class Gambit::DarkBit::SimYieldTable

Channel container Object containing tabularized yields for particle decay and two-body final states.

#include <DarkBit_types.hpp>

Public Functions

Sim yield table dummy constructor.
voidaddChannel(daFunk::Funk dNdE, const std::string & p1, const std::string & p2, const std::string & finalState, double Ecm_min, double Ecm_max, safe_ptr< Options > runOptions)
voidaddChannel(daFunk::Funk dNdE, const std::string & p1, const std::string & finalState, double Ecm_min, double Ecm_max, safe_ptr< Options > runOptions)
voidaddChannel(SimYieldChannel channel)
voidreplaceFinalState(const std::string & oldFinalState, const std::string & newFinalState)
voiddonateChannels(SimYieldTable & receiver) const
boolhasChannel(const std::string & p1, const std::string & p2, const std::string & finalState) const
boolhasChannel(const std::string & p1, const std::string & finalState) const
boolhasAnyChannel(const std::string & p1) const
boolhasAnyChannel(const std::string & p1, const std::string & p2) const
const SimYieldChannel &getChannel(const std::string & p1, const std::string & p2, const std::string & finalState) const
daFunk::Funkoperator()(const std::string & p1, const std::string & p2, const std::string & finalState, double Ecm) const
Retrieve simyield table entries at given center of mass energy (GeV)
daFunk::Funkoperator()(const std::string & p1, const std::string & finalState, double Ecm) const
Retrieve simyield table entries at given center of mass energy (GeV)
daFunk::Funkoperator()(const std::string & p1, const std::string & p2, const std::string & finalState) const
Retrieve simyield table entries at given center of mass energy (GeV)
daFunk::Funkoperator()(const std::string & p1, const std::string & finalState) const

Public Functions Documentation

function SimYieldTable


Sim yield table dummy constructor.

function addChannel

void addChannel(
    daFunk::Funk dNdE,
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & p2,
    const std::string & finalState,
    double Ecm_min,
    double Ecm_max,
    safe_ptr< Options > runOptions

function addChannel

void addChannel(
    daFunk::Funk dNdE,
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & finalState,
    double Ecm_min,
    double Ecm_max,
    safe_ptr< Options > runOptions

function addChannel

void addChannel(
    SimYieldChannel channel

function replaceFinalState

void replaceFinalState(
    const std::string & oldFinalState,
    const std::string & newFinalState

function donateChannels

void donateChannels(
    SimYieldTable & receiver
) const

function hasChannel

bool hasChannel(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & p2,
    const std::string & finalState
) const

function hasChannel

bool hasChannel(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & finalState
) const

function hasAnyChannel

bool hasAnyChannel(
    const std::string & p1
) const

function hasAnyChannel

bool hasAnyChannel(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & p2
) const

function getChannel

const SimYieldChannel & getChannel(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & p2,
    const std::string & finalState
) const

function operator()

daFunk::Funk operator()(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & p2,
    const std::string & finalState,
    double Ecm
) const

Retrieve simyield table entries at given center of mass energy (GeV)

function operator()

daFunk::Funk operator()(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & finalState,
    double Ecm
) const

Retrieve simyield table entries at given center of mass energy (GeV)

function operator()

daFunk::Funk operator()(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & p2,
    const std::string & finalState
) const

Retrieve simyield table entries at given center of mass energy (GeV)

function operator()

daFunk::Funk operator()(
    const std::string & p1,
    const std::string & finalState
) const

Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000