class Gambit::gambit_core

Master driver class for a GAMBIT scan.

#include <core.hpp>

Public Functions

gambit_core(const Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw, const Backends::backend_info & beinfo)
voidbail(int mpirank =-1)
Command-line info function.
strprocess_primary_options(int argc, char ** argv)
Process default command line options.
strrun_diagnostic(int argc, char ** argv)
Diagnostics function.
voidregisterModule(str module, str ref)
Add a new module to modules list.
voidregisterBackend(str be, str version, str ref)
Register a new backend.
voidregisterModuleFunctor(functor & f)
Add a new module functor to functorList.
voidregisterNestedModuleFunctor(functor & f)
Add a new module functor to nestFunctorList.
voidregisterBackendFunctor(functor & f)
Add a new backend functor to backendFunctorList.
voidregisterPrimaryModelFunctor(primary_model_functor & f)
Add a new primary model functor to primaryModelFunctorList.
voidregisterActiveModelFunctors(const pmfVec & fvec)
Add entries to the map of activated primary model functors.
const fVec &getModuleFunctors() const
Get a reference to the list of module functors.
const fVec &getNestedModuleFunctors() const
Get a reference to the list of nested module functors.
const fVec &getBackendFunctors() const
Get a reference to the list of backend model functors.
const pmfVec &getPrimaryModelFunctors() const
Get a reference to the list of primary model functors.
const pmfMap &getActiveModelFunctors() const
Get a reference to the map of all user-activated primary model functors.
const std::map< str, str > &getModuleCitationKeys() const
Get a reference to the map of module citation keys.
const std::map< sspair, str > &getBackendCitationKeys() const
Get a reference to the map of backend citation keys.
voidaccountForMissingClasses() const
Tell the module functors which backends are actually present.
capability_infoget_capability_info(const str & name) const
Get the description (and other info) of the named item from the capability database.
model_infoget_model_info(const str & name) const
Get the description (and other info) of the named item from the model database.
intget_outprec() const
Getter for precision to use for cout.
Check the named database for conflicts and missing descriptions.
Check for missing capability descriptions (after reading in runtime flags)

Public Attributes

Flag to show the list of required backends.
Flag to trigger “resume” mode.
Verbosity mode.
Flag recording whether an inifile has been supplied.
set to true if capability descriptions missing
std::vector< capability_info >capability_dbase
Vector of all capability_info objects.
std::vector< model_info >model_dbase
Vector of all model_info objects.

Public Functions Documentation

function gambit_core

    const Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw,
    const Backends::backend_info & beinfo


Definitions of public methods in GAMBIT core class.


function ~gambit_core

inline ~gambit_core()


function bail

void bail(
    int mpirank =-1

Command-line info function.

Inform the user of the ways to invoke GAMBIT, then die.

function process_primary_options

str process_primary_options(
    int argc,
    char ** argv

Process default command line options.

Process default mode command line options and return filename.

Gambit ‘standard mode’ command line option definitions (needed by getopt)

function run_diagnostic

str run_diagnostic(
    int argc,
    char ** argv

Diagnostics function.

Launch non-interactive command-line diagnostic mode, for printing info about current GAMBIT configuration.

function registerModule

void registerModule(
    str module,
    str ref

Add a new module to modules list.

function registerBackend

void registerBackend(
    str be,
    str version,
    str ref

Register a new backend.

function registerModuleFunctor

void registerModuleFunctor(
    functor & f

Add a new module functor to functorList.

function registerNestedModuleFunctor

void registerNestedModuleFunctor(
    functor & f

Add a new module functor to nestFunctorList.

function registerBackendFunctor

void registerBackendFunctor(
    functor & f

Add a new backend functor to backendFunctorList.

function registerPrimaryModelFunctor

void registerPrimaryModelFunctor(
    primary_model_functor & f

Add a new primary model functor to primaryModelFunctorList.

function registerActiveModelFunctors

void registerActiveModelFunctors(
    const pmfVec & fvec

Add entries to the map of activated primary model functors.

function getModuleFunctors

const fVec & getModuleFunctors() const

Get a reference to the list of module functors.

function getNestedModuleFunctors

const fVec & getNestedModuleFunctors() const

Get a reference to the list of nested module functors.

function getBackendFunctors

const fVec & getBackendFunctors() const

Get a reference to the list of backend model functors.

Get a reference to the list of backend functors.

function getPrimaryModelFunctors

const pmfVec & getPrimaryModelFunctors() const

Get a reference to the list of primary model functors.

function getActiveModelFunctors

const pmfMap & getActiveModelFunctors() const

Get a reference to the map of all user-activated primary model functors.

function getModuleCitationKeys

const std::map< str, str > & getModuleCitationKeys() const

Get a reference to the map of module citation keys.

Get a reference to the map of module citaton keys.

function getBackendCitationKeys

const std::map< sspair, str > & getBackendCitationKeys() const

Get a reference to the map of backend citation keys.

function accountForMissingClasses

void accountForMissingClasses() const

Tell the module functors which backends are actually present.

Tell the module functors which backends are actually present, so that they can deactivate themselves if they require a class that is supposed to be provided by a backend that is AWOL.

function get_capability_info

capability_info get_capability_info(
    const str & name
) const

Get the description (and other info) of the named item from the capability database.

Get the description of the named capability from the description database.

function get_model_info

model_info get_model_info(
    const str & name
) const

Get the description (and other info) of the named item from the model database.

function get_outprec

int get_outprec() const

Getter for precision to use for cout.

function check_databases

void check_databases()

Check the named database for conflicts and missing descriptions.

Check the capability and model databases for conflicts and missing descriptions.

function check_capability_descriptions

void check_capability_descriptions()

Check for missing capability descriptions (after reading in runtime flags)

Public Attributes Documentation

variable show_runorder

int show_runorder;

Flags set by command line options Flag to trigger dependency resolver to report functor run order

variable show_backends

int show_backends;

Flag to show the list of required backends.

variable resume

bool resume;

Flag to trigger “resume” mode.

variable verbose_flag

bool verbose_flag;

Verbosity mode.

variable found_inifile

bool found_inifile;

Flag recording whether an inifile has been supplied.

variable missing_capability_description

bool missing_capability_description;

set to true if capability descriptions missing

variable capability_dbase

std::vector< capability_info > capability_dbase;

Vector of all capability_info objects.

variable model_dbase

std::vector< model_info > model_dbase;

Vector of all model_info objects.

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:31 +0000