class Gambit::FcomplexT

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#include <util_types.hpp>

Public Functions

Default constructor.
Default destructor.
template <typename T2 >
FcomplexT(const FcomplexT< T2 > & in)
Default copy constructor.
FcomplexT(const std::complex< T > & in)
Constructor from a C++ complex type.
FcomplexT(const T & in)
Constructor from a single instance of some type.
template <typename T2 >
FcomplexT &
operator=(const FcomplexT< T2 > & in)
Assignment from another Fortran complex type.
FcomplexT &operator=(const std::complex< T > & in)
Assignment from a C++ complex type.
FcomplexT &operator=(const T & in)
Assignment from a single instance of some type.
template <typename T2 >
operator FcomplexT< T2 >()
Type casting to another Fortran complex type.
operator std::complex< T >()
Type casting to a C++ complex type.
Tabs() const
template <typename T2 >
operator*(const FcomplexT< T2 > & in)
template <typename T2 >
operator/(const FcomplexT< T2 > & in)

Public Attributes


Detailed Description

template <typename T >
class Gambit::FcomplexT;

Fortran complex type. Use typdef versions instead of the DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE add new member variables to this class!

Public Functions Documentation

function FcomplexT

inline FcomplexT()

Default constructor.

function ~FcomplexT

inline ~FcomplexT()

Default destructor.

function FcomplexT

template <typename T2 >
inline FcomplexT(
    const FcomplexT< T2 > & in

Default copy constructor.

function FcomplexT

inline FcomplexT(
    const std::complex< T > & in

Constructor from a C++ complex type.

function FcomplexT

inline FcomplexT(
    const T & in

Constructor from a single instance of some type.

function operator=

template <typename T2 >
inline FcomplexT & operator=(
    const FcomplexT< T2 > & in

Assignment from another Fortran complex type.

function operator=

inline FcomplexT & operator=(
    const std::complex< T > & in

Assignment from a C++ complex type.

function operator=

inline FcomplexT & operator=(
    const T & in

Assignment from a single instance of some type.

function operator FcomplexT< T2 >

template <typename T2 >
inline operator FcomplexT< T2 >()

Type casting to another Fortran complex type.

function operator std::complex< T >

inline operator std::complex< T >()

Type casting to a C++ complex type.

function abs

inline T abs() const

function operator*

template <typename T2 >
inline FcomplexT operator*(
    const FcomplexT< T2 > & in

function operator/

template <typename T2 >
inline FcomplexT operator/(
    const FcomplexT< T2 > & in

Public Attributes Documentation

variable re

T re;

variable im

T im;

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:31 +0000