class Gambit::ColliderBit::Dijet_analysis_info

A class to hold analysis information for DiJets (specific to DMsimp models)

Public Functions

voidadd_interp1d(str name, str filename, std::vector< str > colnames)
voidadd_interp2d_simple(str name, str filename, std::vector< str > colnames)
const Utils::interp1d_gsl_collection &get_interp1d(str name) const
Utils::interp2d_collection &get_interp2d_simple(str name) const

Public Attributes

std::map< str, std::unique_ptr< Utils::interp1d_gsl_collection > >interp1d
std::map< str, std::unique_ptr< Utils::interp2d_collection > >interp2d_simple

Public Functions Documentation

function add_interp1d

inline void add_interp1d(
    str name,
    str filename,
    std::vector< str > colnames

function add_interp2d_simple

inline void add_interp2d_simple(
    str name,
    str filename,
    std::vector< str > colnames

function get_interp1d

inline const Utils::interp1d_gsl_collection & get_interp1d(
    str name
) const

function get_interp2d_simple

inline Utils::interp2d_collection & get_interp2d_simple(
    str name
) const

Public Attributes Documentation

variable name

str name;

variable interp1d

std::map< str, std::unique_ptr< Utils::interp1d_gsl_collection > > interp1d;

variable interp2d_simple

std::map< str, std::unique_ptr< Utils::interp2d_collection > > interp2d_simple;

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:31 +0000