class Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb

ATLAS Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 139/fb of data. More…

Inherits from Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis

Public Functions

voidrun(const Event * event)
virtual voidcombine(const Analysis * other)
Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.
virtual voidcollect_results()
Register results objects with the results for each SR; obs & bkg numbers from the CONF note.

Protected Functions

virtual voidanalysis_specific_reset()
Reset the analysis-specific variables.

Public Attributes

constexpr const char *detector
std::map< string, EventCounter >_counters

Additional inherited members

Public Functions inherited from Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis

voidanalyze(const HEPUtils::Event & e)
Analyze the event (accessed by reference).
voidanalyze(const HEPUtils::Event * e)
Analyze the event (accessed by pointer).
voidadd(Analysis * other)
Add the results of another analysis to this one. Argument is not const, because the other needs to be able to gather its results if necessary.
Public method to reset this instance for reuse, avoiding the need for “new” or “delete”.
doubleluminosity() const
Return the integrated luminosity.
voidset_luminosity(double lumi)
Set the integrated luminosity.
voidset_analysis_name(str aname)
Set the analysis name.
Get the analysis name.
const AnalysisData &get_results()
Get the collection of SignalRegionData for likelihood computation.
const AnalysisData &get_results(str & warning)
An overload of get_results() with some additional consistency checks.
AnalysisData *get_results_ptr()
Get a (non-const!) pointer to _results.
AnalysisData *get_results_ptr(str & warning)
An overload of get_results_ptr() with some additional consistency checks.
voidscale(double xsec_per_event)
Scale by xsec per event.

Protected Functions inherited from Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis

voidadd_result(const SignalRegionData & sr)
Add the given result to the internal results list.
voidset_covariance(const Eigen::MatrixXd & srcov)
Set the covariance matrix, expressing SR correlations.
voidset_covariance(const std::vector< std::vector< double > > & srcov)
A convenience function for setting the SR covariance from a nested vector/initialiser list.
voidset_bkgjson(const std::string & bkgpath)
A convenience function for setting the path to the ATLAS FullLikes BKG Json file.

Detailed Description

class Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb;

ATLAS Run 2 0-lepton jet+MET SUSY analysis, with 139/fb of data.

Originally based on this confnote: Updated to the paper version:

Public Functions Documentation

function Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb

inline Analysis_ATLAS_13TeV_0LEP_139invfb()

function run

inline void run(
    const Event * event

TodoCompute from hard objects instead?

TodoDrop b-tag if pT < 50 GeV or |eta| > 2.5?

TodoApply a random 9% loss / 0.91 reweight for jet quality criteria?

TodoAnd tight ID for high purity… used where?

Within 0.2, discard the jet based on jet track vs. muon criteria… can’t be done yet

TodoAnd tight ID for high purity… used where?

TodoUse weighting instead

function combine

inline virtual void combine(
    const Analysis * other

Combine the variables of another copy of this analysis (typically on another thread) into this one.

Reimplements: Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis::combine

function collect_results

inline virtual void collect_results()

Register results objects with the results for each SR; obs & bkg numbers from the CONF note.

Reimplements: Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis::collect_results

Protected Functions Documentation

function analysis_specific_reset

inline virtual void analysis_specific_reset()

Reset the analysis-specific variables.

Reimplements: Gambit::ColliderBit::Analysis::analysis_specific_reset

Public Attributes Documentation

variable detector

static constexpr const char * detector = "ATLAS";

variable _counters

std::map< string, EventCounter > _counters = {
          {"2j-1600", EventCounter("2j-1600")},
          {"2j-2200", EventCounter("2j-2200")},
          {"2j-2800", EventCounter("2j-2800")},
          {"4j-1000", EventCounter("4j-1000")},
          {"4j-2200", EventCounter("4j-2200")},
          {"4j-3400", EventCounter("4j-3400")},
          {"5j-1600", EventCounter("5j-1600")},
          {"6j-1000", EventCounter("6j-1000")},
          {"6j-2200", EventCounter("6j-2200")},
          {"6j-3400", EventCounter("6j-3400")},

variable _cutflows

Cutflows _cutflows;

Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:30 +0000