class Gambit::DecayTable::Entry

DecayTable entry class. Holds the info on all decays of a given particle.

#include <decay_table.hpp>

Public Functions

voidset_BF(double BF, double error, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & daughters)
Set branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
voidset_BF(double BF, double error, const std::vector< str > & daughters)
Set branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 2. full particle names (vector)
template <typename… Args>
set_BF(double BF, double error, std::pair< int, int > p1, Args… args)
template <typename… Args>
set_BF(double BF, double error, str p1, Args… args)
boolhas_channel(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & daughters) const
Check if a given final state exists in this DecayTable::Entry. 1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
boolhas_channel(const std::vector< str > & daughters) const
Check if a given final state exists in this DecayTable::Entry. 2. full particle names (vector)
template <typename… Args>
has_channel(std::pair< int, int > p1, Args… args) const
template <typename… Args>
has_channel(str p1, Args… args) const
doubleBF(const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & daughters) const
Retrieve branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
doubleBF(const std::vector< str > & daughters) const
Retrieve branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 2. full particle names (vector)
template <typename… Args>
BF(std::pair< int, int > p1, Args… args) const
template <typename… Args>
BF(str p1, Args… args) const
template <typename… Args>
BF_error(std::pair< int, int > p1, Args… args) const
template <typename… Args>
BF_error(str p1, Args… args) const
template <typename… Args>
std::pair< double, double >
BF_with_error(std::pair< int, int > p1, Args… args) const
template <typename… Args>
std::pair< double, double >
BF_with_error(str p1, Args… args) const
SLHAea::BlockgetSLHAea_block(int v, str p, bool include_zero_bfs =false, const mass_es_pseudonyms & psn =mass_es_pseudonyms()) const
SLHAea::BlockgetSLHAea_block(int v, str p, int i, bool include_zero_bfs =false, const mass_es_pseudonyms & psn =mass_es_pseudonyms()) const
SLHAea::BlockgetSLHAea_block(int v, std::pair< int, int > p, bool include_zero_bfs =false, const mass_es_pseudonyms & psn =mass_es_pseudonyms()) const
Default constructor.
Entry(double width)
Constructor taking total width.
Entry(const SLHAea::Block & block, int context =0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates =false, str calculator ="", str calculator_version ="")
Constructor creating a DecayTableEntry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version.
Entry(const SLHAea::Block & block, SLHAea::Block::const_iterator block_def, int context =0, bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates =false, str calculator ="", str calculator_version ="")
Constructor creating a DecayTableEntry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version; version assuming block def is already known.
doublesum_BF() const
Sum up the partial widths and return the result.

Public Attributes

Total particle width (in GeV)
Positive error on width.
Negative error on width.
Name of the code (backend or otherwise) used for calculating this entry.
Version of the code used for calculating this entry.
Warnings from the calculator.
Errors from the calculator.
std::map< std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > >, std::pair< double, double > >channels

Public Functions Documentation

function set_BF

void set_BF(
    double BF,
    double error,
    const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & daughters

Set branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)

Set branching fraction for decay to a given final state. Supports arbitrarily many final state particles. Five ways to specify final states:

  1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
  2. full particle names (vector)
  3. PDG-context integer pairs (arguments)
  4. full particle names (arguments)
  5. short particle names + index integers (arguments)

function set_BF

void set_BF(
    double BF,
    double error,
    const std::vector< str > & daughters

Set branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 2. full particle names (vector)

function set_BF

template <typename... Args>
inline void set_BF(
    double BF,
    double error,
    std::pair< int, int > p1,
    Args... args

function set_BF

template <typename... Args>
inline void set_BF(
    double BF,
    double error,
    str p1,
    Args... args

function has_channel

bool has_channel(
    const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & daughters
) const

Check if a given final state exists in this DecayTable::Entry. 1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)

Check if a given final state exists in this DecayTable::Entry. Supports arbitrarily many final state particles. Five ways to specify final states:

  1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
  2. full particle names (vector)
  3. PDG-context integer pairs (arguments)
  4. full particle names (arguments)
  5. short particle names + index integers (arguments)

function has_channel

bool has_channel(
    const std::vector< str > & daughters
) const

Check if a given final state exists in this DecayTable::Entry. 2. full particle names (vector)

function has_channel

template <typename... Args>
inline bool has_channel(
    std::pair< int, int > p1,
    Args... args
) const

function has_channel

template <typename... Args>
inline bool has_channel(
    str p1,
    Args... args
) const

function BF

double BF(
    const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > & daughters
) const

Retrieve branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)

Retrieve branching fraction for decay to a given final state. Five ways to specify final states:

  1. PDG-context integer pairs (vector)
  2. full particle names (vector)
  3. PDG-context integer pairs (arguments)
  4. full particle names (arguments)
  5. short particle names + index integers (arguments) Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.

function BF

double BF(
    const std::vector< str > & daughters
) const

Retrieve branching fraction for decay to a given final state. 2. full particle names (vector)

function BF

template <typename... Args>
inline double BF(
    std::pair< int, int > p1,
    Args... args
) const

function BF

template <typename... Args>
inline double BF(
    str p1,
    Args... args
) const

function BF_error

template <typename... Args>
inline double BF_error(
    std::pair< int, int > p1,
    Args... args
) const

Retrieve branching fraction error for decay to a given final state. Three ways to specify final states: PDG-context integer pairs, full particle names, short particle names + index integers. Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.

function BF_error

template <typename... Args>
inline double BF_error(
    str p1,
    Args... args
) const

function BF_with_error

template <typename... Args>
inline std::pair< double, double > BF_with_error(
    std::pair< int, int > p1,
    Args... args
) const

Retrieve branching fraction and error for decay to a given final state. Three ways to specify final states: PDG-context integer pairs, full particle names, short particle names + index integers. Supports arbitrarily many final state particles.

function BF_with_error

template <typename... Args>
inline std::pair< double, double > BF_with_error(
    str p1,
    Args... args
) const

function getSLHAea_block

SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(
    int v,
    str p,
    bool include_zero_bfs =false,
    const mass_es_pseudonyms & psn =mass_es_pseudonyms()
) const

Output this entry as an SLHAea DECAY block, using input parameter to identify the mother particle.

Output a decay table entry as an SLHAea DECAY block

function getSLHAea_block

SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(
    int v,
    str p,
    int i,
    bool include_zero_bfs =false,
    const mass_es_pseudonyms & psn =mass_es_pseudonyms()
) const

function getSLHAea_block

SLHAea::Block getSLHAea_block(
    int v,
    std::pair< int, int > p,
    bool include_zero_bfs =false,
    const mass_es_pseudonyms & psn =mass_es_pseudonyms()
) const

function Entry

inline Entry()

Default constructor.

function Entry

inline Entry(
    double width

Constructor taking total width.

function Entry

    const SLHAea::Block & block,
    int context =0,
    bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates =false,
    str calculator ="",
    str calculator_version =""

Constructor creating a DecayTableEntry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version.

function Entry

    const SLHAea::Block & block,
    SLHAea::Block::const_iterator block_def,
    int context =0,
    bool force_SM_fermion_gauge_eigenstates =false,
    str calculator ="",
    str calculator_version =""

Constructor creating a DecayTableEntry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version; version assuming block def is already known.

Constructor creating a DecayTableEntry from an SLHAea DECAY block; full version; version assuming block def is already known

function sum_BF

double sum_BF() const

Sum up the partial widths and return the result.

Sum up the branching fractions for a single particle’s entry and return the result.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable width_in_GeV

double width_in_GeV;

Total particle width (in GeV)

variable positive_error

double positive_error;

Positive error on width.

variable negative_error

double negative_error;

Negative error on width.

variable calculator

str calculator;

Name of the code (backend or otherwise) used for calculating this entry.

variable calculator_version

str calculator_version;

Version of the code used for calculating this entry.

variable warnings

str warnings;

Warnings from the calculator.

variable errors

str errors;

Errors from the calculator.

variable channels

std::map< std::multiset< std::pair< int, int > >, std::pair< double, double > > channels;

The actual underlying map of channels to their BFs. Just iterate over this directly if you need to iterate over all decays of this particle.

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:30 +0000