class Gambit::ColliderBit::L3NeutralinoLeptonicLimitAt188pt6GeV

A class to contain the limit data from L3PLB_472_2000_420, figure 3b.

#include <L3GauginoLimits.hpp>

Inherits from Gambit::ColliderBit::BaseLimitContainer

Public Functions

virtual P2convertPt(double x, double y) const
Convert a point from pixel units to axis units.
virtual boolisWithinExclusionRegion(double x, double y, double mZ) const
Check to see if the point is within the exclusion region.

Additional inherited members

Protected Types inherited from Gambit::ColliderBit::BaseLimitContainer

typedef std::vector< P2 >Corners
typedef std::vector< LineSegment >Contours
typedef Contours *ContoursPointer
typedef std::map< unsigned, Contours * >LimitContours
typedef std::pair< unsigned, Contours * >LimitContourEntry

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::ColliderBit::BaseLimitContainer

virtual doublespecialLimit(double , double ) const
Return the limit value outside of the exclusion region.
doublelimitAverage(double x, double y, double mZ) const
Two-pi averaging interpolator to find limits between limit curves.
voiddumpPlotData(double xlow, double xhigh, double ylow, double yhigh, double mZ, std::string filename, int ngrid =100) const
Dump limit average data into a file for average debugging.
voiddumpLightPlotData(std::string filename, int nperLine =20) const
Dump input limit contour data into a file for limit debugging.

Protected Attributes inherited from Gambit::ColliderBit::BaseLimitContainer

std::vector< double >_limitValuesSorted

Public Functions Documentation

function convertPt

virtual P2 convertPt(
    double x,
    double y
) const

Convert a point from pixel units to axis units.

Reimplements: Gambit::ColliderBit::BaseLimitContainer::convertPt

function isWithinExclusionRegion

virtual bool isWithinExclusionRegion(
    double x,
    double y,
    double mZ
) const

Check to see if the point is within the exclusion region.

Reimplements: Gambit::ColliderBit::BaseLimitContainer::isWithinExclusionRegion

function L3NeutralinoLeptonicLimitAt188pt6GeV


Updated on 2025-02-12 at 16:10:32 +0000