class Gambit::backend_functor< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >
Template specialisation for non-variadic, void backend functions. More…
#include <functors.hpp>
Inherits from Gambit::backend_functor_common< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >, Gambit::functor
Public Functions
Name | |
backend_functor(void(*)(ARGS…) inputFunction, str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type, str origin_name, str origin_version, str safe_version, str citation_key, Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw) Constructor. | |
virtual | ~backend_functor() Destructor. |
void | operator()(ARGS &&… args) Operation (execute function) |
Additional inherited members
Protected Types inherited from Gambit::backend_functor_common< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >
Name | |
typedef PTR_TYPE | funcPtrType Type of the function pointer being encapsulated. |
Public Functions inherited from Gambit::backend_functor_common< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >
Name | |
backend_functor_common(funcPtrType inputFunction, str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type, str origin_name, str origin_version, str origin_safe_version, str citation_key, Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw) Constructor. | |
virtual | ~backend_functor_common() Destructor. |
void | updatePointer(funcPtrType inputFunction) Update the internal function pointer wrapped by the functor. |
funcPtrType | handoutFunctionPointer() Hand out the internal function pointer wrapped by the functor. |
safe_ptr< bool > | inUsePtr() Hand out a safe pointer to this backend functor’s inUse flag. |
virtual str | version() const Getter for the version of the wrapped function’s backend. |
virtual str | safe_version() const Getter for the ‘safe’ incarnation of the version of the wrapped function’s backend. |
Protected Functions inherited from Gambit::backend_functor_common< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >
Name | |
virtual void | setInUse(bool flag) Set the inUse flag. |
Protected Attributes inherited from Gambit::backend_functor_common< void(*)(ARGS…), void, ARGS… >
Name | |
funcPtrType | myFunction Internal storage of function pointer. |
int | myLogTag Integer LogTag, for tagging log messages. |
str | myVersion Internal storage of the version of the backend to which the function belongs. |
str | mySafeVersion Internal storage of the ‘safe’ version of the version (for use in namespaces, variable names, etc). |
bool | inUse Flag indicating if this backend functor is actually in use in a given scan. |
Public Functions inherited from Gambit::functor
Name | |
virtual double | getRuntimeAverage() |
virtual double | getInvalidationRate() |
virtual void | setFadeRate(double ) |
virtual void | notifyOfInvalidation(const str & ) |
virtual void | reset() |
functor(str func_name, str func_capability, str result_type, str origin_name, Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw) Constructor. | |
virtual | ~functor() Destructor. |
virtual void | calculate() Virtual calculate(); needs to be redefined in daughters. |
virtual void | reset_and_calculate() Reset-then-recalculate method. |
void | setStatus(FunctorStatus stat) Setter for status. |
virtual void | setInUse(bool ) Set the inUse flag (must be overridden in derived class to have any effect). |
void | setPurpose(str purpose) Setter for purpose (relevant only for next-to-output functors) |
void | setVertexID(int ID) Setter for vertex ID (used in printer system) |
void | setTimingVertexID(int ID) Set ID for timing ‘vertex’ (used in printer system) |
str | name() const Getter for the wrapped function’s name. |
str | capability() const Getter for the wrapped function’s reported capability. |
str | type() const Getter for the wrapped function’s reported return type. |
str | origin() const Getter for the wrapped function’s origin (module or backend name) |
virtual str | version() const Getter for the version of the wrapped function’s origin (module or backend) |
virtual str | safe_version() const Getter for the ‘safe’ incarnation of the version of the wrapped function’s origin (module or backend) |
FunctorStatus | status() const Getter for the functors current status. |
bool | isAvailable() const Checks whether the functor is available (or even already activated) |
bool | isActive() const Checks whether the functor is active. |
bool | isDisabled() const Checks whether the functor is disabled (discriminant is negative) |
bool | isEnabled() const Checks whether the functor is enabled (discriminant is non negative) |
sspair | quantity() const Getter for the overall quantity provided by the wrapped function (capability-type pair) |
str | purpose() const Getter for purpose (relevant for output nodes, aka helper structures for the dep. resolution) |
str | citationKey() const Getter for the citation key. |
int | vertexID() const Getter for vertex ID. |
int | timingVertexID() const Getter for timing vertex ID. |
str | label() const Getter for string label. |
str | timingLabel() const Getter for the printer timing label. |
virtual bool | requiresPrinting() const Getter indicating if the wrapped function’s result should to be printed. |
virtual bool | requiresTimingPrinting() const Getter indicating if the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed. |
virtual void | setPrintRequirement(bool flag) Setter for indicating if the wrapped function’s result should to be printed. |
virtual void | setTimingPrintRequirement(bool flag) Setter for indicating if the timing data for this function’s execution should be printed. |
virtual void | setNestedList(std::vector< functor * > & ) Set the ordered list of pointers to other functors that should run nested in a loop managed by this one. |
virtual void | setIteration(long long ) Set the iteration number in a loop in which this functor runs. |
virtual bool | canBeLoopManager() Getter for revealing whether this is permitted to be a manager functor. |
virtual bool | needsLoopManager() Getter for revealing whether this functor needs a loop manager. |
virtual str | loopManagerCapability() Getter for revealing the required capability of the wrapped function’s loop manager. |
virtual str | loopManagerType() Getter for revealing the required type of the wrapped function’s loop manager. |
virtual str | loopManagerName() Getter for revealing the name of the wrapped function’s assigned loop manager. |
virtual str | loopManagerOrigin() Getter for revealing the module of the wrapped function’s assigned loop manager. |
virtual void | breakLoop() Tell the functor that the loop it manages should break now. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | dependencies() Getter for listing currently activated dependencies. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backendclassloading() Getter for listing backends that require class loading. |
virtual std::set< str > | backendgroups() Getter for listing backend requirement groups. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backendreqs() Getter for listing all backend requirements. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backendreqs(str ) Getter for listing backend requirements from a specific group. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backendspermitted(sspair ) Getter for listing permitted backends. |
virtual std::set< str > | backendreq_tags(sspair ) Getter for listing tags associated with backend requirements. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | forcematchingbackend(str ) Getter for listing backend requirements that must be resolved from the same backend. |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backend_conditional_dependencies(str , str , str , str ) Getter for listing backend-specific conditional dependencies (4-string version) |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backend_conditional_dependencies(str req, str type, str be) Getter for backend-specific conditional dependencies (3-string version) |
virtual std::set< sspair > | backend_conditional_dependencies(functor * be_functor) Getter for backend-specific conditional dependencies (backend functor pointer version) |
virtual std::set< sspair > | model_conditional_dependencies(str model) Getter for listing model-specific conditional dependencies (matches also on parents and friends) |
virtual std::set< sspair > | model_conditional_dependencies_exact(str model) Getter for listing model-specific conditional dependencies (matches on the exact model) |
virtual std::set< sspair > | model_conditional_backend_reqs(str model) Getter for listing model-specific conditional backend requirements (matches also on parents and friends) |
virtual std::set< sspair > | model_conditional_backend_reqs_exact(str model) Getter for listing model-specific conditional backend requirements (matches on the exact model) |
virtual void | resolveDependency(functor * ) Resolve a dependency using a pointer to another functor object. |
virtual void | resolveLoopManager(functor * ) Set this functor’s loop manager (if it has one) |
virtual void | resolveBackendReq(functor * ) Resolve a backend requirement using a pointer to another functor object. |
virtual void | notifyOfModel(str ) Notify the functor that a certain model is being scanned, so that it can activate itself accordingly. |
virtual void | notifyOfDependee(functor * ) Notify the functor that it is being used to fill a dependency of another functor. |
virtual void | notifyOfBackends(std::map< str, std::set< str > > ) Indicate to the functor which backends are actually loaded and working. |
virtual void | print(Printers::BasePrinter * printer, const int pointID, int thread_num) Printer function. |
virtual void | print(Printers::BasePrinter * printer, const int pointID) Printer function (no-thread-index short-circuit) |
virtual invalid_point_exception * | retrieve_invalid_point_exception() Retrieve the previously saved exception generated when this functor invalidated the current point in model space. |
void | notifyOfIniOptions(const Options & opt) |
template <typename TYPE > void | setOption(const str & key, const TYPE val) Set an option for the functor directly (for use in standalone executables). |
safe_ptr< Options > | getOptions() Return a safe pointer to the options that this functor is supposed to run with (e.g. from the ini file). |
void | notifyOfSubCaps(const str & subcap_string) Notify the functor about a string in YAML that contains the sub-capability information (for use in standalones) |
void | notifyOfSubCaps(const Options & subcaps) Notify the functor about an instance of the options class that contains sub-capability information. |
template <typename TYPE > void | setSubCap(const str & key, const TYPE val) Set a sub-capability (subcap)for the functor directly (for use in standalone executables). |
safe_ptr< Options > | getSubCaps() Return a safe pointer to the subcaps that this functor realises it is supposed to facilitate downstream calculation of. |
safe_ptr< std::set< sspair > > | getDependees() Return a safe pointer to the vector of all capability,type pairs of functors arranged downstream of this one in the dependency tree. |
const std::set< str > & | getAllowedModels() Getter for listing allowed models. |
const std::set< str > & | getConditionalModels() Getter for listing conditional models. |
const std::map< str, std::set< str > > & | getModelGroups() Getter for map of model groups and the set of models in each group. |
bool | allModelsAllowed() Test whether the functor is allowed to be used with all models. |
bool | modelAllowed(str model) Test whether the functor is always allowed (either explicitly or implicitly) to be used with a given model. |
bool | modelExplicitlyAllowed(str model) Test whether the functor is explictly always allowed to be used with a given model. |
void | setAllowedModel(str model) Add a model to the internal list of models for which this functor is allowed to be used. |
bool | modelComboAllowed(std::set< str > combo) Test whether the functor is allowed (either explicitly or implicitly) to be used with a given combination of models. |
bool | modelComboExplicitlyAllowed(std::set< str > combo) Test whether the functor has been explictly allowed to be used with a given combination of models. |
void | setModelGroup(str group, str contents) Add a model group definition to the internal list of model groups. |
void | setAllowedModelGroupCombo(str groups) Add a combination of model groups to the internal list of combinations for which this functor is allowed to be used. |
void | addMatchedObservable(const DRes::Observable * obs) Add an observable to the set of those that this functor matches. |
const std::set< const DRes::Observable * > & | getMatchedObservables() Retrieve the set of observables that this functor matches. |
void | addMatchedModuleRule(const DRes::ModuleRule * r) Add a module rule to the set of those against which this functor has been tested and found to match. |
void | addMatchedBackendRule(const DRes::BackendRule * r) Add a backend rule to the set of those against which this functor has been tested and found to match. |
const std::set< const DRes::ModuleRule * > & | getMatchedModuleRules() Retrieve the set of module rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match. |
const std::set< const DRes::BackendRule * > & | getMatchedBackendRules() Retrieve the set of backend rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match. |
template <class RuleT > const std::set< RuleT * > & | getMatchedRules() Retrieve matched rules by type. |
const std::set< const DRes::ModuleRule * > & | getMatchedRules() |
Protected Functions inherited from Gambit::functor
Name | |
virtual void | reset(int ) Reset functor for one thread only. |
void | failBigTime(str method) Attempt to retrieve a dependency or model parameter that has not been resolved. |
bool | allowed_parent_or_friend_exists(str model) Test if there is a model in the functor’s allowedModels list as which this model can be interpreted. |
bool | in_allowed_combo(str model) Check that a model is actually part of a combination that is allowed to be used with this functor. |
bool | contains_anything_interpretable_as_member_of(std::set< str > combo, str group) Test whether any of the entries in a given model group is a valid interpretation of any members in a given combination. |
bool | has_common_elements(std::set< str > combo, str group) Work out whether a given combination of models and a model group have any elements in common. |
str | find_friend_or_parent_model_in_map(str model, std::map< str, std::set< sspair > > karta) Try to find a parent or friend model in some user-supplied map from models to sspair vectors. |
Protected Attributes inherited from Gambit::functor
Name | |
str | myName Internal storage of the function name. |
str | myCapability Internal storage of exactly what the function calculates. |
str | myType Internal storage of the type of what the function calculates. |
str | myOrigin Internal storage of the name of the module or backend to which the function belongs. |
str | myPurpose Purpose of the function (relevant for output and next-to-output functors) |
str | myCitationKey Citation key: BibTex key of the reference. |
const Models::ModelFunctorClaw * | myClaw Bound model functor claw, for checking relationships between models. |
const str | myLabel String label, used to label functor results for printer system. |
const str | myTimingLabel String label, used to label functor timing data for printer system. |
FunctorStatus | myStatus Status: |
int | myVertexID Internal storage of the vertex ID number used by the printer system to identify functors. |
int | myTimingVertexID ID assigned by printers to the timing data output stream. |
bool | verbose Debug flag. |
Options | myOptions Internal storage of function options, as a YAML node. |
Options | mySubCaps Internal storage of function sub-capabilities, as a YAML node. |
std::set< sspair > | myDependees List of all capability,type pairs of functors downstream of this one in the dependency tree. |
std::set< str > | allowedModels List of allowed models. |
std::set< str > | conditionalModels List of conditional models. |
std::set< std::set< str > > | allowedGroupCombos List of allowed model group combinations. |
std::map< str, std::set< str > > | modelGroups Map from model group names to group contents. |
std::set< const DRes::Observable * > | matched_observables The set of observables that this functor matches. |
std::set< const DRes::ModuleRule * > | matched_module_rules Set of module rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match. |
std::set< const DRes::BackendRule * > | matched_backend_rules Set of backend rules against which this functor has been tested and found to match. |
Detailed Description
template <typename... ARGS>
class Gambit::backend_functor< void(*)(ARGS...), void, ARGS... >;
Template specialisation for non-variadic, void backend functions.
Public Functions Documentation
function backend_functor
void(*)(ARGS...) inputFunction,
str func_name,
str func_capability,
str result_type,
str origin_name,
str origin_version,
str safe_version,
str citation_key,
Models::ModelFunctorClaw & claw
function ~backend_functor
inline virtual ~backend_functor()
function operator()
void operator()(
ARGS &&... args
Operation (execute function)
Operation (execute function and return value)
Updated on 2024-07-18 at 13:53:30 +0000