::string | path Prefix for all j-Swarm save files. |
int | nPar Dimensionality of the parameter space. |
int | nDerived Number of derived quantities to output (GAMBIT printers handle these). |
int | nDiscrete Number of parameters that are to be treated as discrete. |
int | maxgen Maximum number of generations. |
int | NP Population size (individuals per generation) |
int | bndry Boundary constraint: 1=brick wall, 2=random re-initialization, 3=reflection. |
int | convsteps Number of steps to smooth over when checking convergence. |
int | savecount Save progress every savecount generations. |
int | init_pop_strategy Initialisation strategy: 0=one shot, 1=n-shot, 2=n-shot with error if no valid vectors found. |
int | max_ini_attempts Maximum number of times to try to find a valid vector for each slot in the initial population. |
int | verbose Output verbosity: 0=only error messages, 1=basic info, 2=civ-level info, 3+=population info. |
int | seed Base seed for random number generation; non-positive means seed from the system clock. |
int | fcall Number of calls to the objective function so far. |
int | fcall_global Number of calls to the objective function so far across all processes. |
double | omega Inertial weight. |
double | phi1 Cognitive weight. |
double | phi2 Social weight. |
double | convthresh Threshold for gen-level convergence: smoothed fractional improvement in the mean personal best population value. |
double | min_acceptable_value Minimum function value to accept for the initial generation if init_population_strategy > 0. |
bool | adapt_phi Use self-optimising adaptive choices for phi1 and phi2. |
bool | adapt_omega Use self-optimising adaptive choices for omega. |
bool | init_stationary Initialise particle velocities to zero. |
bool | resume Resume from previous run. |
bool | allow_new_settings Allow settings to be overridden with new values when resuming. |
bool | save_particles_natively Save full particle data from every generation. |
std::vector< int > | discrete Indices of parameters to be treated as discrete. |
Public Functions Documentation
function particle_swarm
function init
void init()
Initialise the swarm.
function run
void run()
Release the swarm.
Public Attributes Documentation
variable upperbounds
std::vector< double > upperbounds;
Parameter space boundaries
variable lowerbounds
std::vector< double > lowerbounds;
variable likelihood_function
Scanner::like_ptr likelihood_function;
Pointer to objective function.
variable printer
Scanner::printer_interface * printer;
Pointer to GAMBIT printer.
variable path
std::string path;
Prefix for all j-Swarm save files.
variable nPar
int nPar;
Dimensionality of the parameter space.
variable nDerived
int nDerived;
Number of derived quantities to output (GAMBIT printers handle these).
variable nDiscrete
int nDiscrete;
Number of parameters that are to be treated as discrete.
variable maxgen
int maxgen;
Maximum number of generations.
variable NP
int NP;
Population size (individuals per generation)
variable bndry
int bndry;
Boundary constraint: 1=brick wall, 2=random re-initialization, 3=reflection.
variable convsteps
int convsteps;
Number of steps to smooth over when checking convergence.
variable savecount
int savecount;
Save progress every savecount generations.
variable init_pop_strategy
int init_pop_strategy;
Initialisation strategy: 0=one shot, 1=n-shot, 2=n-shot with error if no valid vectors found.
variable max_ini_attempts
int max_ini_attempts;
Maximum number of times to try to find a valid vector for each slot in the initial population.
variable verbose
int verbose;
Output verbosity: 0=only error messages, 1=basic info, 2=civ-level info, 3+=population info.
variable seed
int seed;
Base seed for random number generation; non-positive means seed from the system clock.
variable fcall
int fcall;
Number of calls to the objective function so far.
variable fcall_global
int fcall_global;
Number of calls to the objective function so far across all processes.
variable omega
double omega;
Inertial weight.
variable phi1
double phi1;
Cognitive weight.
variable phi2
double phi2;
Social weight.
variable convthresh
double convthresh;
Threshold for gen-level convergence: smoothed fractional improvement in the mean personal best population value.
variable min_acceptable_value
double min_acceptable_value;
Minimum function value to accept for the initial generation if init_population_strategy > 0.
variable adapt_phi
bool adapt_phi;
Use self-optimising adaptive choices for phi1 and phi2.
variable adapt_omega
bool adapt_omega;
Use self-optimising adaptive choices for omega.
variable init_stationary
bool init_stationary;
Initialise particle velocities to zero.
variable resume
bool resume;
Resume from previous run.
variable allow_new_settings
bool allow_new_settings;
Allow settings to be overridden with new values when resuming.
variable save_particles_natively
bool save_particles_natively;
Save full particle data from every generation.
variable discrete
std::vector< int > discrete;
Indices of parameters to be treated as discrete.
Updated on 2025-02-12 at 15:36:39 +0000