class Gambit::CosmoBit::Primordial_ps

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#include <CosmoBit_types.hpp>

Public Functions

voidset_N_pivot(double npiv)
Fill k from an array of doubles.
voidfill_k(double * k_array, int len)
voidfill_P_s(double * P_s_array, int len)
voidfill_P_s_iso(double * P_s_iso_array, int len)
voidfill_P_t(double * P_t_array, int len)
std::vector< double > &get_k()
std::vector< double > &get_P_s()
std::vector< double > &get_P_t()
std::vector< double > &get_P_s_iso()

Detailed Description

class Gambit::CosmoBit::Primordial_ps;

Class containing the primordial power spectrum. Members:

  • vector of modes k (1/Mpc)
  • scalar power spectrum of these modes P_s(k) (dimensionless)
  • tensor power spectrum of these modes P_t(k) (dimensionless)
  • scalar power spectrum of isocurvature modes P_s_iso(k) (dimensionless)

Public Functions Documentation

function Primordial_ps

inline Primordial_ps()

function ~Primordial_ps

inline ~Primordial_ps()

function set_N_pivot

inline void set_N_pivot(
    double npiv

Fill k from an array of doubles.

function fill_k

void fill_k(
    double * k_array,
    int len

function fill_P_s

void fill_P_s(
    double * P_s_array,
    int len

function fill_P_s_iso

void fill_P_s_iso(
    double * P_s_iso_array,
    int len

function fill_P_t

void fill_P_t(
    double * P_t_array,
    int len

function get_N_pivot

inline double get_N_pivot()

function get_k

inline std::vector< double > & get_k()

function get_P_s

inline std::vector< double > & get_P_s()

function get_P_t

inline std::vector< double > & get_P_t()

function get_P_s_iso

inline std::vector< double > & get_P_s_iso()

function get_vec_size

inline int get_vec_size()

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:31 +0000